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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. To celebrate their 10th anniversary online Opera Software are giving out free registration codes (normally $40) for their browser for 1 day only. It has been my preferred browser for years & many of the things that people like about Firefox actually appeared in Opera first ;) http://my.opera.com/community/party/reg.dml
  2. The latest wep pack update http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=9304
  3. So what mods have you done as it is probably related to those? I can assure you that I've never seen that in the stock game (or even with a few addons).
  4. Don't forget the Hawks & Tucanos - you should see a lot of those along with the odd C-130 & Helo...
  5. http://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?product%5Fid=646024
  6. Slight differences - different (more) campaigns & it's missing the F-104G & the C-130 out of the box but Third Wire have now published an F-104G addon for it. I can give you a link to a US store that will ship WOV to the UK if still interested?
  7. It's only officially been published in the USA although there were Russian counterfeits doing the rounds too. There's a chance that it's just being published in Germany now (either that or more knockoffs). Differences between SF & WOV are terrain, plane set & campaigns.
  8. Vulcan 558

    That's not ugly, that's character that is ;) Outperformed & outlasted the Vulcan Love 'em both, & Lightnings & Buccs :)
  9. X45 to X52

    No, there's a lot more to it than that. Still say that if the X-45 meets your current needs wait until it breaks or you need additional functionality before changing it though.
  10. X45 to X52

    If you are happy with the X45 why change?
  11. on this page http://www.play.com/play247.asp?pa=stcs2&p...C&title=572385# also some more http://www.shockwaveproductions.com/bob/movies/bob2_b.zip
  12. because there were no helicopters in any of the Third Wire games released they never built a flight model for them. The community made the helicopter models but of course they have to use the fixed wing flight model hence fly like fixed wings. Now that we have more control over thrust-vectoring in the last patch somebody may revisit them & improve it but it still won't be a true helo flight-model.
  13. Contributions

    I think that Jug possibly meant $?
  14. http://download.nvidia.com/Windows/77.77/7...nglish_whql.exe
  15. It's certainly not normal behaviour. What's your patch status & is there any more detail on the specific error? have you tried a full re-install?
  16. The forum search is a wonderful thing ... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=8574&hl=
  17. oh look - a quick search & "some terrains designed to use the desert.cat file can be adapted to use the VietnamSEA.cat file that comes with WOV. Try adding this line to the terrain config.ini file that you're trying to install in WOV ( Danger Bering Straits used as an example, add the line in bold ): [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Bering Straits (DBS) DataFile=DBS_data.INI TargetFile=DBS_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=DBS_types.INI MovementFile=DBS_movement.INI NationsFile=DBS_nations.INI BriefingText=DBS_briefing.INI DogfightFile=DBS_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE CatFile=..\Terrain\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat"
  18. hit Tab when you are flying .
  19. No, I'm saying that with a bit of renaming/.ini juggling most (afaik) but not all terrains will work in WOV too.
  20. It's the stock terrain for SF P1. You should be able to just rename it - a bit of searching should find the exact details (I don't have time right now to do it for you) or maybe fubar, dfang or someone will happen along before then.
  21. see thread http://www.simhq.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cg...t=005727#000000
  22. iirc for the F-4 you need an E or J for the visual RWR.
  23. I've been flying SF Gold & WOV of late & certainly you can in SF Gold so I imagine that you can in SF P1 too (hopefully someone will confirm).
  24. clarify "more refined", what are you looking for?

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