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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. Could you give more details as to what your problems were & which specific files so that we can fix if necessary (although those that I tried seem to be working for me)?
  2. There are various things allowed for in the game engine that TK hasn't had time to enable - yet :) The fact that provision was made for them from the outset will make it easier when he does get around to it.
  3. USAFMTL was just joking with you, hence the :p I'm sure that the E/F will get done at some point but remember that the game doesn't (yet?) support advanced electronics so don't expect the systems to be simulated realistically at this time.
  4. WOV does not include the Third Wire F-104G (too late a model for the few F-104s that served in Vietnam). It's in SF P1 & as a downloadable addon for SF Gold. There are earlier models available as 3rd party addons.
  5. 1000th post!

    My thoughts exactly! Congrats Raptor
  6. A demo is now available for download from Strategy First. Time limited to 3 hours, it's patched to Sp3 level but doesn't look like it can be patched further. Should give a feel for it though if you are interested in the game. here If you like it after the demo go to Circuit City, Best Buy or wherever & get the ValuSoft version - it'll be cheaper than the $19.99 from Strat First.
  7. How about the SF downloads section here at Combat ACE? Just a thought ...
  8. It's a demo of the SF P1 that we are all flying - 1st time that 1 has been available. I already know of at least 1 person that has ordered SF Gold after playing the demo so if it helps grow the community ... :) Just so long as people don't actually order from Strategy Worst The link should have gone straight to a download (it does here)
  9. https://support.ati.com/ics/support/default...&questionID=640
  10. Where are you getting that no.? If you look bottom right on the main screen what v does it say?
  11. even IR missiles? Radar homing missiles have to have a lock before you can launch but you should be able to switch to an IR missile & just launch it.
  12. The other give-away for the Walmart edition is the Readme saying that it's a Press beta.
  13. I'm sure that there is an F-3 Demon around. The Tupolev Bear is a WIP & I'm pretty sure that there is a Gutless WIP.
  14. Battle Of Britain II Wings Of Victory

    I wish my Spit performed like that .... Have you loaded patch 2 yet, it's out? I do seem to have been blessed with an install that's pretty trouble-free compared to both yours & peter's experience.:)
  15. Doesn't look like the files are back online yet. They were planning to do some major work on the file search facility.
  16. second patch http://www.shockwaveproductions.com/bob/up..._util_v2.02.zip
  17. BoB Patch available

    & indeed the second patch is out. http://www.shockwaveproductions.com/bob/up..._util_v2.02.zip
  18. B-24J liberator



    Consolidated Liberator B-24 J for Strike Fighters Project 1 & Wings over Vietnam
  19. In the time frame of the original games very, very few aircraft had any countermeasures capability. You can however add them to any aircraft if you want with a bit of .ini editing. Details should be around here somewhere if you search. edit: In aircraft_data.ini add under [Fuselage] SystemName[0xx]=DecoyDispenser where xx is next no. up & then under // Weapon Stations [DecoyDispenser] SystemType=DECOY_DISPENSER EjectPosition=0.0,0.0,-1.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-1.0 NumFlare=20 NumChaff=20 MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74 MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15 & save of course.
  20. Not sure about the Cobra but for the AC-130 it may well require files (LOD etc.) from the Thired Wire C-130 that is in SF P1 but not in WOV.
  21. http://www.ati.com/support/driver.html
  22. MadJeff checkin' in!

    Howdy Jeff Glad to hear that things are well with you. As Jedi says other things keep interrupting my gaming!
  23. Battle Of Britain II Wings Of Victory

    1st patch is out now.

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