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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Photocopiers...scary stuff!

  2. 30th anniversary_Empire Strikes Back!

    Talking of which...if you fancy a giggle! http://starwars.jibjab.com/
  3. I never thought we would see individual skins in P3..and we did! I was wondering if individual skins for wingmen was possible too?
  4. Hellshade's Tripehound Teaser Pics

    Lovely Skin Lou...will it be made public?
  5. To Hitchikers everywhere...

    Douglas Adams RIP
  6. nice red baron vid with good music

    well, they managed to fit the only parts of the movie worth watching into the clip..so fair play to them. The other 68 minutes is utter garbage (imho)
  7. YEAH!!! http://edinburghnews.scotsman.com/weirdoddandquirkystories/There-are-many-ways-to.6301235.jp
  8. Well, I posted mine before, but as we now have a special section...here it is again
  9. Yeah Mike...that is a great Screenie m8!
  10. That was so funny Lou...cheered me up no end!!...thank you
  11. I dont often wish Death on people...but

    I will make an exception in his case http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/7743830/North-Korea-condemned-by-world-powers-over-torpedo-attack.html
  12. haha Morris...I was thinking the same thing, as I plummeted 5,000 ft into the Ground!
  13. "Otto!...Get the repair kit ready...I'm coming in!!"
  14. Looking at the four of them, I would say they are the ones with 'Learning Difficulties' rather than their unfortunate victim. Sadly, I sometimes think my father was correct, in that "There is nothing like a good World War, to get rid of societies detritus...all the countries thicko's, usually end up trained, shipped..and dead within months!" Harsh words indeed...but, I vote for hard Labour at the very least!
  15. We knew you wouldn't be able to resist Lou! (welcome back m8)
  16. Snowy Isle of Wight

    4:00am start with Fishing tomorrow...it's way too hot by 10:30am!...I love summer
  17. Typical Airline Industry cheapskates....Why are there no Runway over-run preventative measures in place?...ah yes, of course..Too Expensive no doubt..I mean, lets face it..it's only 160 people isn't it?...hardly worth it really
  18. Olhams Triplane stars in an OFF video!

    Olham will be pleased on his return from Holiday...great vid m8
  19. I love Lawyers..Honest!...despite what I said last night...it wasn't me..honest Slarti... PLEASE DONT SUE!!!!
  20. Bad crack m8...I actually did one of the extensive driving courses...got in a car on Monday, having never driven before...passed my test on the Friday afternoon! Things happen for a reason...you sound like a jolly nice chap, and you have probably avoided a lifetime of Leechiness...working for a bunch of Ambulance chasing Bastards!!! Remember...the reason they bury Lawyers 8 foot down instead of six...is because, deep down they're nice people!...f*** 'em all (and yes...I am pissed up!) ...on a heady mix of Old Speckled Hen, Black Sheep...and a couple of cocktails...so disregard everything I just said!
  21. Caption Competition :)

    Took this photo of my Collie this afternoon and thought it might be a good Caption Comp
  22. Three Roses *Not suitable for Kids*

    A sexually active woman tells her plastic surgeon that she wanted her vaginal lips reduced in size because they were too loose and floppy. Out of embarrassment she insisted that the surgery be kept a secret and the surgeon agreed. Awakening from the anaesthesia after the surgery she found 3 roses carefully placed beside her on the bed. Outraged, she immediately calls in the doctor. 'I thought I asked you not to tell anyone about my operation!' The surgeon told her he had carried out her wish for confidentiality and that the first rose was from him: 'I felt sad because you went through this all by yourself.' ‘The second rose is from my nurse, she assisted me in the surgery and understood because she had had the same procedure done some time ago.' 'And what about the third rose?' she asked. 'That's from a man upstairs in the Burns Unit, he wanted to thank you for his new ears'
  23. Anyone looking for a room(s) in Plymouth UK

    I will certainly look you up if I'm ever there m8....and of course, if you ever want to party Geordie Style..let me know!!!

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