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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT Song Lyrics

    Just for you Olham!
  2. OT Song Lyrics

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-phJLrS-1o just found it with cool animation on youtube...enjoy!
  3. Talk about OFF bashing...

    Classic case of "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" comes to mind. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but sometimes if it's not constructive criticism, it becomes unnecessary criticism..and that starts flame wars. I have been on the SDOE WW1 and other forum sections, to say that I enjoy their Sims..I think that's only right and proper. I don't like FE particularly, but I haven't gone on their forum to run it into the ground, because lot's of people do like it, and that's fair enough. Comment or criticise by all means..but slagging off isn't acceptable IMHO
  4. Boy am I ever stupid!

    Oh Dear Rickitycrate...That looks very nasty!
  5. OFF P3 and Windows 7

    Parky has it, and says it's great!..works with OFF..but as Pol pointed out, best be aware that things can go wrong
  6. Talk about OFF bashing...

    As you probably know, I am no 'shrinking Violet' when it comes to the Forum...So I had best stay clear of this one!
  7. O/T Kidney Stones--Not Fun!

    I am intrigued as to why the doctors haven't made a decision to zap the two stones with ultrasound?..it's a fairly routine and common practice here in the UK
  8. Wanting more, asking for more.

    I am only teasing you my German friend!
  9. Next airplane for OFF?

    Yeah, me too...early and late period is my favourite
  10. austiran skins

  11. Do you fly Fighters or Bombers in Campaign?

    Yes, you most certainly can be a gunner in a bomber!..great fun (I think it's F6 to swap to gunner?)
  12. Wanting more, asking for more.

    Oh dear Olham!...far be it for me (a mere Krumpet) to harp on about the alledged humour transplant that you Germans are occasionally accused of...may I point out, that the chap in my sig, is Borat (aka Sacha Baron Cohen) one of my favourite comics here is a little clip from the film Borat (I recommend this film, provided you are not easily shocked!)...I nearly died laughing, but that's just me!! this is a funny (non shock-like clip from the film...try a few more at your peril!
  13. Housekeeping on the new forum

    Yes, thanks OvS so, skinning screenies go in the Skinners forum?..yipee
  14. Wanting more, asking for more.

    Sorry Siggi...your points are quite valid..I am just having a Rant day! (one of the symptoms of the over 40's perhaps!...lol)
  15. Wanting more, asking for more.

    Whilst I agree to a point with what you say, if things were always left as they are because people think they're perfect, we would all still be riding horses, going on Crusades, dying of Polio and using a 386SX! There is nothing wrong (imho) with people talking about what they would /Wouldn't like to have..as long as it doesn't detract from the Sim itself, which as we all know is absolutely great. Very little point in a forum, if all we discussed were our combat reports, and graphics settings all day long. (I also would have to take issue on kids today having no imagination anymore. They have had their imagination stifled by very boring, lazy parenting!..but their imagination is fully intact, if adults would stop being such rubbish parents, and started taking responsibility!) Rant over!
  16. Next airplane for OFF?

    I voted Other too... Sopwith Snipe all the way!
  17. Just a quick question please guys. I upgraded my OFF install from P2, therefore I dont have the OBD folder, just the original path etc My CFS3 /MAW install has become totally corrupted (graphics going west) and I need to reinstall. Can I reinstall both of these without worrying about my wonderful OFF getting corrupted in the process? I realise that OFF doesn't need CFS3 installed after OFF is up and running, but am a bit concerned that reinstalling will screw up my OFF upgrade. Can someone assure me that wont be the case? thanks all
  18. Corrupted CFS3 (but OFF is ok)

    Thanks Bob... Yeah, good idea..I would hit the roof if OFF got screwed up..I have it running spot on at the moment thanks mate
  19. Here is another Camel, and a DR1 (damned wingman nearly killed us both!)
  20. A couple more Skins

    Cool skins!!
  21. Controlers for OFFBHAH

    Would this be better in the OFF BHaH forum (unless you have got it sorted?)
  22. OT anyone noticed?

    How pleasant the forum is? No trolling, no snide remarks....just good old fashioned banter!...the Mods must be bored rigid!!!
  23. I trust you will return the favour?
  24. Damn!..WF2... I was hoping this was going to be another Gmax tuitorial!!
  25. OT anyone noticed?


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