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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT: A bunch of us in the path of Sandy

    The first victim :( http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/story/2012/10/29/ns-hms-bounty-hurricane-sandy.html?cmp=googleeditorspick
  2. OT: A bunch of us in the path of Sandy

    Keep us informed as and when you can guys...we're thinking of you
  3. OT: A bunch of us in the path of Sandy

    Yeah...hang in there Dudes
  4. Rest in Peace

    Sad news. http://ww2history.com/testimony/Western/Battle_of_Britain_pilot Fl/lt William Louis Buchanan "Bill/Johnnie" WALKER (24.08.1913-21.10.2012) passed away aged 99. During the Battle of Britain he flew Spitfires with 616. Sqn "South Yorkshire".
  5. Yes, well WOFF of course, will have the Snipe (my campaign for it is legendary here!) Lot's of new skins to play with. I've done a few myself too (though I usually do the DVII)
  6. New Flightsim?

    This only just showed up on my Radar...looks really good http://www.aeroflyfs.com/
  7. Selling my homecockpit gaming chair

    Lovely rig m8... Good luck selling
  8. Best, worst movie death scene ever

    this is right up there!
  9. I've solved the Middle East Crisis!

    I think the Jews (with their BIG SHOES) have crept into the lead :)
  10. Okay were is everybody ?

    My favourite is 'VIZ' Was originally sold in the pubs in Newcastle, before going Viral... Very rude, but VERY funny!
  11. It's utterly terrific..and all due to a Farmer's persistence..he's to be congratulated!...I hope he, at the very least...get's his investment returned! Imagine a day, when SIXTY Spitfires take to the sky together!...what an amazing sight (and sound) that'll be!!!
  12. New OFF Campaign Music

    Brilliant!...love it
  13. OT--Ghost Images from WWII...

    Many London Buildings are similarly pockmarked with Shrapnel etc too
  14. Best, worst movie death scene ever

    I thought it was very moving!...I actually cried I cried "FFS MAKE IT STOP!!"
  15. Okay were is everybody ?

    I'm all 'OFF'd out of things to talk about re:-OFF....and tbh..I'm just much more into FSX and stuff at the moment...it'll liven up come release date no doubt
  16. OT Cameron and WW1

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2012/oct/11/david-cameron-fund-world-war-one-commemorations?newsfeed=true Hmm... As anyone who knows me, will understand..I have very strong feelings about remembering our War dead... but £50M to commemorate a War which no-one who fought in, is alive to appreciate?....Call me Cynical, but looks to me that Mr Cameron, is trying to do what Mrs Thatcher did, when the country was f*cked last time...and that is start the fanatical Flag Waving (he can't get permission to attack the Argies)...so had to think of something..and clearly 20million Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen from WW1, are worth remembering...but they were led to their deaths, by Imperialistic Tosspots like this!
  17. OT Cameron and WW1

    Interesting news today...Unemployment is down (but mostly because there are More Self Employed, and people doing Part-Time work). Still...hopeful at least
  18. OT Cameron and WW1

    I've long since given up on Politics...I revoked my right to vote about 5 yrs ago...really cannot see the point. Germany may have lost the War, but they now rule Europe....the UK is following all great Empires....down the Plug-hole...and I'm past caring
  19. OT Cameron and WW1

    Yes..but in 2018..Cameron will be gone!...that won't do at all!
  20. OT- Artwork of Harry Dempsey

    Thanks for those two Facebook ones JFM...fabulous!
  21. I remember this photo from 1962, of a pre-production Lightning crashing....amazing shot! (the Pilot Survived with several Broken Bones) when he smashed through a Greenhouse full of Tomatoes)
  22. OT Cameron and WW1

    Definately Olham...I also felt rather sad, that such an historic place, was just an empty shell...with Graffiti on the walls..rubbish strewn everywhere....and paint all peeled off...really quite sad :(
  23. OT Cameron and WW1

    I used to live in Caterham..which is about 5 miles from Kenley.....I used to play in the old control tower as a child...never realising it's significance. It's gone now...though I think Gliding still takes place there

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