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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT: Steam Hacked....

    I have to say..I was very anti-steam...but sadly, my favourite games are Steam only (Total War) I wouldnt use them otherwise...and it's for this very reason...insecure! (plus, they totally ruined my favourite online Mod...Day of Defeat)...bastards
  2. My how time flys

    Yes please!!!!
  3. My how time flys

    He's never skinned a Pfalz (I wish he would)
  4. OT: Steam Hacked....

    Hell, if they can hack into the US Defence Dept.....what chance Steam and Sony?
  5. OT - Burning Down the House

    Having been involved in a House fire myself...I can testify to how quickly it can spread....time to check the smoke alarms here methinks!
  6. Last Post...

    Perhaps we are...let's hope so m8
  7. Youtube

    I would have put a link to my video..but a bit pointless...as I have removed all the Racist stuff Lexx
  8. Thankful Villages...

    'Upper Slaughter'...... whats in a name?!
  9. OT: Steam Hacked....

    Arrrr...M'lad!...you think those pesky Naval swabs will stop us pillagin'?....I'll have ya walking the plank at Cutlass point fo ya scurvy talk!
  10. Last Post...

    I don't really go a bundle on the two minute silence thing...As they are always in my thoughts anyway. That's fine of course, if you don't
  11. Last Post...

    A man after my own heart! (I even go back to Agincourt)
  12. OT: Steam Hacked....

    Bring Back the DVD!!!!.....Steam does not prevent Piracy...DRM does not prevent Piracy...NOTHING prevents piracy
  13. Last Post...

    They gave their Today...So we may have a Tomorrow 50 Million people killed in the Second World War alone!...When will we EVER learn
  14. OT: An eBay "Buyer Beware" Example

    My Brother lived in Staines when this happened http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_European_Airways_Flight_548 He has a small piece of the wreckage still..that he found in a nearby field...He was just a youngster, and it was not a part needed for the investigation (or so he says) Rather Macabre of him I say
  15. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I won't be buying it until December, for the same reason as Bullethead...and would also appreciate 'Non-Spoilers'
  16. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2059446/FIFA-poppy-row-England-wear-armband.html
  17. FIFA Backs down re: Poppies :)

    Yes, the Daily Mail are a bunch of Anti-European tossers tbh... (Fawlty Towers)
  18. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2059004/Red-Arrows-pilot-Sean-Cunningham-killed-ejector-seat-accident-RAF-Scampton.html?ito=feeds-newsxml My thoughts go out to his Family and Friends
  19. Tragic Death of Red Arrows Pilot

    Indeed it isn't Mike...there sounds like a Generic Fault with this model of seat. The Pilot in the first fatal crash earlier in the year in Dorset, was found floating in the River Stour, with his seat nearby...but no mention of a Parachute
  20. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2059004/Red-Arrows-pilot-Sean-Cunningham-killed-ejector-seat-accident-RAF-Scampton.html?ito=feeds-newsxml My thoughts go out to his Family and Friends
  21. FIFA Backs down re: Poppies :)

    Almost certainly I suspect!
  22. My how time flys

    Hahahaha... Why thank you Olham..you old Stalwart of the OFF Skies!.... I too remember it my Friend!
  23. My how time flys

    I have fond memories of Phase 1...it was little more than CFS3 with Biplanes (actually, thats not really fair to say)...it was much more than that!...but it was a revolution...and a Revalation to me! (I have my Friend Dave to thank for it)
  24. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Is that what you've been told?...hahahahahaha Yes, Second life can be used as a tool....but most people in there, are there for virtual Sex from what I remember (stopped playing it, as there are way too many weirdo's on it)...A lot of people are virtually Married, cohabiting...and generally cheating on their real life partners...there are some 'very disturbing' things going on in there...but, if I was a psychology Student...thats the place I would start..I even met a couple, who are married in real life...have made their Characters look like themselves..and live in a virtual house, designed to look like their own real house!....how sad is that? When I asked them "Why?"...they told me it's because they don't get time to go out and meet real friends!...I wonder why not?...if they can spend hours doing that? My advice to anyone is...if you wanna play this game, go into it with your eyes open!!....it can be extremely addictive...and dangerous!..as you are getting involved with real people...real conversations...and feel real emotions..it's not like medal of honor online..where you go in..get shot to pieces..and leave after an hour Don't get me wrong...there are some fab things you can do there...I've flown Helicopters...flown an F16 off a Carrier...met some really nice people too...but, it just get's too involved...and I found myself wasting my life away...so made the decision to leave it for good a couple of years ago Do you remember D&D?...how some States in the US banned it?...because people were getting too addicted to it..and it was affecting their lives?...well Second Life is like that... I don't have an addictive personality...but some people do..they're the ones who should avoid it...but sadly, they are the ones who fill the game's population..to the detriment of their real lives (IMHO) One can understand why people get addicted to it....real life is harsh...sh*t happens...no-one said it would be easy...and a Virtual world runs just how you want it to...hell, OFF is escapism..we all need that...it's very good for our mental wellbeing...but in small doses..like a good book...nobody read War and Peace, or Lord of the Rings without a break now and then!...but seriously...there are people in there, who play every minute, of every waking day.... that's just really not good!!...lol
  25. My how time flys

    My Word!...and I started on P1....jeez!

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