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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. This is my latest 'time user'..and future hobby!..I want to take her to agility (Border Collies Love it)...this is Sophie sitting on Mrs WM's lap!
  2. Just found this on my Son's Computer!...He is nearly twelve..plays OFF..and seems to have a good grasp of what it was like!!...enjoy!..and well done Son!..hahaha (I thought it would be interesting from it's title!...lol) Another Cold January morning as I open my eyes, to the feeling of Butterflies in the pit of my stomach. It's getting worse instead of better!...I thought I would get over them by now...but how can you, when just yesterday, I watched Wilson jump, burning from his Camel! It could of course be due to the large quantity of Brandy I got through in the mess last night?...or the thought of what may await me in the skies this morning. "Thanks Cecil" I say through my hungover lips, as my tea is placed next to me by my Sergeant.... God, my mouth tastes like a Gunners Glove! "What time is it Cecil?" "6:00am Sir...still a bit dark, but looks to be a clear day" Bugger I thought...kind of wanted a Lie in..... "Going to bag a Hun for us again today Sir?" "I'll do my best Cecil" I grimmace, as the hot tea burns my lips! "Breakfast at 6:30 Sir...Briefing at 7:00"...he turns and walks out, closing the door behind him! I get myself dressed...in the Kings Own Uniform...lightly stroking the RFC insignia... "I wonder if the King will allow me to keep his damn uniform when this is all over?....Bloody right he will!..either that, or bury me in it!" I walk towards the Mess hall, to get my Breakfast....the light is much better already...and the Cold Winter Sun does her best to slightly warm my face as I walk. "Hi George!...how's your head this morning?..You drunken old Sod!!"..... It's Peter, my Wingman... I smile as I watch him approach "Bloody Hell...It's cold this Morning..The Huns will have Icicles hanging off their Spandau's" He laughs as he catches up to me in a run "Wish they did!..I am sure they will soon warm up, trying to blow my tail off! I reply...Wonder what joyous Job the Brass have thought up for us today?" "Doesn't matter old boy!... With me looking after your pretty little Backside, while you get all the bloody Glory eh?" Peter is right of course...He has saved my neck up there more than once!...Such a Likeable Chap... 4 yrs my Junior, but already a man...and a Killer...... at 19 yrs old! What a bloody waste of time this whole damned war is.. "Never mind Peter...it'll all be over by Christmas" I say "Yes, but which bloody one!?"...we both say in unison.... and chuckle, as we enter the Mess tent. "SCRAMBLE!!"...Incoming German Aircraft!.....Peter and I rush outside in time to see 6 German Aircraft approaching from the NorthWest "Bugger", shouts Peter as we both rush towards our Parked Camels.. "I was sort of looking forward to eating something"... I don't have time to reply, as I jump into the Cockpit of my Camel... CONTACT!..I shout to my Ground crew, as the first Spandau's open up on the Airfield...drawing two deadly parallel lines in dirt along the ground towards me as I hit full throttle to get Airborne. A quick glance left and right, as I climb away, and begin my turn towards where I believe the enemy to be...but no sign...at least...not at first. 5 of them are all over Peter...Albatros Fighters....Black tails...I have seen these Bastards before! I swoop down towards the Melee, hoping Peter can avoid them long enough for me to arrive....but with a sinking feeling, I see a dot come away from his aircraft..... Just a dot to me...but a Wing to him! His Camel catches fire, and spirals out of control....his tormentors break off their attack, as Peter's Camel Smashes into the Woods at the end of the Airfield....they turn their attention to me! TBC
  3. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=6904593985 Have to say....I agree!!
  4. Cool Topic. Mine are (in no particular order) 1) Fishing 2) Skinning in OFF 3) Archery 4) Herpetology (the study of Reptiles and Amphibians) 5) I love my other job of designing ID Badges 6) Wasting far too much time on Facebook 7) My Border Collies
  5. Some great skins there Stump!!
  6. Observations on Observing

    OO... Reading this thread has got me interested in flying as a gunner in Campaign too!! Thank you
  7. Dawn on the Western Front

