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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. EEK..Toe-curlingly baaaad

    It was you who got me started on the Skinning Olham! (do you remember the Widowmaker Sopwith Camel you made for me?)
  2. EEK..Toe-curlingly baaaad

    Ah yes, indeed ZZ I flew that Alb in Campaign...the pilot was shot down and killed second time out!...and whilst I can use the skin, under the title of 'Artistic Licence'...the pilot's demise may well be thought of as 'Poetic Justice'
  3. EEK..Toe-curlingly baaaad

    I think if I look at these much longer..I may well vomit!
  4. Video: Escadrille Americaine

    How much fun was that to watch???... THIS MUCH
  5. Ok Boys, It's Huntin' Season.......

    He's probably already dead
  6. Coooooooool...Looking forward to trying this out!...great work m8...thank you!
  7. File Name: Alvensleben's Pfaltz File Submitter: UK_Widowmaker File Submitted: 04 Apr 2010 File Category: Aircraft Skins Here is the Pfaltz DIIIa flown by Leutnant Busson Von Alvensleben of Jagdstaffel 21s circa 1918 Original aircraft/skin by Polovski/OBD Software Click here to download this file
  8. Alvensleben's Pfaltz

    My Pleasure Beanie..hope you enjoy her
  9. Hi Guys, Here is a pic of a new Pfaltz Skin coming soon The Aircraft is the Pfaltz of Leutnant Busso von Alvensleben of Jagdstaffel 21s. (bit more work to do, but I will release when finished)
  10. Very nice Beanie!...don't forget to upload!
  11. Nice to fly that, whilst listening to 'Silver Machine' by Hawkwind!....Nice skin as per usual Olham
  12. Red Arrows Pile-up

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/lincolnshire/8583263.stm Even the Best come unstuck sometimes Glad they're both Alive
  13. TrackIR

    TrackIR is to flightsimming, what Strawberries are to cream! Yes, you can live without...but why the hell would you want to?
  14. New Pfaltz Skin coming soon

    ooo, I think you have just named my new German Campaign pilot Olham! Zeemon WitwenMacher!...sure has a tuetonic ring to it!!
  15. New Pfaltz Skin coming soon

    Thank you
  16. P4 Suggestion / Enquiry

    I'll Do it! (just kidding)
  17. Alvensleben's Pfaltz



    Here is the Pfaltz DIIIa flown by Leutnant Busson Von Alvensleben of Jagdstaffel 21s circa 1918 Original aircraft/skin by Polovski/OBD Software
  18. Some Questions About OFF

    re:-the campaign Guess that is what makes OFF sit head and shoulders above the rest!...The campaigns in 'other' WW1 sims is dissapointing at best! Get OFF if you like the whole campaign thing
  19. New Pfaltz Skin coming soon

    Thank you chaps!..glad I put this pic up..cos I just noticed the Left top wing Cross is way off!...lol
  20. http://outerra.com/wgallery.html Thanks to Squid..who posted this in the pub
  21. Hmm...Interesting re:-Terrain

  22. Wow!...put's the F-22 to absolute shame!...thanks Olham
  23. Hmm...Interesting re:-Terrain

    from what I can tell, they have developed this terrain, and are trying to sell it to games manufacturers as an 'engine'
  24. Hmm...Interesting re:-Terrain

    http://www.outerra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=21 and an interesting Forum posting :)
  25. A New Appreciation for OFF

    Well, the new Mac O/S 10 allows you to install Windows as well, as a Dual Boot

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