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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. I'm not playing OFF ever again!

    I might try the Vitamin D...I get quite depressed in the winter
  2. Amazing images

    Holy cow!...That's almost armaggedon looking!...If I saw that in England, I would foul myself!!
  3. I like Dogs...can we have some Border Collies to round up the sheep?
  4. Microsoft Security Essentials

    Apparently, there has been some malware written designed to attack Mac's now too
  5. Microsoft Security Essentials

    hmmm....Just one issue....Microsoft
  6. I have the Asus P5Q also...a great board... I swear I will never buy another Gigabyte Mobo...both personally, and professionally...had nowt but issues with them
  7. Leslie Nielsen Dies

    "This man needs a Hospital" " A Hospital?...What is it?" "It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now" Classic...sadly missed RIP
  8. Old Speckled Hen for the Widow old chap please?
  9. OT: Game Over for World of Warcraft

    One game not mentioned here, but is certainly worthy of note is Dark Messiah, Heroes of Might and Magic...Budget game now, but the most gory, brilliantly enjoyable Hack n Slash ever/coupled with a good plot Highly recommended
  10. I never realised just how many Drugs and Alcohol products were available in the Trenches!...saw a documentary on the First World War last week about it.
  11. The 'replacements' are coming through thick and fast...how long will this one last?...two weeks?...three? But seriously Dokken....welcome to the Front!
  12. OT..What's your favourite Christmas Carol?

    A beautiful song indeed Olham
  13. OT: Game Over for World of Warcraft

    I couldn't agree more BH My Charecter is 388 days old now, I had two Castle's (sadly lost one to those bastard Vaegirs)...which is why I show no mercy whatsoever, and loot burn and Kill every man woman and Child in their filthy Villages!!..GRRRRR I love playing an evil warlord!...much more fun than a goody two shoes anyday! The fact there are so many Mods available too is fantastic!...I have a Napoleonic mod which I really enjoy, and had a Roman one, which was great also. They will reside on my HDD for a long time to come...the Combat is second to none
  14. OT: Game Over for World of Warcraft

    I am a big fan of Mount and Blade..it's easy to get into...and really hard to get out of!
  15. Videogamegeek

    Nice one Jaa.... the more the word goes out, the better
  16. Tears as last Harrier jets leave Ark Royal

    Just one more example of short-sighted incompetence in Whitehall...If I was an Argentinian Military advisor, I would a) Be rubbing my hands together in Glee b) Be assembling an invasion force, and printing up 'Malvinas' road signs. The trouble with the Coalition Government, is that it has f******* Liberals included with it!!! The only good news, is that no-one will ever vote Liberal Democrat ever again...enjoy your 15 minutes of Fame Nick Clegg...it will be your last. My Advice to the Falkland inhabitants and the Population of England, Wales and Scotland? Move to Ireland!!!
  17. Thanksgiving in the U.S.!

    I echo Slarti's comment!...have a good one, don't get too drunk, and if you do..LEAVE the Car at home!
  18. Anyone flown this Flight Simulator?

    http://www.proflightsimulator.com/order-step2.htm Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this?..If so, whats the verdict? thanks guys
  19. Anyone flown this Flight Simulator?

    Cheers Slarti
  20. Brilliant!...The Elephant done good!!
  21. OT The First Snow of Winter

    We also have steering wheels!...sadly lacking in American Cars :)
  22. OT The First Snow of Winter

    The Dogs went out in it today!.... they were running around like escaped Lunatics in it!..haha This was Newcastle this morning...just the start of a 10 day freeze apparently!..Sadly, the Brits are hopeless at dealing with Snow...there's never enough gritters out, and 2" of it brings London to a complete Standstill!...thank goodness the Russians never invaded in Winter...they would have defeated us in a few days!...lol
  23. Anyone flown this Flight Simulator?

    No, I never buy anything without referring to you guys here!...thanks for the headsup

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