    Thanks all for your kind words. Yes, I am pleased as punch about his writing, and am going to suggest he finishes the story, and I will post it. Being quite a creative sort of Kid, he does have the flip side too...a very fiery temper!...and myself and Mrs WM often have trouble keeping a lid on it!....Plus of course, his Testosterone levels are creeping up..so a bit like Nitro-Glycerine at times here!! Thankfully, when he does lose it...he storms upstairs to his room, shouting and slamming doors...and feverishly writes this stuff, and an hour later, comes down all sweetness and Light!..hahaha (which is better than him smacking someone at least!!!) Oh sometimes, I just have to drink Beer!!!
  8. Graphics woes

    Hi All Dunno if it's me..but no two games of OFF are the same, and it's getting annoying! Sometimes when I start OFF, it looks and plays brilliantly!....and yet, with no Driver changes /Workshop/CFS3 Config or anything else, the next time..it's utter s**te!...with more Shimmering than the Horizon of the Sahara Desert on a hot day!!! I have also experienced the same with CFS3 (just running it to see..god forbid actually playing it) Card is a Nvidia 8800GTX, Drivers are 186.18..with all the recommended Nvidia/OFF settings Just wondered if anyone else has had similar issues?
  9. Robbed by Archie

    Great Combat report there BH!!
  10. Another OFF Immersive Moment

    MvR for one I bet!!
  11. WW1 pilot uniform?

    Yes...and don't forget the Castor Oil and Goosefat smeared all over your face!! (I hope you ain't on the Pull m8!)...cos she'll run a mile!!!! :rofl:
  12. Dawn on the Western Front

    Well, he get's his literary skills from his Mum's side of the family!...I just provided the Vicious counterbalance!! I had to re-do some of his spelling mistakes by the way!...for which he will be soundly whipped!!!
  13. Dawn on the Western Front

    Thanks guys...yes, he has always been very advanced when it comes to Writing (His Uncle is an Author)...and I constantly find snippets, scrap paper and various writings on his Computer. I found myself looking forward to part 2!!....Although, he is a shy lad, and if he knew I posted this on here, the Embarrasement would be too much for him!...So, I haven't even mentioned I have read it to him. In one very graphic story, he told of a victims last hours on the Titanic!...It sent shivers up my spine to read it! Matched with his fascination of History, I am often treated to some very impressive storytelling (Unbeknown to him, I have kept them all!!) and shall always do so..... And one day, I can present them all to his wife!!...hahahahaha
  14. WW1 pilot uniform?

    Long Coats seem to be common
  15. Totally OT

    What a great idea! http://www.rolighetsteorin.se/en/
  16. Graphics woes

    Thanks Guys..yeah, British_eh...I am beginning to suspect Driver issues too
  17. Christmas will be here soon

    A new Monitor... A Sopwith Snipe.... and some German's to shoot at...and Christmas will be complete!
  18. Christmas will be here soon

    I am hoping for a new Monitor!
  19. OT--Loose as a Goose

    That's what fascinates me about Cesar Milan (the Dog Whisperer) How he can just use energy to control vicious dogs! (seems that BH is exhibiting that energy too)...except Geese obviously don't respond to it
  20. A Pittance of Time

    This is a song written by a Canadian Singer/Songwriter, who was in a Store in Nova Scotia on 11th November 2006 and the store broadcast that at 11:00am they would wish that everyone observed a 2 minute Silence in memory of the Fallen. He was impressed that the Store did this...but as you will hear in the Lyrics...he was NOT impressed by the Father of a small girl who ignored the request!!! Hope you enjoy the song and video (if enjoy is the right word)
  21. Gun sounds

    hmm...Not 100% sure, but might be worth playing around with the sounds in Workshop? (have a quick read of this) http://forum.combatace.com/topic/45513-sounds-in-1-32/
  22. invisible parachute?

    Hahaha...An enjoyable read!
  23. OT - Victoria Cross Citations - WOW!

    Incredible feats of Bravery!.... I can only wonder whether I could have done such things!... I suspect not!!...But the fact I have never been called upon to do so, is a constant source of Lucky Star thanking!!!!
  24. What's Stopping You?

    And so you should be proud Rooster!!!...If that is a first effort, I cannot wait to see your future work!!!!! :good: :good: :good:
  25. A little OFF vs ROF Humor Video

    LMFAO!!!!...Many a true word spoken in Jest!! :lol:

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