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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Just a very quick question please guys? (woulda put this in Pacific Fighters, but not much happening in there) Just wondered if anyone knows how to remove all the red writing that clogs up the screen when in combat?...Drives me NUTS! thank you
  2. No...There is no "Shouldn't we" There is only "We're Going to"
  3. End of an Era

    Living in Newcastle, in the North East of England, I have watched the steady decline of heavy industry, which once powered this area with skilled jobs...sadly, this part of the UK has the highest percentage of unemployment in the whole of the UK (currently 11%) these days. And news that a further 400 jobs are to go at the Armstrong Works (BAE) as the factory is closing, adds to this percentage. The original tanks used in WW1 were all built here, and more recently the Challenger Tank....but, the World is changing...Tanks are becoming less and less in demand (which many, including me, would say that's not such a bad thing)...but, another part of World History comes to an end
  4. Worked like a dream!...many, Many thanks m8
  5. New LSD Tragedy

    I'm sick of the Olympics...and it hasnt even bloody started yet!
  6. Marine shoots a man's coon dog (dawg)

    I'm afraid Marines don't give me goosebumps at all...but, each to their own I guess
  7. Which (Non-Sims) are you playing?

    Apart from Flightsims... I'm really enjoying some of the games that are around at the moment. LOVING L.A. Noire Liking Sniper Elite 2 And you.....?
  8. End of an Era

    In the words of JRR Tolkein "A new power rises in the East"
  9. It must be close?

    I think WOFF is not too far off now...
  10. Which (Non-Sims) are you playing?

    Dave!...I believe that A-10C DCS is a flightsim!!!...... put on the dunce hat, and go stand at the back of the class!...you NAUGHTY simmer you!
  11. Marine shoots a man's coon dog (dawg)

    Have to say, the fact he's a soldier doesn't even enter into it. He had to make a call....he did, and now it's up to high flying lawyers to decide, whether he pays up or not! The real 'villian' of this piece, is not the guy who did the shooting...and not the Dog. It's the Dogs owner, who should have been in control of his animal, thus preventing the Soldier from the need to do what he did, to protect his family (just my take)
  12. Which (Non-Sims) are you playing?

    Oh Yes..World in Conflict...I'll have to reinstall that
  13. Hey...Jet Jockies

    Check this out!...NO music...NO Commentary...Just raw power and a great ride!
  14. Hello... and wow..

    Glad to see you're well and happy James! I have actually just signed up as a member of our local Fire and Emergency Support Team...nothing too exciting unlike your job...We help people whose House has been involved in a Fire/Flood etc, supply them with Toilet facilities, Clothing, look after their pets, camera's for insurance, rehoming emergency cover etc etc.
  15. A Crossroads in History

    I agree Mike... Changing History probably merely puts off the inevitable...Suppose Hitler hadn't done what he did?... who can say whether or not an even worse situation would have developed? I know it's a truly ghastly thought...but, because of some Nazi Experiments, medical science actually moved forward at an astonishing rate..and we have had the benefit of that, and the appalling suffering of hundreds/thousands/millions of people is the very high price paid. I have no doubt whatsoever, that we would still have had the benefit of that, without such slaughter..but it perhaps would not be quite as far advanced as it is today? Who knows
  16. It must be close?

    That's what I thought! Paul, all the best m8!.... you've paid enough in NI over the years I bet?...Now, to get something back in return huh?
  17. Pictures: Swedish Navy Day 2012

    Lovely pics!
  18. It must be close?

    Really?...or is that a joke?
  19. Evolution

    These old games were such fun!...Flightsims these days, are bogged down with Flightmodels, Damage Modelling, etc,etc..... I sometimes really miss the old fashioned 'games'
  20. A OBD "Bonus" I'd like to see

    Yup...That would be very cool
  21. HPW FM 2.0 is now available!

    Wonderful news HPW...you're a bloody star!...I love the pfalz...but, it's such a BITCH to stay alive in....perhaps now, I will live a little longer! Many thanks
  22. Evolution

    God, I sooooo loved that game! I really miss Strike Commander too...the only Jet sim I've ever liked
  23. Say Hi To Your New Moderators

    Don't you worry Dej....When you've been proper edumacated like what I is...no probs geezer
  24. Say Hi To Your New Moderators

    Don't let the MODS catch you!!!

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