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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. What I'd like to see in Phase IV

    http://www.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&source=imghp&biw=1280&bih=909&q=sopwith+snipe&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai= nuff from me!
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-10682693 That's GOTTA hurt!!!
  3. A heartfelt PLEA to the Dev Team

    Because you're weird!! I HATE Doritos!!!!
  4. A heartfelt PLEA to the Dev Team

    Well if Womanfly2 can get that Horrible Razor-thing in..and then Vanish...there's hope for me yet!
  5. Well, it's now official...thanks to Winder in another thread. P4 will be a new product..not an addon to BHaH Possibly, a Brave move by our heroes...and really does open up a lot of questions doesn't it? How much will it have changed from BHaH?...what will be new and exciting?.....he also made it clear, that although development is 'deep'....they are still a Long way off from a Beta etc. Wow!...... the OBD team never cease to amaze.... I have a feeling that P4 may well exceed even our wildest dreams
  6. So..P4 is NOT an addon

    Yes...really annoying that Microdick had the option in there..and scrapped it!....wankers
  7. A heartfelt PLEA to the Dev Team

  8. A heartfelt PLEA to the Dev Team

    I must get some points for effort though eh OvS?
  9. And a very nice series of shots too Olham. Like the Skin btw
  10. So..P4 is NOT an addon

    Who cares about 2 seaters?...they're just cannon fodder for Snipes!
  11. Havent taken a screenie for a while...so here's one from today...This DVII ran me all over the sky, til I got a good burst into his engine, and down he went
  12. NEW YORK: A British firm has launched a 110% proof beer, which is the world's strongest, selling it at $762 per bottle. The blond Belgian ale, named The End of History, is an astonishing 55 percent alcohol by volume (ABV) and is presented in a case made from stuffed animals, including stoats and squirrels. The beer, made by BrewDog, based in Scotland, is infused with fresh juniper berries and nettles from the Scottish Highlands and was developed using an extreme freezing technique. The process involved using hundreds of pints of beer, and it was repeated dozens of times to produce just enough for a 330 millilitre bottle. "This is the beer to end all beers," the New York Post quoted James Watt, the company's co-founder, as saying. Watt said The End of History was made to offer beer drinkers more choice. "We want to show people there is an alternative to monolithic corporate beers, introduce them to a completely new approach to beer and elevate the status of beer in our culture," he added. He said the first two bottles were sold to a beer fan in Denmark.
  13. Anybody using Dreamscene?

    thats great CJ...I am still on XP
  14. A Gurkha is disciplined for beheading

    So..they blow a terrorist's head off with a Machine gun..the Army says nothing..but a Ghurka uses his Kukri..on a dead nut-job..and there's uproar! We fighting a War here?..or just a PR exercise for Western governments?
  15. Sunderland Air Show

    Must be this weekend...that would explain the two Dutch Air Force F-16's that just made me jump out of my skin!! Fantastic!!!
  16. Anybody using Dreamscene?

    nice 1...will give it a look..thanks m8
  17. FSX Skinning

    Hi all Does anyone know how to skin in FSX using Photoshop? I have tried converting the .BMP textures to .DDS using DDS Converter2 (and also have the Nvidia DDS plugin.....but it doesnt seem to open the texture files at all) Works great for OFF etc any advice most welcome
  18. Brit's make worlds strongest beer ($762 per bottle)

    Probably tastes crap too I suspect
  19. Anybody using Dreamscene?

    never heard of it...is it freeware?
  20. FSX Skinning

    Hiya Skippy..thanks for your quick reply. Yes, that's what I thought!...but the aircraft I am trying to get working on, is an Abacus addon..and it appears to be saved in .BMP format. Good call on DXTbmp..I forgot about that...will have a bash Many Thanks m8 ps...just had a look at your website...holy Cow...some beautiful skins on there...absolutely wonderful!
  21. Hi Guys Anyone know where the aircraft engine sound files are stored? (they are aliased to the individual aircraft) I have searched the Sound Folder...but cant seem to find reference to them Thanks
  22. Aircraft Sound Files question

    Thanks Olham m8...I'll get that
  23. Great Pics Lou..Looks a great place!...I wish I could persuade the Wife to visit the USA...I keep working on her..and pics like this help

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