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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Incompetent, and a coward

    Well, regardless of how the Island Population behaved, the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of Captain Numb-nuts!.....His head is gonna roll
  2. OT: Thanks, Widowmaker!

    Great News Mike...I'm so pleased you are happy with it!....It's quite an unbelievable piece of software!...If only Cliffs of Dover had a similar version!
  3. Incredible piece of Flightsim movie making

    Hi Hellshade Yeah, the AI is pretty good... should play fine on your system..but it WILL LAG OVER TOWNS REALLY BADLY....regardless of what PC you have
  4. Incredible piece of Flightsim movie making

    It's OK Olham...the latest patch has helped somewhat...but it still lags terribly over towns...unplayable at times
  5. Who remembers this?

    Absolute essential viewing when I was a kid!.... If I missed an episode, the sh*t used to hit the fan! What was your Childhood 'Must see?' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4csWeJOrZU
  6. Incredible piece of Flightsim movie making

    Wish I could make a video even 1/1000 as good as those!
  7. ...Compassion shines through The Battle of Saipan.... 1944 I am never far from amazement, that even in such abject Horror, Compassion is still within our grasp!.... Sometimes, I am really proud to call myself a member of the Human Race. You often hear tales like this, in conflicts...I wonder what it is, that makes men..who have witnessed and lived through this experience, help a lowly Dog?...when they are surrounded by Death and Horror. Maybe a Soldier only knows the answer to that?
  8. In the Face of Horror

    Lovely photo's m8....thanks “(Twenty-five) Marine war dogs gave their lives liberating Guam in 1944,” the memorial reads. “They served as sentries, messengers, scouts. They explored caves, detected mines and booby traps. Semper Fidelis.” That this proclamation would end with the Marine Corps’ famed Latin motto, “always faithful,” is fitting. During Guam’s liberation, Marines relied on these mostly Doberman working dogs – not only to sniff out enemy soldiers hiding in caves or carry needed medical supplies – but also to warn against enemy attacks as they spent the night alongside the dogs in foxholes, or went on more than 450 patrols. According to surviving veterans, and as described on the monument itself, many of the Marines owe their lives to these faithful canines. In one incident alone, Kurt, the Doberman whose regal likeness tops the monument, saved the lives of 250 Marines when he silently warned them of Japanese troops ahead, according to several published accounts. Such incidents made for powerful bonds between the dogs and their handlers. “In these battles, as in their training, the men learned to depend on their dogs and to trust their dogs’ instincts with their lives,” veterinarian William W. Putney writes in his book “Always Faithful: A Memoir of the Marine Dogs of WWII.” The retired Marine captain helped train the dogs in 1943 and was the commanding officer of the 3rd War Dog Platoon and veterinarian for both platoons during the battle of Guam. “The dogs proved so valuable on Guam that every Marine division was assigned a war dog platoon and they paved the way for the many dogs that have followed them in the armed services, most famously in Vietnam.” Putney lobbied, largely unsuccessfully, to have war dogs detrained and returned to civilian life after the war (it happened to only 4 out of 549). He was also the driving force behind the Guam War Dog Memorial – America’s first memorial dedicated to military working dogs. As the dogs were killed while searching out bombs and enemy troops or transporting equipment across enemy lines, they were buried at Asan, the initial invasion point, in a small parcel at the Marine Cemetery. Latter, white headstones were added to what would become Guam’s War Dog Cemetery. In the late 1980s, Putney returned to find the animal’s graves overgrown and unkempt. He put the word out and was soon able to help raise funds to clean the grounds and commission the monument. On July 21, 1994 – the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Guam – the Guam War Dog Memorial was dedicated to the dogs that gave their lives to liberate Guam. Today, it also stands as a monument to all U.S. military working dogs – as well as the special bond and missions they share with their handlers.
  9. OT-Microsoft CFS WWII Europe Series...

    blimey...good old cfs1....I used to import FS2000 aircraft into that!.... was good fun trying to shoot down a Boeing 737 with a spitfire!
  10. In the Face of Horror

    Oh wow!....I never knew that!....thanks Flypc. Kinda takes the 'Compassion' out of it a bit!....as they were clearly useful...but nonetheless...nice to know
  11. And the same to you Sir!
  12. Very cool!...You sure know how to find the obscure videos Herr Olham!
  13. I didnt enjoy Christmas or New Year very much either TBH..... Four hours sitting at my Father in Laws House, listening to the same old stories I've heard for the last fifteen years...and sitting at the table, opposite my Ex Business partner, and Brother-in-Law.....wondering if it's worth doing 25 yrs in Prison, just to stick the Carving Knife through his Brain!
  14. BOB2 wings of Victory

    Sorry guys, I know this is in the wrong section, but couldnt find a BOB section..please move if necessary Just wondered if anyone has this running properly on W7 64? Seemed to work ok for me...but is now crashing...with an 'Unable to read English Text' error..whatever that is! Patched to 2.10 any help most appreciated
  15. BOB2 wings of Victory

    "disable desktop composition" that did it Dave!...many thanks m8
  16. Your nicest Christmas present?

    Indeed, the best present of all. (well, the very best present, will be to have our Sons and Daughters home for good)...let's hope that's sometime soon
  17. Anyone seen Ricketycrate?

    I'm sure he'll be fine. He comes and goes a fair bit...
  18. Your nicest Christmas present?

    Mine is arriving on Tuesday... a 28" Monitor....So I will actually be able to see what the hell I'm doing!
  19. OT-Micro$oft "Flight"

    Well, that about sums it up then...MS Flight can get stuffed...FSX is all I need anyhow...so i dont care if it sinks or swims
  20. OT-Micro$oft "Flight"

    For me..it's not about MS Flight...it's about 3rd Party support. All MS products are pretty awful when they are first released...and then the people who actually KNOW what the community wants, get to work..and transform the MS product. So, for me..it's all about who else will support it
  21. Wanna join the IDF?

    I'll just stay home and shag Civvies thanks
  22. A woman in a hot air balloon realised she was lost. She reduced altitude and spotted a man below. She descended a bit more and shouted: 'Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago but I don't know where I am..' The man below replied, 'You're in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You're between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude.' 'You must be an Engineer,' said the balloonist. 'I am,' replied the man, 'how did you know?' 'Well,' answered the balloonist, 'everything you have told me is probably technically correct, but I've no idea what to make of your information and the fact is, I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help at all. If anything, you've delayed my trip by your talk.' The man below responded, 'You must be in Management.' 'I am,' replied the balloonist, 'but how did you know?' 'Well,' said the man, 'you don't know where you are or where you're going. You have risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise, which you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it's my fault.
  23. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/newzealand/8999902/New-Zealand-hot-air-balloon-crash-Pilot-was-due-to-marry.html Terrible

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