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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Thought I would 'soup up' my original, with a few improvements. Will be available soon, just a few more bit's and bob's.
  2. Sharkmouth Pfaltz (revisited)

    Thanks Olham. Have re-done the sharkmouth again now, moved them further up the nose...some teeth were missing..and have removed the bottom bodge up, so it looks much better than that screenshot now
  3. Yes, please do Olham (off the competition!..haha) ok, thanks!! Just a bit of weathering to do, and the odd tweak here and there, and I will have it uploaded
  4. Want to see your tracers and smoke trails better?

    easy when you know how!...thanks guys, found that in 10 seconds!
  5. Want to see your tracers and smoke trails better?

    Is it me?...I am going NUTS trying to find the code I need to change in my XMl.... Reams and reams!...Can't find it anywhere!
  6. Sharkmouth Pfaltz. Re-worked my very first Skinning attempt, with a few more colours. (work in progress, but will upload this weekend)
  7. What a p*sser

    Hahah.... Count me in for all three!.... we lucky few!!!
  8. Always remember!... NO-ONE tames 'The Widowmaker'
  9. What a p*sser

    Bigfish2...hiya fellow Carp fool!...you are not alone with your madness! jammer 28... I now feel like a real wimp after reading that!
  10. What a p*sser

    Thanks Rooster...Yes, I shall not forget that Carp. A bit like Stalking an Albatross..... I will get my revenge on him..get a nice photo, and put him back safe and well!.... Oh, the Humanity!!
  11. Want to see your tracers and smoke trails better?

    Does look pretty cool I must say!... I always liked the tracer effect in IL2..So I may well give it a go too!...well done m8!
  12. Great Stuff!...can't wait to try and bring down a big bomber!
  13. Cloud turbulence.

    Clouds are nasty!.... Whether you're flying or not!...they just hang there, threatening to fall on your head! I don't like Clouds! go away clouds!!
  14. Want to see your tracers and smoke trails better?

    Sounds good!...but is it possible to see a screenie please, of the new tracer effects in action?
  15. What a p*sser

    Pretty much sums it up Uncleal. The UK is a bit short of Sportfish, therefore Carp are very highly prized.....As for skanky Trout...well, they're only use is suspended under a float awaiting a big Pike!! My ambition (after watching it on Cable) is to have a crack at the Striped Bass....they were being fished for in Maine...now THAT would be soooo coool!
  16. What a p*sser

    Thanks for the well wishes guys!..Yes, the guys at casualty were happy enough with it, just gotta keep an eye on it. Hope it get's better soon enough for me to a) get another skin in for the competition b) let me get that Carp
  17. What a p*sser

    Thankfully it was a Barbless hook, so I slipped it out easy enough. Had a tetanus jab two years ago, after the cat bit me!..So, should be ok soon
  18. Think they should go back to using Horse's to deliver Mail...might be quicker!
  19. Are these gem's going to be released for us mere mortal's sometime Stumper?
  20. Hey Stump!?..A Breguet 14?...Nice one m8!!..bring it on!
  21. Blimey!...And he calls me fast!! nice skin
  22. Guide to Configuring FSAutoStart

    Any chance of this being a sticky??
  23. Indian Pilot in WW1

    Cool Red...I might be mistaken, but I think I have seen that skin before?
  24. Jerky all of a sudden

    Thanks Steve..that rings a bell!..will try it tonight, and let you know

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