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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Want to see your tracers and smoke trails better?

    I REALLY like this new gunsmoke!...It has saved my ass on a couple of occasions, when I have been shot at from behind! Thank you very much!
  2. Rockets for GREAT KILLS

    All kills count! I wonder if anyone can make a grappling hook, as was attempted in the early part of the war
  3. What a p*sser

    Just for you Rooster! This is my best friend Paul with a Belgian Carp
  4. OFF P3 is.....

    I voted Ok too..... Though the Ground gunners are a little 'too' accurate (imho) but I would live with that
  5. Wings Of Honor's OFF P3 Review

    Unless you already are of course!
  6. hahaha... I want it!..post it up there Rooster!
  7. Victory locations in Google Earth

    Great Idea!...What is it about this Sim, that brings out the Innovator in us all???
  8. Stumpy's new kites

    Yes, I am a Si too! That's a good point!... I might ask Stumpy very nicely if He will make a Snipe!!
  9. Se5 skins

    Remember you guys, if you are entering the Skinning comp..I beleive you need to design your OWN skin? (just thought I'd mention it) :yes: (Brilliant Skin though matey!)
  10. Jerky all of a sudden

    Absolutely correct Sittingduck..it was the write only buffers which I needed to disable (Nvidia) I disabled the Vertex and Index buffers first..and the display went mad!.... Sorted now though
  11. Jerky all of a sudden

    Worked for me Steve!..thanks matey!!
  12. Possibly because people don't realise, that you can change the weather /Location in the CFSQC in Workshop..but not in normal QC from the main menu??
  13. Stumpy's new kites

    Hi m8 I believe Stumpy is working away for a few days, so please dont think he's being rude if he doesn't answer you. I can only answer one of your questions I'm afraid, and that is the 3rd Party planes are not from P1/P2, they are new models. Happy flying Si
  14. Indian Pilot in WW1

    And YOU sir..are way too modest!!!!!
  15. Stumpy's Handley Page 0/400

    Yes, been flying it for a while!..a big beast!!
  16. What a p*sser

    Hi Rickity. Big Pike fanatic too!..... I love to nip up the road to Bonny Scotland, and cast a bait or Lure into a dark, quite Loch..great stuff! Bullethead..Yes, that sounds fantastic!...you guys over the pond are spoilt when it comes to fish!... I am always jealous!!! Bigfish2..... Might as well fly for a bit mate!..The weather isn't spectacular at the moment is it?
  17. Yes.... weird!..can find no reference to it in the skin at all!
  18. Engine Sounds

    Aren't the engine sounds in OFF superb!? The Hispano on the SE5a is a joy to fire up
  19. 1918 Bristol F2b RAF 139 Squadron

    I thought your Strutter was excellent....and then this comes along!!!
  20. Want to see your tracers and smoke trails better?

    Really good modification!..Very impressed!!!...well done guys
  21. Well, you've got the 'good bit' Now just have to wait for the s**te bit!!
  22. SharkMouth Pfaltz

    File Name: SharkMouth Pfaltz File Submitter: UK_Widowmaker File Submitted: 16 Apr 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins Name says it all really Click here to download this file
  23. SharkMouth Pfaltz



    Name says it all really
  24. Nice 1 Red! Ok, so here is the final Pfaltz (available for download) Only problem I had (if someone knows how to fix this, I would appreciate it)...was that the area under the Guns is Lozenge...and I cant figure out how to change the colour to Yellow, to match the rest of the nose area. Thanks chaps

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