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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. Military History

    well the UK/GB is obviously 1 (well actually 4 or 3 ) unless you rule it out due to the Channel Isles (which are Crown dependencies & not actually part of the UK). Russia attacked Finland in the winter of 1939-40 & Finland ended up losing some land to Russia in the treaty that followed but the government stayed intact.
  2. I don't know exactly how accurate it is in the TW games but in real life deltas do bleed energy badly in turns.
  3. Flight

    the SE.5A & SPAD XIII were both quicker than the DVII (SE.5A slightly but the SPAD noticeably so)
  4. Flight

    I was just watching a programme last night about WWI aircraft/pilots. main things I took away from it were: their own aircraft were often just as dangerous to the pilots as the enemy were ... an aircraft that was top of the heap one month was often at the bottom a few months later such was the rate of change. In the case of the Albatros the main advantage that it seems to have had when it was introduced was that it carried 2xMG firing forward through the propeller & that it was the increased firepower that gave it the edge rather than any handling advantage.
  5. Can Ferrari Still Win?

    & then there's Renault, the BMW Sauber doesn't look bad, who knows what Williams will be like this year, Toyota have the ambition & the $$s ... Should be an interesting start to the season
  6. I Can't Download

    afaik we've dropped that requirement now
  7. Unusual Aviation Pictures

    anybody interested in making a concerted effort on this? I know quite a few on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th pages (as far as I've looked) ...
  8. Newbie need help

    other new aircraft http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/Skunworks1.html - you will have to email them for a password
  9. Military History

    <nitpick>emm, the UK is actually 4 separate countries on it's own so the question is obviously wrong ... </nitpick> What's your classification of "involved"? e.g. neutral countries may not have been involved in the actual combat but still had some involvement e.g. Spain, Switzerland etc.
  10. logitech joystick

    options>controls>camera controls - click it & then move your hat
  11. Hi, I didn't make the Weapon Editor, that's a Third Wire tool. Unfortunately the software that CA uses labels the person that uploads a file as the author.
  12. Community Announcement

    have a thought for the poor saps that will have to moderate it ... Seriously, if you realised the bandwidth that this site gets through (& it's still growing) which somehow has to be paid for (currently out of the site owners pockets) ...
  13. Will the be more Patches Coming?

    TK has a history of supporting his games with service packs (not just patches as they usually add functionality too rather than just fixes) so i would expect so. as for a variety of terrains they are more likely to come from modders or from the other WWI installments/addons that TK plans on.
  14. Community Announcement

    we aren't. The mods are currently discussing this whole post count/download issue but it's likely that blatant spam posts to up post count will be deleted & not count.
  15. neither did the K or M I did PM him re. this but never got a reply.
  16. Skinning for Capun's Planes

    you can make skins for them. However, if you use re-use any existing textures etc. from anybody else's skin you should seek permission (except where already given e.g. Third Wire templates) & credit them in the readme.
  17. seems to be up again http://x-plane.org/home/Patak/data/uh1b.zip
  18. Nope. If you have WOV intstalled & add WOE then you can merge those 2. I wouldn't be surprised if future WWI addons can be merged with FE (assuming that they all have the same publisher).
  19. I believe that it's available for $5 in places like Best Buy. Where are you?
  20. Trees In Gunship

    you might want to try speaking to polak - if anybody knows he probably does.
  21. I Can't Download

    Hi Monty, Since the "upgrade" at the weekend we're finding & fixing all sorts of glitches. Thanks for reporting it & Erik or Fates will get on it, please stand by. Btw, you were logged in?
  22. A1h Suff

    or just post the links in this thread
  23. I'm getting it a lot too - mostly when browsing the downloads section
  24. A1h Suff

    well, if you would care to post the direct links we'll move them if appropriate. as far as I can see from a quick look though (& given that the database is playing up currently) they are all either in SF addon aircraft A-1 or SF Skins A-1
  25. you shouldn't need to go to boresight, I only use that in a dogfight. You can move the cursor over a target & acquire it. Of course once fired with a SARH you need to continue illuminating the target.

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