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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Kim Jong Il is dead

    I agree!...
  2. New Member

    Oh... I forgot to mention!...Mine's a Pint of Old Speckled Hen....washed down with a nice Filly!
  3. Kim Jong Il is dead

    They'll have to find a very small person, to step into his shoes!
  4. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I've kinda go used to it now
  5. OT Dogs in the Snow

    Love the Red Tri m8!!!
  6. OT Dogs in the Snow

    Actually... dont forget to Browse, Upload..and then add the file from the menu on the right of the screen Beautiful Gaw!
  7. New Member

    Hi Boomer...welcome to the friendliest Forum on the Net!...hope you have fun here!
  8. OT Dogs in the Snow

    @ jwrich....that is one CUTE Dog m8..... and such devotion to her friend!... the bond between Man and Dog is very strong indeed! (Nice DVII too)
  9. New Wireless Headphones...

    I cannot wear headphones that cover my ears...as I wear Glasses...and after about an hour, I'm in agony!
  10. OT Dogs in the Snow

    yes m8... are you sure your upload limit isnt reached?
  11. OT Dogs in the Snow

    Well...as we're on the subject!!! This is Sophie.... My two year old Border Collie And Max....my 11 yr old Border Collie (He's a lot friendlier than he looks in this shot BTW!)
  12. Just spotted you on the list!...how ya doing m8?
  13. OT Dogs in the Snow

    Stunning!!!....My Son (and I) love 'em Looking at the video...Odin is a 'big' chap....in more than one respect too isnt he?....Impressive!!!! Looks like he could give the Ladies something to blush about!
  14. OT Dogs in the Snow

    Any chance you could upload a pic of Odin in normal light please m8?...My Son wants to see what he looks like!...thanks
  15. OT Dogs in the Snow

    It's little wonder, that mankind chose to befriend our Canine Companions!....you wouldnt want to get on their bad side!!!!
  16. Albatros D.V Skin for Jastas 12, 16, 17 or 32

    A truly Beautiful Skin!!!! highly recommended!
  17. Fokker DVII_F

    Thats praise indeed from such a fine skinner as yourself Sir Olham!
  18. Fokker DVII_F



    This is a fictional design (though hopefully believable) of a Fokker DVIIF of Jasta 10 Please feel free to have fun with it..use it as you will. Many thanks as usual to OvS and all at OBD for allowing us to use their original skins
  19. Beanie...where you been hiding?

    (oh....he's buggered off again)
  20. Whose a lucky boy then?....can't see 777 doing that!
  21. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Crap m8...She was a right pain in the Neck!.... and when I took her out for a Stake....she f*cked off!
  22. OT Dogs in the Snow

    Yeah... A big Fella!
  23. OT Dogs in the Snow

    Fantastic shot m8...LOVE IT!!!!
  24. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I went on a date this evening. I said, "So, are you a vampire?" "No," she said, with a puzzled look on her face. I said, "So you can see your reflection and you still come out looking like that?"
  25. old planes

    I wish I knew Carrick!...I was too busy filling my Diapers to notice!...It was a flight from Singapore to London...with my mum...to get my British Passport sorted...my dad was working with the Foreign Office out there (or MI6 as they're better known)

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