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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT-Wings of Prey

    It's now available...but wont accept Visa debit...even though every other place in the damn world does!...I give up!..If they release on Steam, I may consider buying it...but they are slitting their own throats...and I can no longer be bothered!
  2. OT-Wings of Prey

    Well, when it comes to customer service.. YU-Play are pretty abysmal! Not accepting Card Payments...no proper explanation...no reply whatsoever on their support...people on the forum are starting to kick off! Maybe we have been spoilt by OBD...But I have serious doubts about buying this product!...assholes!
  3. OT: RB redux1.2

  4. OT-Wings of Prey

    Yes...very frustrating!..wtf are Yums anyway?...they look and sound s**t!
  5. Cant seem to fly today

    Too much snow on ya Wing Pappy old boy!
  6. OT-Wings of Prey

    Well, I tried to buy this...but it's not accepting Visa card payments at present...which suggests problems...which worry me!
  7. Spare a thought for Olham

    Don't feel sorry for him I dont!
  8. Spare a thought for Olham

    Hahahahaha...brilliant Lou...I can't wait to see that Monicle fall into his Schnapps when he sees it!!!
  9. The Pfalz IIIa is Killing Me!

    Yep..the Pfaltz is a complete Pig in a Poke to fly. The devs improved it slightly as well...it was even worse before that!....best avoid a turning fight with it...just try and get high, and dive on your opponents...but get the funeral procession on standby...they are gonna be real busy!!
  10. Aces High adding WWI

    Although I very rarely dip my toes into MP (not least as I don't have a lot of time).. I cannot help but respect the guys previously mentioned for the work they have done with MP....and I hold them in great esteem for proving that individual skins CAN be used (and now are)....for which many people (especially us hobbyist skinners) owe a large debt of gratitude!
  11. Snowy Isle of Wight

    Hi Ras Yes, we are a bit girly in the UK when it comes to snow!...London only had a few inches in December...and the whole thing ground to a halt! (bloody Southern Woosies)
  12. Aces High adding WWI

    Yeah, might be worth a look (especially if the two weeks free trial is an option)
  13. Wing Commander or X-Wing

    You whirlwind of Sauce!!!
  14. Snowy Isle of Wight

    Further North Still in Newcastle...it's Summer as usual!
  15. Wing Commander or X-Wing

    Sorry, I meant WC Prophecy
  16. Wing Commander or X-Wing

    There's a free Privateer game made to run with a modern computer....cant remember where I found it..but do a 'Google'
  17. Wing Commander or X-Wing

    Hotness...the thought of being chained to your Radiator makes me feel all gushy inside!...and I would survive just thinking about being let out to play on a Sunday!..WOOF WOOF!!
  18. phase 4 and beyond?

    Yes...I hope we have some news from the Devs soon...not in reference to 'When' of course...but perhaps a word or two about 'If' would be nice, and give us something to look forward to....after all, I will forever hassle them about a Snipe...even from beyond the Grave!
  19. That "other WW1 flight sim"

    Yep Davion...with 4 posts under your belt, you say it how it is m8! (although my use of the word 'queer' was not refering to anyones sexuality!...merely intended as the Older English version of the word, meaning...well...queer really
  20. Airplane! Movie Quotes

    Will you stop it with this White Zone s**t!...you know youre only saying it cos you want me to have an abortion

    Absolutely Stunning!!...best film ever (The 3d blew me and my 11 yr old into the next millenium!)
  22. Best Game of 2009

    I think it was 09...but if it's 08 I apologise! But without doubt (IMHO) Brothers in Arms Hells Highway and OFF of course...but thats been out a while now :)
  23. TIR3 and 5.1 software

    It'll never happen
  24. Dual Install of OFF

    What if you have XP on one drive, and Windows 7 on another with a dual boot?...that should work shouldnt it?
  25. That "other WW1 flight sim"

    Well, with the sheer enormity of OFF...the fact you can fly SO many aeroplanes, in SO many situations..I really cannot see why anyone would want to log onto a server in queerland or wherever, and fly 4 planes!...but hey!..thats just MHO

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