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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Question to our German Friends

    Your English is far better than many English people I know!!! The thing is though Catfish...you took the trouble to learn English!...Unlike us lazy Brits who can't be arsed to learn German!
  2. I think for me, you have hit the nail smack on the head! Whilst I am of the camp that says, medals should be available for Military (and lets not forget Civilian acts of Courage)..The 'Market Forces' surrounding them I find rather distasteful...and not all medal collectors have the respect and admiration for the person who won it, as you clearly do. The fact that money changes hands (as one would expect in a market driven world) we have no control over, but I ask the question (as you do) why should the medals of one country be worth more than those of another? The holder of a Polish medal for instance, who perhaps fought the Nazis during their invasion of his homeland, may well have fought and died as bravely, if not more so..than the holder of a VC or Pour Le Merit...but this bravery is cheapened by the fact that his medal is not worth that of the other two!...often because of where he came from, as much as anything!!! I find this upsetting. What I also find upsetting, (for instance) is the 'Level' of bravery, typified in the 'honour' of a medal. Imagine the scenario......... Two Marines standing side by side in a Landing craft, about to hit the beaches at Omaha. The ramp goes down...Marine one charges onto the beach, and dies in a hail of bullets. Marine 2 evades this stoccata...makes it up the beach, lobs a grenade into a bunker...get's the Medal of Honor. One is hailed a hero..... one lies in the dirt!........ My problem is...why is one a hero...and one a white cross among thousands?...who is to say he wasn't worthy of a medal too?...surely, anyone who ran off a landing craft that day, should have had a medal of Honor?.....but of course..THAT cheapens the medal of Honor completely...because EVERYONE has one of those!! Please don't get me wrong here...I am not knocking the amazing feats of bravery which accompany these medals, and am full of awe of those who won them....But I am also in Awe..of the people who are dead, buried and forgotten on some field or Beach or at the bottom of the Ocean, be they Japanese or Belgians...who have no medal to honour them. I have to say...if there was a market for the shrunken heads of many of the Generals involved..I would pay TOP dollar for those!!! But, I guess this is the way of things.... I am just glad that on 11th November, at 11am each year..I get the opportunity to close my eyes, stand in silence..and remember the brave men and women..ordinary..and yet extraordinary... who gave up their lives, so I may sit and write this. I think of the Japanese people...I think of the German's and the Italian's too...because they were the victim's as well. I also think of the Chinese...the Russians, The French the Poles...and all the other dead heroes who gave their lives. It is very easy to fall into the trap of merely remembering the 'War Heroes' at times..I do it too!....and letting slip, that they were ALL heroes I hope that kinda makes sense?...(it is quite early in the morning here!)
  3. I am 'reasonably' confident I will be a happy man (actually with whatever I get)
  4. My Views are known already But, As stated before..I have respect for other people's wishes, and I admire your keeping for posterity
  5. TrackIR 5: How big of a difference?

    Just dont answer the door wearing it...you will get sectioned under the Mental Health Act 1992
  6. We can only hope she is!
  7. OT The Future President?

    Well not Enron thats for sure!!
  8. Nice piece of Fishing though!... I was hoping OvS was gonna slip up there, and tell us whats on the list!...I shoulda known better!!!
  9. Yes, fascinating stuff!...I shall be glued to that!!!...Kudos indeed!!
  10. Fantastic!..But I am hugely disappointed!! I thought when I saw the title of the post, that a release date for the addon pack had been announced!
  11. OT The Future President?

    ah...thanks for letting me know Olham..I will find a youtube version!
  12. For those of you (like me) who are fans of the Total War Genre of games...this looks interesting! (I love the Napoleonic Total War mod for Rome Total War)...so am looking forward to this! http://www.sega.co.uk/games/napoleon-total-war/?t=EnglishUK
  13. Everything's new after only 2 days

    Get a wireless Router Olham!.... Modems are so 'last year!'
  14. I wonder if this means that many of the Historical Skins that have been uploaded, are to appear in the Addon?
  15. OT New 'Total War' coming

    What did it for me with Steam, was the brilliant 'Day of Defeat' mod for Half Life...Stem got a hold of it...ruined it completely!!...then cheat us all out of cash to buy the Source! I hate them so completely, that if BHaH was a steam release...I would not play it again!! (yes, I mean it!)
  16. I too ditto what others have said. I have never skinned for any other Sim up until our Wonderful OFF came out!...I wasn't aware of the credit thing, but will include it in all my future releases. (though I suspect people could spot my skins weren't made by an OFF team member!!! ) PS...Might be worth making a sticky of this in the Skinning Section too? Oh, one more thing...Winder and Pol sign theirs...but how do we know which artist did which?? Or should we merely credit the OFF Original Skinners?
  17. OT New 'Total War' coming

    We should boycott the f*ckers!
  18. OT New 'Total War' coming

    The weak link with Empire (and I suspect Napoleon) is that Junk-Crap from hell..namely 'Steam' I hate Steam with a vengeance!!!...I wish it nothing but financial disaster and a slow, painful death! (another reason for not touching RoF for me..is this online connected to foreign, unknown Spyware servers!...Repugnant to me..and the real reason i dont play empire any longer. I would not advocate using cracked software...but the Pirates who overcome Steam have my blessing!!
  19. OT--Occupational Hazard

    This is why mankind went from Flint to Iron!
  20. 3rd party skins

    Check out the Skinning section...good place to start
  21. Not sure which of these two paragraphs I found the most amusing!!
  22. Kicking A$$ in my Dr1

    Please remind me again how many victories this 'Flying Razor' scored? A last ditch effort, from a doomed imperialist nation does not make a fighting machine... and I will enjoy blunting this flying razor as surely as a rock!!
  23. Kicking A$$ in my Dr1

    Once we get the Snipe...you can kiss your DR1 goodbye!
  24. Fantastic RC.... Yes, if people took a small step backwards to their Natural Roots...the world might be in slightly less sh*t than it is!
  25. This is a defo for the next lads night out!! :rofl:

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