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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. File Name: Salmson 2 Skin Template - Third Wire First Eagles model File Submitter: BUFF File Submitted: 18 Dec 2006 File Category: SF Skin Templates This is the skin template for the original in game Salmson 2 Click here to download this file
  2. Version


    This is the skin template for the original in game Salmson 2
  3. Version


    This is the skin template for the original in game D.F.W. C.V
  4. Version


    This is the skin template for the original in game Albatros DVa
  5. Version


    These are development tools we use to create our game. They are made available here for download so they can be used for creating mods and expanding the possibilities of your Third Wire games. 3D Studio Max (R9) Exporter Plug-in v12.12.06 (46.6 KB) Please note that all tools are provided "as is", and they may or may not work on all system. Some may require Win98 Compatibility mode to run, and additional software and data may be required to create data usable in the game. Any questions regarding their use should be posted on Third Wire's Modders Corner forum. Make sure to back up your game before attempting to create any mods, and have fun!
  6. DVIIF Rudder dissappears!

    it's a known problem & should be fixed in the first patch - something to do with the LOD I believe.
  7. looking for a good game

    Gunship! would probably fit in with what he wants too
  8. The F-16 and C-130 pilots conversation

    alternative answer - "shut down 1 engine ...."
  9. the knowledge base is meant to be for info only - not a place where questions are asked to stop it being diluted .
  10. http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/xp/radeonx-xp.html
  11. This whole post is going to come across as a diatribe against Stiglr & it's not meant to because he is as entitled to his opinion as much as anyone but to provide you with some background. You can probably see from other posters replies in this thread that he is well known, Stiglr has a history on many flightsim forums - he's just been banned again from SimHQ. His vision of "full real" is seemingly shared by a small minority & importantly not by many developers it seems. I agree & discussions on the internet where you can't gauge tonal & visual clues from the speaker don't make it any easier. Unfortunately Stiglr either doesn't seem to have learned that, chooses to ignore it or just likes fomenting. because I haven't been the one telling him that upto now - it is however, starting to get real old for me as well. From your reply it would seem that if various people incl. the developer had been telling you for weeks, months let alone years that you weren't going to get your demands that you would probably have given it up & gone elsewhere, particularly if you were already involved in the development of another sim? After 4 years Stiglr is still spouting the same stuff - talk about beating a dead horse.
  12. if by that you mean my comment aimed particularly at Stiglr & no-one else: 1) I don't see it as in the least heavy-handed 2) don't you think that after 4 years most people would have realised that his & TK's own views/intentions weren't the same? Indeed several years ago TK flat out told him that about SF P1 & told him not to buy it. 3) Nobody is trying to stifle suggestions but I've said it several times - how you say it is as important as what you say. & having said it it once if one doesn't get one's way then saying it again next week is unlikely to get a different response.
  13. I think that Dlink has it on hold currently due to real world pressures ...
  14. In system properties>advanced>startup & recovery>system failure uncheck automatically restart.
  15. Maxtor Hard Drive

    I've had IBM, WD & Samsung fail on me but never a Maxtor (yet). It's the nature of the beast though that with a mechanical device there will be failure over time. Not sure where you are but it would still be covered under warranty here. Btw you may be surprised what is recoverable depending upon how much you are prepared to pay ...
  16. It's all there on various forums if you care to go & search. There is perhaps a difference between people like yourself who are a relative newcomer to Third Wire productions & Stiglr who has been there since the start? If he can't get it through his head after 4 years that TK isn't making Stigl's own personal sim for him ... I think that more & more people after giving him the benefit of the doubt are seeing it as just a way to stick his TargetWare oar in. The engine continues to evolve. It would seem that TK has a long-term plan for evolution (there are a few things that have been in there since day one but never implemented) but chose to have a basic one working & build on it rather than spend years in the wilderness developing a full-featured one before coming to market. I believe (I don't know) that TK doesn't think that the cost/benefit of doing a hard-core sim pays off (afterall even Oleg has said that Il-2 is barely profitable for him, maybe different for publishers than developers) - the development costs are higher but the market is no bigger & possibly even smaller. Third Wire sims already allow for canopy opening & various models already have it either mapped to a key or automatically on speed. Similarly cockpit lights are already implemented. I've said elsewhere that I believe that how one says something is as important as what one says. If one states one's case calmly & rationally it may well be similarly addressed but if done in rant fashion many people never get past the first sentence before turning off ...
  17. No, it's intention. TK has said over & over & again that he has no intention of making the world's most hi-fidelity sims as that's not the market that he's aiming for & that he wasn't aiming to compete with Falcon/LOMAC etc. & obviously not target Ware given that TK doesn't see MP as a priority v TargetWare's online aspect. It's been several years now & you still don't seem to get this ... He is making a range of easily accessible fun games that people can get into quickly incl. hopefully a new generation of future flight-simmers. Those games are based on an engine that is capable of quite a lot & he's been good enough (& shrewd enough) to leave it largely open which allows people to make a lot of changes if they so desire & that's what the community has done.
  18. First Eagles Question

    It varies but usually they go out of control & crash into the ground (mind you they do that in SF P1, WOV & WOE for me too).
  19. I've posted a question about this in the Staff forum for you. I know that it wasn't me
  20. It's a white triangle in the sky ... Again it probably comes down to how you have your game options set.
  21. which game exactly? You can usually put a red square around targets depending upon how you have the game options set up.
  22. File Name: SPAD XIII Skin Template - Third Wire First Eagles model File Submitter: BUFF File Submitted: 1 Dec 2006 File Category: SF Skin Templates This is the skin template for the original in game First Eagles SPAD XIII Click here to download this file
  23. File Name: S.E.5a Skin Template - Third Wire First Eagles model File Submitter: BUFF File Submitted: 1 Dec 2006 File Category: SF Skin Templates This is the skin template for the original in game S.E. 5A Click here to download this file

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