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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Wrong turn in N.K. shows true condition

    And after the North Korean Rocket fiasco...this is about accurate Official story : North Korean rocket fails, falls in South Korean seas. North Korea state TV : Eternal leaders rocket becomes glorious submarine to fool the puppet forces of the West.
  2. Found a Sweet mod for Fallout New Vegas

    True enough...though when Skyrim hit the shelves, I lost interest in Fallout completely. Not sure if I can get back into it..but this may help
  3. Hi Guys Here's a skin I have made, from a Google Image I found. It has the picture of the Pilot (so probably an ace) with it..but, I cannot read the name. The aircraft looks (roughly) like this...and the insignia is the letter 'P' If anyone recognises the livery, I'd love to know who the pilot was. Thanks
  4. DVII skin- anyone know who it is?

    Thanks Olham...I'll try and 'bag a few Spads'
  5. Found a Sweet mod for Fallout New Vegas

  6. DVII skin- anyone know who it is?

    Thanks Dej In That case.... "Hey everyone...like my new Fictional skin?"
  7. DVII skin- anyone know who it is?

    I regularly look through the skins Olham...I just musta missed it. However...I think I shall use this as my plane..and join Jasta 9
  8. DVII skin- anyone know who it is?

    thanks Shiloh
  9. DVII skin- anyone know who it is?

    Thank you gents..I think you are spot on!.... I was assuming it was a 'P' as on the picture, it was slightly hidden by the wing!...I just found and downloaded the pic...here ya go..and yes, now you say the name..it magically comes into focus on the picture!.... well done, and thanks
  10. I'm back

    Welcome back Creaghorn!...good to see you back in the mess!
  11. Hey Shiloh...you coulda wasted the German with a Service Revolver! great shots m8!
  12. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    Amazing!...a real step forward in the DM... Really nice!
  13. SPAD XIII Skin uploaded

    I rarely do any weathering to your skins Herr Olham!...they are FAR too nice to get dirty!!!!!.....this is a corker!!!
  14. Whatever became of Colditz Castle?

    Well, it might as well be used for something
  15. Four German Aviators' Graves

    Very moving Olham..and a testament to those men, is the fact that a Brit has heard 'most' of their names
  16. OT-f-35 Sea Trails

    Yes m8...They were built under licence in the US
  17. Brilliant WW1-time Posters

    very nice find!!
  18. OT-f-35 Sea Trails

    Yeah!...Like many things..Us Brits invented it..and the Yanks pour money at it and call it theirs!
  19. WW2 photo's

    http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/pages/ww2/ 'Borrowed' from the Pub!...amazing! (thanks to the original poster for these)
  20. 30 years ago

    Well, we wouldn't have an Aircraft Carrier for a start. (or Harriers come to that)
  21. OT - Working at Poverty Point

    Nice post BH...on a fascinating subject! (they'll have had Dogs too no doubt)....sorry..had to get that one in!
  22. "Wing Commander Saga:The Darkest Dawn" Released!

    Cant get my damn joystick to work!
  23. http://edition.cnn.com/2012/03/27/travel/jet-blue-flight-diverted/?hpt=hp_c1 Poor bloke..dunno what's happened. Well done to the Co-Pilot and Passengers
  24. Further to the Cat and Dog thread

    I reckon this about sums up the reality?

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