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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT to the boy's of 138 & 161 sqdn

    Cool link Olham.. To a remarkably ugly aeroplane!
  2. Will not record kills!

    Happening to me too 80 sqdn, Bellevue, April 4th 1918 Error loading Pilot Dossier or Log file X=12 C=2 Gsquadron pilotsnum12 Running on XP Home SP3, So not a Vista Problem!!
  3. Six Five's anyone?

    Pied?..You're a star!...many thanks Bud!
  4. OFF Review - on Motors TV

    cool, nice one!...must set my timer!
  5. Maybe the top 3 should be made available for download?
  6. O/T WWI for IL2

    I think the fact that Oleg thought about making a WW1 version of IL2, and ditched the idea speaks volumes :yes:
  7. first Pfalz D.III skin

    Why not enter them in the OFF skinning competition?
  8. Six Five's anyone?

    Very interesting post guys..I 'believe' that CFS3 (and therefore OFF) is only ever using single core, and therefore Duo / Quad has no effect on the sim? (feel free to correct me on this, as it's just what I have heard) Also..how do you 'clamp' the FPS? (there's a setting in FS2004 etc, but I cant find it in OFF.....but then i am pretty dumb!
  9. O/T WWI for IL2

    Yep, can't disagree with that sentiment
  10. Ooer!.. A new monitor would indeed be nice!.. I shall do my best, and am looking forward to seeing the other guys Skins! Thanks MK2
  11. An up lifting experiance

    Not yet!...but sounds like fun!!
  12. O/T WWI for IL2

    I think the vast majority of us here are more than happy with what we have got already!!
  13. That's perfectly understandable (IMHO) Certainly the sale of Illegal software on any forum of this nature (or any for that matter) is an absolute NoNo..... and indeed, the last major Row over at Sim Outhouse was about RoF. Let's not take a step backwards eh?
  14. Lay Me Low-The Reality of WWI

    Awww.... My 10 yr old Son started to cry watching that. And so he should!..as should we all! thanks for posting!
  15. Lay Me Low-The Reality of WWI

    I always Like Gandalph's saying in Lord of the Rings. "It is the curse of men, that they forget" How True!
  16. O/T WWI for IL2

    That's cool...looks to have a long way to go though...
  17. This is my latest skin.. a totally un-historical Pfaltz.... A nice battle weary, dirty one too
  18. Now I'm starting to 'get it'

    Hi MK2 sure I will...is there a limit to the skins we can upload?..and where do we upload too please?
  19. Now I'm starting to 'get it'

    Hi Beanie. Have a little read of this thread!... Copy OvS's instructions on Weathering!...it looks amazing (better than the weathering on this Pfaltz) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?act=M...&MSID=74826
  20. OFF BH&H Video: Letting OFF Steam.

    Aha!...Thanks m8.. I will give it a go!
  21. Hi all, Thought it about time that I laid my old Saitek Cyborg to rest (or give it to my nipper)...So, want to ask which replacement would be worth getting? I don't particularly like the sound of the Cougar, as it is expensive, and a pain to configure (from what I have heard) My price range is about £50 - £70 Any advice or recommendations gratefully recieved! (will also consider second user one in good condition)
  22. OFF BH&H Video: Letting OFF Steam.

    Cool video! Is that FRAPS you are using?.... When I use fraps, a short video takes up nearly a GB of HDD space!...I must be doing something wrong, cos I would never be able to upload!

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