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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT Radio Listening

    http://www.archive.org/details/WW1-Footage-ChateauThierry great post Flypc...this is pretty cool
  2. Korean War Flight Sim

    The Korean Skies link appears to be dead...and the Google suggestion was to search for 'Korean Shoes'
  3. Does P4 get it's own name?

    I quite like Clouds of Glory Sid
  4. OT Your all time Comedy Heroes

    lol..indeed you did Tranquillo....I do apologise Sir!
  5. OT Your all time Comedy Heroes

    I love Michael Macyntyre...and I;m surprised no-one has mentioned Billy Connolly And for the American Comics...who is the Black guy sometimes on Have I got News for you? yup Reginald D Hunter...superbly dry wit...love him
  6. Searching For A Good Bank

    They're all c*nts...so good luck
  7. OT- A big day, for William the Bastard

    Haha..yes indeed!...a very proud Moustache. I thought I read somewhere, that the unfortunate chap in the tapestry was NOT in fact Harold at all, and the word HAROLD above his picture, was merely coincidence? (he is clearly clad in Norman Chainmail, Helmet and Shield)... though, I'm no armour expert either of course!
  8. OT- A big day, for William the Bastard

    Indeed!...I do think (again, with no real knowledge) that the Laws passed by the Normans in the UK, have had a profound effect on Modern Life, and shaped the Countryside into what we have now. I kinda like the Normans...but then, I'm Biased... As my Family roots are from Falaise in Normandy...and William gave some land in Montrose to my Ancestors (apparently)....actually, think I'll grab a Kite Shield, my Son's Pony...and an Axe...and go claim back whats rightfully mine!....cya all later!
  9. Old...but still great

    Most of you guys will have seen this...but if you haven't....enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kp0h2t4Fk4s
  10. Dennis Ritchie died

    RIP...actually, unlike Jobs..he was a quiet hero... Jobs loved himself
  11. Occasionally...but it's really showing it's age
  12. Admiral Lord West

    What an arrogant old tw@t!! It's idiotic statements like this, that really show the rest of the World, why we are no longer the great country we once were! Like Politicians, Admirals are so far removed from the real world..they are the least fit to do their jobs! http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/218447/20110922/uk-military-power-admiral-lord-west-belgium-denmark-afghanistan.htm
  13. And one of the Pilots, is a woman. Go get 'em Girl! **Sorry Chaps..this is actually OLD News** http://mymodelplanes.wordpress.com/2011/03/24/first-female-eurofighter-pilot-sees-action-in-libya/
  14. The way most Dads feel, join now!

    I have a son...and I'll be shooting back
  15. Tornado versus Cop

    F*ck Yeah!!!! Though..If I am to be picky..the Sidewinder is an Air to Air weapon is it not?
  16. I dont speak Dutch...but you don't need to http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=3Q-pmKiFZTw
  17. OT Funny Dutch Commercial

    Thanks Muesli
  18. OT - Flash game for WM

    Oh god!...bank goes another chunk of my life!
  19. Hey...Al Queda

    A little message for ya! We're coming to round you up!
  20. http://armorgames.com/play/6137/crush-the-castle-2
  21. Another great flash game

  22. Another great flash game

    It sure is Shiloh kinda reminds me of the late, great, Lemmings. (did you ever play that?...god, that was addictive!)
  23. Ah yes, Indeed!...I too have heard that m8
  24. Yes..the subject of Archie, and it's overall effectiveness (or not) is certainly interesting. From all accounts..well, certainly the few Ive come across...it had seemingly little real impact?..and was more a case of 'well, there are enemy aircraft up there, so I guess we should have a pop at them'..though perhaps that is an unfair statement? Moving forward a couple of decades, it would appear that AA fire during the Blitz, was more of a morale booster for the unfortunate population of London's East End, than a really effective way of shooting down enemy aircraft. That said, I'd be very interested to learn more BTW Bullethead. Was the job of Artilleryman in the role you performed, also encompassed with Anti Aircraft duties?..or where you guys solely mud-movers, and AAA was a seperate Job?

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