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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT Braveheart

    We're all bloody Vikings anyhow!
  2. OT: Battlefield 3 - gameplay trailer

    I'm with Slarti. Sick to the back teeth of modern shooters I'm afraid!...nice graphics though...just more of the same old same old...sorry
  3. OT: Life in the Trenches, A New Respect

    Yes Slarti...I have quite a few friends who are ex-Squaddies...with similar tales of ghastlyness...many are damaged, physically too...which leads me to thinking, Why the hell would anyone join the Army on a voluntary basis?.... Me..I can't think of anything worse!

    And the devs probably missed my post about QC? Any work being done on that chaps?
  5. OT: Life in the Trenches, A New Respect

    God yeah...Nothing worse than wet feet for making you feel utterly miserable
  6. OT: Life in the Trenches, A New Respect

    Mix that with Rats running everywhere...headlice infestation...and sharing latrines!...yuk!

    I'm very grateful to have got the Snipe...and wouldn't dare to ask for anything else. Though, plane packs later on, after OFF4 would certainly sell like hot cakes I suspect!
  8. Just back from WWI fly in at AF Museum

    great pics!//love the Fokker EIII
  9. OT Braveheart

    How dare you Sir...I demand a dual!...If that were the case, it would make the Border Collie Scottish!!...PAH!
  10. official Pan Am 2011 tv series discussion

    Shame we wont get it in the UK. My only comment about Pan Am, was their Livery's were rather dull I prefer Pam Ann
  11. OT Braveheart

    Ah yes..the Border Reiver road, through the Galloway Forest, is a favourite visiting spot of mine. You can see straight away why it was favoured!...A clean, crisp Stream runs alongside it..for watering the animals, and yourself...dense forested areas for many miles..lots of places to hide. I love it there....In fact, it could be quite good fun, becoming a modern day bandit...stopping Tourists cars, and stealing their sandwiches, thermos flasks...and selling their trinkets at Castle Douglas market! (not forgetting of course, leaving them Hung, Drawn and quartered hanging from the trees)
  12. A bit like the Royal Wedding

    hahaha..thank you Si...you're right of course, I do logon here rather more than is probably healthy... Yup, from Geordieland indeed...but worse than that...I'm a bloody Suvner!
  13. OT Braveheart

    The worst one ever was that attempt at Cockney in Mary Poppins!
  14. A bit like the Royal Wedding

    Beautiful!...the National (in fact International prose of the Barmy OFFers club!) HUZZAH!!!!!! :drinks: Absolutely fantastic!!! Your talent Lou...is an inspiration to us all!...and a constant surprise too! Don't ever leave these boards Sir!
  15. OT Braveheart

    credit where it's due however...His Scottish Accent was convincing...and the action was well filmed
  16. Just back from WWI fly in at AF Museum

    Yeah...upload the piccies!!!
  17. hahahahahaha So you should be!
  18. OT Braveheart

    I could not agree more! Sometimes Actors and directors have an 'agenda' I think. Gibson is clearly Anti- English... he makes no bones about it (and I doubt we will see him starring in Schindlers List 2 either)
  19. A bit like the Royal Wedding

  20. OT FSX and TrackIR 5

    Excellent...glad you're sorted
  21. OT Braveheart

    Indeed flypc They were vicious times...and Wallace was equally capable of hideous acts of genocide also. The bit in the film, where he burns the English Soldiers to death in the Barn?...hmm..may or may not have happened. Burning to death dozens of Women and Children at Hexham Abbey?...certainly did. But that sort of crime is still commited today of course
  22. A bit like the Royal Wedding

    Thank you creaghorn..I knew I should not have mentioned anyones name in my post...I was always going to miss out the names of the greatest contributors such as your good self Sir
  23. Aw Parky...that's not like you man!.... I beat you to it!!

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