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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. first Pfalz D.III skin

    Me too!..Shame I don't yet have the skill to afford perfection!!
  2. now THAT I am sure transcends all nations!!!!!
  3. That is one 'Americanism' we could possibly do without!...far too 'gushy' for us European Types! (with the possible exception of the French and Italians)
  4. Hi Olham, Yes..I guess it is kinda Magenta eh?..lol The 'NTSB' are the 'National Transportation Safety Board' of the United States...they go out and investigate Plane Crashes etc.
  5. Here ya go Olham!.... This should keep all but the most persistant toilet door pushers at bay! (as recommended by the NTSB report above!)
  6. I am indeed honoured!...thank you
  7. I think I'm gonna puke! (Just kidding) this forum is strangely unique!...It appears to have a calming effect on all those who enter. No unpleasant comments, no backbiting and no trolling!..all quite refreshing!...let's hope it stays that way.
  8. OFF in wide screen?

    It's a valid question though... I still have a 19" monitor, because I have never liked this wide screen thing!..It always looks wrong to me!..and stretched...does anyone else find this? (same with TV's)
  9. haha,,the Flying nun...anyone remember that series on TV?
  10. Great account!......... always sad to hear of a leader going down first time out
  11. More colourful scout

    Cracking skin Red-dog!!!
  12. My dad died 10 yrs ago today, and I wanted to post this account of his experiences in the Special Operations Executive (SOE) during the war. I wrote this using the memory of what he told me when I was a small boy, and I am sure there was a lot more to tell, but he was a modest man, and was also tied in with the Official Secrets act. After the war, he worked for the Foreign Office in MI6 until his retirement, and at his funeral, a beautiful wreath arrived from the British Government office, which was a very nice gesture. I hope you enjoy reading it http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/stories/40/a3694340.shtml
  13. DM and Guns Consensus?

    I am on 1.28, and in my last two missions, I have seen 2 enemy aircraft lose a wing to my guns...and watched in Horror as one of my wingmen lost a wing to an Alb. That is enough broken wings for my liking...any more than that would ruin it for me personally. I feel Siggi has something with the deflection shooting theory personally
  14. SSHHHH... Olham!.. It's only cheating if people know we do it!! :blush2:
  15. Thanks to Uncleal for posting the links to these. Just wanted to post this, as it's a great story of heroism (in my favourite Fighter of WW1..sadly missing from the OFF aircraft folder..hint hint) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x70t5XuUxOg...feature=related
  16. Barker and his Snipe

    Wow!..thanks for posting that WF2.... I hope that beauty takes to the skies, and ends up on youtube oneday! (Lot's of great pictures for the Devs to use, when they build the Snipe in their next foray!) And no Olham... I NEVER GIVE UP!!!
  17. German aircraft-mounted flamethrower

    Are there no depth's to which these damnable Huns will not stoop!? That is Just not Cricket!
  18. Just bought OFF P3 BHaH

    Welcome to the Mess Tom... I am kinda jealous, as I would love to enjoy that feeling when you first start up BHaH again!...You will have fun!
  19. Hi Beanie...it's already available in your skins folder. I just added a few bit's to it
  20. I think the confusion has arisen from the fact you have the same skin yourself, as your wingmen?...that (as far as I am aware) cannot be changed.
  21. My game settings

    The two settings under 'Disable validate device' I have always had turned off.... I have virtually the same rig as you homeboy, so am interested in the difference it makes having them on?

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