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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. This Skin is of a Captured Camel, flown by Otto Kissenberth of Jasta 23b at Epinoy between April/May 1918. Discussion on the colouration of this Aircraft is rife, as there are only B&W photo's, but this is the most commonly thought of scheme. Kissenberth used this aircraft to shoot down his 20th Victim (an SE5a) on 16th May 1918, and was shortly after seriously injured when he crashed this Camel. He survived the Great War, as one of only three German Aces to wear Spectacles. He died in 1919 in a climbing accident in the Alps.
  2. Captured Camel

    oops!..sorry, posted twice :blush2:
  3. My first skin (THe Crocodile)

    Wicked!...get it uploaded to the site, (if you haven't already) for a chance of that Monitor!!
  4. paint you say?

    Yes, Beanie uses it too, and creates some great skins with it!..thanks for the Headsup
  5. Very kind offer Stump!..I will defo make use of that!...thank you
  6. It's an incredible feat!....It's only when you start skinning yourself, that you realise quite what an amazing feat that was! kudos el mucho!!
  7. Thanks Dave..yes, Must take time out and read that!
  8. Added immersion.

    Really Chaps!... You should get out and meet people more often!! :yes:
  9. File Name: Albatross DIII Early fictional Skin File Submitter: UK_Widowmaker File Submitted: 04 Apr 2009 File Updated: 05 Nov 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins Well, here is my first upload (after yesterday's cock-up!) This is a fictional Albatross DIII (no surprise there) But it's one I like to fly in QC (I will shortly be uploading a Non-Lozenge Version) Enjoy (Original Skin copyright OBD Software) Click here to download this file
  10. Version


    Well, here is my first upload (after yesterday's cock-up!) This is a fictional Albatross DIII (no surprise there) But it's one I like to fly in QC (I will shortly be uploading a Non-Lozenge Version) Enjoy (Original Skin copyright OBD Software)
  11. Will not record kills!

    I can help you with that one!..it's to do with Autotrim..can't remember which way round, but go into workshop, and if auto trim is on..turn it off. and try it then
  12. Letters from the front.

    There were loads when we were on SOH..shame we lost them
  13. OFF BH&H Video: Revenge !

    Bob Dylan..Unusual, but great choice of Music!
  14. Worth a Bump

    Lunacy.... Just utter and complete Lunacy
  15. Six Five's anyone?

    Just wondered if anyone is running with all sliders at five?...... I suspect not many!...and when i tried it, I noticed no major improvement in quality of Graphics over sliders at four...just a massive framerate hit.
  16. A little Red Baron reminiscence

    Out of interest... what is a 'Homeboy?'.. is it the same as Homey?
  17. Will not record kills!

    It's becoming a major pain in the ass now!
  18. Trackir is working

    Hi Rickitycrate! Glad you got it ok (nice one Siggi) Well, it ain't brilliant in First Person Shooters (imho)...things are just too manic usually (and you spend more time Dead than anything else) though some driving games, and a Tank Sim called Tiger V T-34 use it well. To set up, and calibrate prior to an OFF session, I always use the 'Heads' option...That seems to be the easiest method for me.
  19. Those of you who read and commented on the story of my dad's experience in SOE during WW2, may be interested to note, that I found another snippet of info from my dad's 'box of bit's' that he left me. It's just a little mention of the Lysander Pilot's of the aforementioned sqdn's, whom were known as 'The Bod Droppers' (The Lysander was a very good aeroplane to use, as it could land on very short, rough airstrips / fields) These brave crews often risked their lives flying unarmed aircraft to and from Occupied Europe, to drop off and pick up agent's. My dad was never picked up I assume, as he said he never landed in an aircraft until after the war, but it's interesting to note that he mentioned them in a diary entry. A bit more research shows that in total, these guys picked up 128 agents, and dropped off 101 others from August 1941 to the War's end. But, as with a lot of clandestine mission's of this type, rarely get a mention. (So I thought I would mention them publicly, as they deserve it.) S! also of note, is that 75% of what SOE got up to in WW2 will never be known..as the records were destroyed in a 'Mystery fire' in the 1950's!..hmmmmm go figure!
  20. OT to the boy's of 138 & 161 sqdn

    Yes..and Four Million Birds would now ALL about that!..woof woof
  21. Command Key Card for OFF

    Nice one Homeboy!... a credit to the people of OFF!
  22. Hello Everyone

    Oh yes!..We don't do Sadness or Dissatisfaction here old boy!...That was Sim Outhouse! Here, we are all happy people!!! :yes: Welcome to the forum matey!
  23. Poooooor Pfalzer's

    looks like a Fish...Moves like a Fish.... Steers like a cow!!! It's a flying Death Sentence against Camel's!

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