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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. If you look in dfang's post "MissionMap=VietnamSEA" tells you what terrain you need. You could edit it to use another terrain. "GroundObjectType=CVA-63 Name=CVA-63 Kitty Hawk" if you are a fast learner you have sussed it already & I don't need to say anything more ;) Most mission/campaigns will have a readme e.g. from fallenphoenix's RN Alpha Strike http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?download=1137 "Required: F-4J RN, Skyhawk FG.2, HMS Victorious, HMS Cavalier" so you know that you need those addons, however you can edit the mission to use what you want/have.
  2. Don't think 1 was ever made. There is a half-finished Beta in http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?download=1278
  3. & you won't because there is no animation sequence for it. Whether TK ever gets around to it I don't know but I don't think that it's high on the list.
  4. Flight of the Old Dog

    Did you play Taps for your KT-7A? Shame that you didn't get an NF7-S V2.0, a far better board. The NF7-S2 is a typical everyday workstation board whereas the NF7-S v2.0 is quite possibly the best socket A board ever made. Btw check that your L2 cache is enabled - there seems to have been a problem with that on -S2s.
  5. On the SF P1 main screen if you look at the bottom right there will ba version no. (date). What is it?
  6. What's wrong with Ark Royal, Coral Sea, Oriskany, Essex, Albion, Bulwark etc.? http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?dlcategory=7 (btw the "not available" means no screenshot not file offline) You will only be able to access them if you have missions created for them.
  7. No real need - it's being redone already. However, some "quick fixes" by the community have already been posted on the boards. I'll see if I can find them & copy & paste. Oh, & welcome to CombatACE.:)
  8. Hi again. The "suggested site" is the general Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam forum here at CombatACE (just a little bit further down the board ;)). Strike Fighters does not come with carriers but Wings Over Vietnam does. However, the games were built in such a way as to allow the community to add to them & that it is currently continuing to do. You can find several carriers in the downloads section for SF P1/WoV here at CombatACE along with lots of extra addon aircraft,skins, terrains, weapons, campaigns etc. etc. If you search the SF P1/WoV specific forums you should find everything that you are looking for. Be warned though that all these extras get addictive! :)
  9. 1st off welcome to CombatACE. :) 2nd the best place for this is probably http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=28 As it has evolved SF has become more complex & therefore a bit harder on hardware than originally. Also, the more addons etc. that you have can have an effect. Daft question but have you installed any carriers? Even if you have you will still need to use missions/campaigns that use them. The FF I can't comment on.
  10. Usual high standard I see :) Nice to see you doing some more for SF P1.
  11. & there are rumours of SLi versions of cards like these! that would be 4 gpus & 2Gb of video RAM
  12. My gaming room setup.

    Nice to see you back :) Lots of old regulars but also lots of new faces now :)
  13. https://support.ati.com/ics/support/default...dge&folderID=27 been some pre-release rumours about huge fps gains with LOMAC - don't know if true though.
  14. ATI Catalyst 5.6 out

    Supposedly to do with texture compression e.g. scenes in LOMAC with clouds supposedly run higher fps because the cloud textures are compressed. So, you only get gains under certain circumstances & not throughout the whole game.
  15. You had better start with whether this is SF P1 or WoV that you have, patch status & which carrier /aircraft are causing the problem ...
  16. I just tried to edit it & upload from here - no go.
  17. New Computer

    Only real difference is the totally unlocked multi but you really don't need more than 10x on a decent system. 939 3700 with 1Mb cache is a San Diego!
  18. The same way & the same ones as SF P1. Install the 20th March 1 first & then the updates. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?dlcategory=27
  19. New Computer

    Don't think that that is going to happen though. As it stands the vast majority of desktop users won't see any difference in going to x2 - until more apps support & can use multiple cpus/cores it's a large niche market of scientific organisations etc. that will benefit. " Lets just wait a few weeks and save $500 over 1/2% of performance gain....LOL" or buy cheaper & overclock ;)
  20. New Computer

    just thought that "and will wait on a few more till after the DUAL-CORE AMDs'are releasd." sounded like you were planning on going x2 so I thought that I would point out the potential future problem.
  21. Flight of the Old Dog

    I must admit that with modern CPU, GFX & huge hard drives I don't tweak it much at all although I could probably wring a little extra out if I did. About the only things that I do are run a seperate partition for the OS & then move the My Documents & Mail folders off of that onto another. That & use Opera as my default browser. Look what I found http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=5118
  22. New Computer

    I take it that you mean ASUS A8V-E. Current rev. of the K8T890 chipset doesn't support x2 processors due to a hardware problem so can't be fixed with a new BIOS but needs a new Rev. of the chipset. nForce4 boards are slightly faster (1-2%) anyway unless you have an aversion to nForce chipsets & we still have to see how the ATI chipset does in production form too. That board doesn't support SATAII features (tbh with only 2 SATA ports NCQ probably wouldn't see much improvement & the drives won't hit 1.50 Gb/s let alone 3.00)) & you might want to check that the XP120 fits - some of those caps/toroids look like they may get in the way (changed config from A8V Deluxe).
  23. Flight of the Old Dog

    My XP-M 2500+ did 2.8GHZ although iirc it needed 1.85V to get up to that & a Volcano 12 at full chat. & my Venice 3200/stock hsf isn't noisy either - 2.7GHz ~40C on load (30C idle)=quite impressed btw this is the most activity the hardware forum has seen in ages, possibly ever ...

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