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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. The Give Up Smoking Revolution Thread

    Well, ashamed to say...I gave up smoking for three years...really thought that was an end to it!....but something happened one night, that..well, scared me half to death...and my reaction was "Have a smoke!" And it kicked off again!...I'm trying to again at the moment..but I'm finding it much harder second time around
  2. Does P4 get it's own name?

    Ahh...but is it one of the suggestions here?
  3. Not for the Oil..wearing a bit thin

    Well, if thats the case...god help us all if we go plowing into Iran!
  4. The importance of a clean machine (internally!)

    Well, been fixing PC's for six years..and although I've cleaned some mucky ones..I (thankfully)have never come across anything alive in there!...nor would I want to
  5. Corporate b*stards

    Fair point I guess!
  6. Nomination for promotion - travesty

    Well, lets face it..Nepotism is rife!...after all, it's the only way to explain how George W Bush, ever became a president!
  7. Skinning

    That will be a Bible Sandbagger!!!!....I'm looking forward to that, like I am OFF2!!!!! :drinks: Ah yes..The beauty of being a Graphics maestro!
  8. Doing It For Real

    You old romantic you!
  9. There's something special, one can see captured in artwork, that can never be duplicated with a camera
  10. What's in Your Local Museum?

    Here's a few from Sunderland Air Museum...the exhibits are not fabulous to be honest, but they are dedicated volunteer's nonetheless
  11. Doing It For Real

    Amazing experience, amazing Story...and an Amazing Girl!...great stuff m8
  12. Real Bargain @ £100...job lot!...the Heli alone is selling for £230 on ebay.. I'm keeping the Spitfire (merely as a model...gonna make her look all nice!)...the Shrike twin engine job?...dunno what to do with that...she's about 3/4 finished, with engines mounted..hmm..just not sure yet. The RC box is another worthwhile sell on ebay too...also got about 6-7 fuel engines (one of which is a four-stroke)...and two helicopter's with good engines, but structural damage..and starters etc The Spit's wingspan is just under 4 ft...looking forward to making her look good as new. The weird device, at a guess...is for making sure you have the correct Dihedral on the wings when building?
  13. wooo...look what I just got hold of :)

    Ah right..thanks m8...No, not really a flyer to be honest...I just want the spitfire as a large model..the rest is going on ebay
  14. wooo...look what I just got hold of :)

    this is the weird thing!
  15. Interesting find

  16. Corporate b*stards

    I understand the concept of supply and demand...don't have a problem with that!....but instead of 'cashing in' on someone's death...these poor little hard done by..look at the horrible pirates stealing all our money, companies..would do themselves far better PR by releasing a few of her songs free on itunes
  17. Why Was My Thread Moved?

    yup..same here..don't worry about it m8..happens a lot
  18. OT Hotmail

    It's lousy..and in fact, should be treated as spyware itself!
  19. The scenery is completely revamped as promised...It looks amazing..and the aircraft are looking wonderful too!..can't wait for the release (I have fond memories of this plane..and the Hannover..as they were third and fourth Airfix kits I built)
  20. OT: If it Ain't Boeing, I Ain't Going

    Boeing 737's?....those crates are just waiting to plummet from the Skies!
  21. I'm in two minds about the censorship issue!....you must have some censoreship...it's Illegal for instance, to wear a Nazi Armband in public...that sort of censorship is totally just and right...but youtube?...like Tsmoke says...you can not watch it...but, should it be open to view by people who have an interest in that?..and may become radicalised?...if not...then why not allow Al Queda a voice?....tough call
  22. Thanks for the headsup m8...They even trickle into the Animal welfare pages on Facebook etc...posting about the cruelty of Halal meat...they dont care about animal welfare..they are just slithering into any Groups, where they think they'll get support!..very dangerous people indeed!...they need to be shot down in flames, at ANY opportunity!

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