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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT: Crazy weather in Newcastle!

    If there is such a thing as 110%....thats how much I agree with you BH (proof that is! )
  2. Catastrophic wildfire

    Tragic...there have been quite a few fatalities over the years with firefighting water bombers....I still remember that one whose wings collapsed...saw it again on youtube a while ago...horrific
  3. OT: Crazy weather in Newcastle!

    Perhaps we should 'Twin' Texas and Newcastle?...we could have an exchange visit! (trouble is of course...I wouldn't want to go home!)
  4. OT: Crazy weather in Newcastle!

    Nothing has kicked off...so why lock it? (apart from the fact it's probably run it's course)......... It's naff all to do with Global Warming...it's just about one days freak weather where I live
  5. EURO 2012

    Total annihilation
  6. OT: Crazy weather in Newcastle!

    Very True!!!
  7. Falklands relic

    Sad...but I guess, money rulez
  8. OT: Crazy weather in Newcastle!

    never mind them...how'd ya fancy 60M Brits?
  9. OT: Crazy weather in Newcastle!

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  10. My Home is my Castle

    Beautiful place!
  11. OT: Crazy weather in Newcastle!

    Hi Deadhead.... One of my friends couldn't get home at all...only got back this morning! (stayed with someone overnight...well, that's his excuse!) crazy
  12. OT: Crazy weather in Newcastle!

    And a couple more!...Newcastle's Dean Street....and the Tyne Tunnel (or Submarine pen, as it's now known!)
  13. EURO 2012

    hmmmm...No German Comments so far?...probably crying into their Pilsner!
  14. Not a minute too soon!

  15. Not a minute too soon!

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/raf-bomber-command/9361572/Bomber-Command-Memorial-service-as-it-happened.html very fitting
  16. Not a minute too soon!

    Yeah..some mentally deficient retard get's his fifteen minutes of fame...yet it takes 67 yrs for real men to get theirs!
  17. Not a minute too soon!

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2156333/Teenager-19-battered-dog-hammer-20-times-stabbed-chest-leaving-home-sign-JobCentre.html and on the flip side...they died so that this detritus may live! Not fit to lick their boots!!!!.....vermin
  18. Turkish F-4 down on the Border with Syria....

    Not strictly true!....If the RAF had shot down the Bears who flew constantly into our airspace...the Cold War would have been REAL hot!
  19. Had a young Sea Eagle in front of my car

    Very nice...we only have one species here in the UK...so, lovely to see such a magnificent creature
  20. EURO 2012

    Hey, I'm English...we always want you guys to lose! (on a serious note...good luck, and enjoy the game)
  21. EURO 2012

    I hope Italy win this one
  22. EURO 2012

    Young should'nt have even been on the pitch...let alone trusted to take a penalty!...he's utterly sh*t
  23. Tiffy Pilot's..the forgotten heroes of D-Day

    Hi m8...nope, just stumbled across it on youtube...but, it's fabulous isnt it
  24. OT: Fixing Lunch

    If it's all 'Very like Chicken'......May I suggest...you eat Chicken?

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