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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Whoa!..That is very cool Gous! (download link doesnt work though)
  2. Albatros DII - Jasta 16b

    You sure seem to have the hang of skinning now Beanie!...you having fun?
  3. Hee hee...

    Yes..My wife said 'Tiny Member' would be more fitting for me. I have no idea what she means by that though!
  4. Strangely quiet in western front

    It's Just Olham and Jasta 12 having a break in Gay Paris!
  5. My skills, or too many EA

    Cant say i have had that happen (the odd Kamikazi wingman crashing into me) but nothing noticeable
  6. Hey Cameljockey? Thanks for the headsup..I knew about all of these except the ETO one. The link takes you to a forum, but is this downloadable without joining the forum? (too many forums in my list)
  7. Hee hee...

    Why doesn't mine say "Excellent Lover, with a touch of Panache!?"
  8. Over Flanders Fileds Phase 3

    You ain't missing much!
  9. Plus it's a never ending saga! :wink:
  10. Spoken in Jest! This is Newsbiscuit! (if you don't already subscribe to this spoof reportage, I strongly recommend it for a daily chuckle!) http://newsbiscuit.com/article/microsoft-l...responding-2009
  11. few questions

    3 monitors and Global Warming?...nah!
  12. I would buy a set of FS9 /FSX OFF textures tomorrow too!!
  13. OT many a true word.....

    Thanks for the headsup Parky!..Yeah, I am sick to death of removing crap from people's PC's (but they pay my mortgage bless 'em)
  14. V 1.28a

    I am sticking to 1.28...just cos I think it's perfect! (and I don't want to have issues in MP...cos the guys I play with are noobs!...which is why I chose them...lambs to the slaughter!.. MUHahahahahaha)
  15. With all the excitement with BHaH I completely forgot to say thanks to the Team for reinstating (and improving on) a feature present in P1 but lacking in P2. That being the friendly and enemy aircraft comparison chart in QC Now I know that an EIII doesn't match well with a Camel!....however when pitting one of the numerous varieties of Alb's against the Numerous Neiuports, It's nice to be able to compare their abilities and weaknesses, and get a more balanced dogfight! Thanks Guys
  16. Albatros DII - Jasta 5

    Again, really good mate!..Out of interest, how do you perform weathering on your skins?..that still eludes me!
  17. Yes, I use my late father's Name Albert George
  18. Albatros DII Skin

    Looking forward to seeing those!
  19. Albatros DII Skin

    Excellent Beanie!!! Good idea to keep it as simple as possible...quite easy to get trapped into adding too much, and ditracting from the overal lokk. I have to say, I am VERY impressed with those skins!...Nice Job! :yes:
  20. Huge cache of WWI records discovered

    Great news...but y'know..the more I hear about the Red Cross, the more they sound like some kind of secret- laden Sect! I have heard mention of them on the History Channel on two occasions recently, where they have witheld information (once about WW2 American and British troops who were sent to Siberian Work Camps, never to return) and another of hording vast amounts of personal data, and refusing to air it in public...I mean who the hell do they think they are doing that?..The CIA?
  21. I think it is only useless if it doesn't affect anyone at all. (what may be better, would be if people titled their threads a little better?)...So we would know it was a gripe. A bit like the old SOH habit of putting OT before the title if it is Off Topic
  22. Nvidia Plugin for Photoshop users

    Hi Werewolf. After you have finished editing the skin, save it as the default filename (but add something like MYSKIN1 to the end) for instance: off_Alb_DV_later_t_Jasta 3 1917_SIMON RED TAIL (as you can see I added SIMON RED TAIL to the end of the filename) MAKE SURE YOU ARE WORKING WITH A COPY OF THE SKIN AND NOT THE ORIGINAL!!!!! If you are happy with the final result, you should use the 'Merge all Layers' option in Photoshop You need to then save the file as a DD3/DDS (*.DDS) file in the drop down 'Save as' menu..and the Nvidia box will then appear...just click save without changing any default settings, and copy it back into the 'Skins' folder. You should then be ok to fly, with the new logo. Hope that helps?
  23. Vista 64 bit

    Yeah, it will be a while before they ship Win7 (they don't want to be making the same mistakes they made with Vista, that's for sure) The other thing is, I have never seen any real advantages (game wise) to having 64Bit (XP 64 bit included)
  24. Vista 64 bit

    Vista?... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (Sorry, just my personal opinion, and I know that OFF now works with Vista, but have you considered ALL the ramifications of Vista?) Especially as Windows 7 will be around before too long?
  25. Beautiful Perfomance increase at zero cost!

    Yeah..cool aint it? also if you set VSYNC to 'Clamp' that sometimes get's rid of a lot of the Jaggies associated with TrackIR glad it's working for you, and increasing your enjoyment!

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