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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT Taken the plunge!

    Maybe I have been very lucky!...TrackIR 3 installed no problem..BHAH & HITR both installed flawlessly!..and I'm not sure if it's because I have re-done the CFS3 config settings again, but FPS is up..and Graphical Eye candy is markedly improved too! One HAPPY Bear!!!
  2. I'm not particularly Christian...but

    I was moved by this
  3. OT Taken the plunge!

    The other thing I noticed was the new Movie Maker. Utter s**te!....thank goodness movie maker 2.6 is available for Windows 7!..I would have not of been a happy Bear!!! Well done Microsoft!..you got something right! (at last)
  4. OT Taken the plunge!

  5. OT Taken the plunge!

    I'm finding it very intuitive!...The file icons are a bit different to XP..and I have found that a little confusing..but it's just a learning curve, and getting used to it. I put off upgrading until now, as I used to wake up screaming, and in a cold sweat thinking about Vista!...god...the Horror!!!!
  6. OT Good News

    They said they would be out by Christmas. Bloody Marvellous!...what the hell am I going to do with the 10,000 Chilean Miner themed Advent Calenders sitting in my Garage now???
  7. OT Good News

    I agree with Flypc...respect to you strike eagle...I would rather hammer a rusty nail through my privates, rather than even LOOK at a submarine..let alone get into the bloody thing!
  8. Way OT...Network Diagnosis and OpenDNS

    Glad you're sorted. But please consider the option of a different browser!...you can run them both side by side!...you will be pleasantly surprised!
  9. OT Good News

    Yeah, it was delightful to watch the reactions at Camp Hope, when they began the evac. In an oft cruel world, it lights up the soul...a great result, and a massive pat on the back for the international rescue crews! Great stuff
  10. Way OT...Network Diagnosis and OpenDNS

    Hi m8...OpenDNS is...well...this http://www.opendns.com/ You must have installed it at some stage?..cant be more specific than that I'm afraid. As for Internet Explorer...I can only say what many people say..and that is...move on! With the likes of Google Chrome being available, which makes IE look like a snail suffering from Asthma!...I would try a different browser.
  11. Hi Guys Been skinning in OFF for a while now, and wanted to try it in fsx. It's clearly a different process altogether...not managed a single result as yet, just problems Does anyone know of a reasonably good newbie tuitorial online they could point me at please? The skin I have made only shows up in specular over-ride in FSX..or worse..crashes to desktop Thanks
  12. Thank Goodness for a sense of Humour

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/southamerica/chile/8060813/Rescued-Chilean-miner-vows-to-return-to-work-underground.html This Miner's final words at the end of the article really cracked me up! Sometimes, joking is the only thing that keeps a human being sane!!...great stuff!
  13. Nikola Tesla

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaxD_4n3KMg my god!..I had never heard of him!!!
  14. Miners Rescue..watch live as it happens

  15. 10 Years Ago

    Thanks m8...I was 'reasonably' sure another vessel was involved.
  16. 10 Years Ago

    Was it a torpedo?..or a suicide boat?..I cant remember the details I'm afraid
  17. Miners Rescue..watch live as it happens

    Wonder if they will get overtime pay?
  18. Please Forgive Me Combat Ace

    My word FC...have you gone all 'Philosophical' on us?
  19. Miners Rescue..watch live as it happens

    Isn't it great....when a plan comes together!.... in a world often filled with tragedy and bad news...the wonderful side of Human nature, merciful and compassionate actions..and the Spirit of mankind shines through!!! A great day!
  20. The resemblance is uncanny!

    I do apologise Erik..I meant to post in the Arena
  21. Hale and Pace, who were popular in the 1980's in the UK Quite Amusing Ja?.... The Pilot is my old Squadron mate, Harry 'Squiffy' Muldoon...lol
  22. OT Nazi Guards (funny)

    Anyway....you know Paedophiles?...well..
  23. OT Nazi Guards (funny)

    Let's get this into some kind of perspective though guys. Yes, the Nazis were brutal...but they were certainly not the first, and if Kosovo and Rwanda are anything to go by, they won't be the Last. The Schindler's list guy...of course you are going to get psychopaths like him, jumping on a bandwagon such as Nazi Idealism..it's an ideal playground for sadistic creatures to come out of the woodwork, and indulge their sick fantasy. This is not a 'German' issue....it's a Human Being Issue...Hitler emerged through a unique set of circumstances..like a terrible accident..it's a chain...break one link, and the accident doesnt happen...at least, not this time. IMHO the German people have been made to remember Nazi brutality for long enough by far!....Whereas, the Japanese seem to be allowed to just get on with it! (although two atomic Bombs was quite a telling off however) The terrible things that the British Empire did throughout it's reign, is certainly questionable...the systematic destruction of the Native American's is a black Mark on the USA..everyone was at it!still are...Just the losers have to pay sadly...and boy..do they pay!!
  24. Well, let's chat about France shall we? The sixth largest Colonial power in History?....If France had a stake in the Falklands, she would be hanging on to it, thats for sure. Let's not forget, the Falkland residents don't want to be governed by Argentina..to a man!...they should have the final say who has priority surely?

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