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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. 91 yrs ago today

    Quite sad really!...Unless you were one of his 80 victims
  2. As today is the anniversary of the death of The Man himself, I took his Triplane up for a flight, and up until the story of the Aussie Ground Gunners (generally now believed to be his nemesis) this screenie could almost be what had happened if Brown had been close enough!
  3. Trust Mickeysoft to be the weakest link!
  4. early war suggestions for Phase 4

    Bring it on! There's nowt the Hun's could throw at my Snipe!
  5. *HELP* fellow Skinners!

    Yes, sounds like that's it Lou..thanks matey, I will play around with Hue Saturation, and see what happens! thank you
  6. early war suggestions for Phase 4

    Give me a Snipe... A Zeppelin...and a Twin Machine gun setup with Incendiaries...And I will send the Kaiser home with his big fat hairy arse on fire!!!
  7. I agree with Creaghorn's viewpoint entirely!...very well said Sir!
  8. PS.... I would defo buy a Sopwith Snipe!!!
  9. Well, thanks for the update WM. It's a shame that sales have not yet reached the qty you guys were hoping for, but with little competition on the horizon, I am sure more converts will find their way to purchasing at some stage. (one has to bear in mind what a Niche market WW1 is I suppose) I am still of the impression, that BHaH has the CFS3 hang-up still attached to it, despite all our efforts to persuade the stick in the Mud's.... Which is a shame..and something I try to argue out of people at every opportunity!! I would certainly purchase a mission pack etc, as would most guys on here I suspect, and whatever the future holds, you guys contribution to keeping the memory of those extraordinarily brave men alive, is testament to the quality, dedication and talent of the guys involved in it's creation! I salute you all Simon
  10. He must have been mad as hell!

    In that great Movie 'Dirty Harry' when the guy is trying to jump off the ledge, and tries to take Clint with him....and Clint get's him down in one piece, and explanes to his partner how Jumper's always wanna take someone with them. That Jumper is your enemy Observer!
  11. 91 yrs ago today

    Oh Yes!... Maths was never a strong point!!
  12. Hmm.... Not changed any settings at all, FPS still a healthy 45-55..... but the game has started to get jerky (when pulling around in a tight circle especially) Only a fraction of a second..but maybe 4-5 times doing a 360. Anybody got any idea's please?
  13. Amazon must be wondering "why all the interest in a crap M$ simulator all of a sudden!"..hahaha...If only they knew! (Microsoft should pay OBD royalties...no-one would buy CFS3 otherwise!)
  14. Hey Lou?... How many skins have you made in total?.... Cos that ain't a noobie skin!...That is summat else!!!
  15. Hi All, Hopefully this will be the Hang out for us OFF skinners. If you have Paintshop or Photoshop and fancy your hand at skinning some of your own Aircraft for QC / Campaigns or Missions this is the place to be! If you require any help with your paint programs, feel free to ask as there are some talented guys here (though sadly, I aint one of them!) Enjoy your stay
  16. Yep, the Pfaltz is not a very good fighter plane i'm afraid. Nice looking, fun to skin..but yukio to fly combat!... I bet a Pfaltz Campaign pilot wouldn't last very long!..Best ask for a Transfer!
  17. Just took the J72b up for a quick spin...nearly came a cropper in the first 20 seconds!...(did come a cropper from the Newp on my bottom!) If you look closely, you can see his tracer's in between my top and bottom wings on the right.
  18. hmm maybe somthing to make

    Yeah, and stick a 'BFG' on the front!!
  19. Yuk!...

    I don't know who to feel more sorry for..... my campaign pilot?...or the unfortunate enemy pilot, who leapt from his burning machine, and would have almost certainly come to grief on my spinning propeller! All happened too fast for a screenie, but I imagine it might well have occured in history at some point!
  20. What a p*sser

    Went Fishing for a few hours last night, yanked a strike at a rather large Carp...missed him, and sunk the hook stright into my finger! Wasn't hurting last night, so didn't think too much of it...but it is hurting now! Now have a whopping great bandage contraption on it...can't work, can't skin, can't hardly play using my joystick...thourghly peed off!..and feeling sorry for myself!
  21. Well, I am getting there with it.... few things need adjustment etc
  22. Yuk!...

    Flew straight through him..no damage, and he just kept going down
  23. SURVIVED a collision today!

    Lovely to see a Black-Tailed Jasta 12 airman getting clobbered!.... I owe them BIG time!!
  24. Albatros DII Jasta 17 - Uploaded

    Another cracking Alby Beanie!!
  25. QC all the time at the moment...just flying, and taking screenies to see where my skin's need adjustment (just about everywhere!!)

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