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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Turkish F-4 down on the Border with Syria....

    Well, looks like Turkey is taking a 'softly, softly approach (at least at the minute) If that had been a USAF jet...the Marines woulda been sent in already!....but, it appears that ain't going to happen with NATO or Turkey at the min
  2. Turkish F-4 down on the Border with Syria....

    They're now accusing the two Turkish Crew members of being 'Terrorists' (Assad has totally lost the plot)
  3. Justice Served!

    You don't have exclusivity in the States.... they're everywhere
  4. Justice Served!

    Doesn't look like anyone knows!...care to elaborate?
  5. OT: Welcome, little Melissa

    I do indeed remember that video...was great!....as was this one!.... enjoy :)
  6. Turkish F-4 down on the Border with Syria....

    The Syrians are saying it was invading their Airspace.....looking forward to the Turkish Response..but seems that Syria are really pushing their luck http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-18561219
  7. How to deal with a Terrorist Spanish Style...

    Owned...big style!
  8. OT: Welcome, little Melissa

    All the best....the work starts NOW!
  9. Cliffs of Dover goes to prove, that there is more to PC Flying than Graphical Eye Candy
  10. The New Thunderbirds...

    Maybe they could take out a few Taliban leaders in the half time break?
  11. Not a fan of MMO's...but thanks for the headsup
  12. A Right to die?

    http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ALeqM5gJPGn5oMEhCMwgeQTv_3iIv7OCpg?docId=N0371731340099285214A Tough one Gents...but, I'd be most interested in your input
  13. A Right to die?

    The reason I use this forum for discussions like this...is because I KNOW I will get fascinating replies!!! thank you
  14. Preview Movie No. 3 out now!

    Looking forward to trying out those FEE's....the video and soundtrack look and sound awesome! Great to see PROPER SMOKE AND FLAME effects...instead of the farty, washed out OFF ones
  15. Interesting guests

  16. EURO 2012

    Croatia-Spain.... most boring game so far (and thats saying something)
  17. Nice one Olham...It's a bit too late to check it out today (my Bed calleth) but will have a look tomorrow
  18. Gravitating back to CA...

    Made my decision very early on
  19. Hang in there Paul...I'm sure you'll feel much stronger soon
  20. My turn to be on TV

    Not to be outdone by my dear Mrs Widowmaker...who got her face on TV earlier this yeah...quite out of the Blue, I got a call from BBC Scotland, wanting to interview me about my Campaign for Adam Telfer and Border Collies. They're coming to my house next Thursday eeek
  21. My turn to be on TV

  22. George W Bush's decapitated head

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/18441163 (sigh) If Only....Still, I'd watch the series just for that!
  23. Albatros fuselage artwork

  24. Albatros fuselage artwork

    Jasta 76B (apparently)
  25. George W Bush's decapitated head

    That's stupid!...hth does that look like Bush?

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