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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. Flight of the Old Dog

    Interesting, if I understand it right if you had used your desktop XP2400 you would have access to all the multis upto 24 via software without a mod (if an unlocked CPU i.e. pre week ~39 2003) whereas with the XP-M you need a pin-mod. I used to run an XP2400+ at 2.4GHZ, maybe you should pop yours back in? Going for 2800MHz next - btw this is on the stock HSF!
  2. Doesn't work for everything though. I tried it once for something & it didn't make a blind bit of difference - think that I ended up disabling fast-writes iirc.
  3. Flight of the Old Dog

    been doing some more reading up Have you seen this ? "enable mutliplier on-the-fly adjustments from operating system (can be done under full load) fully stable operation, multiplier change designed by AMD be able to change multiplier in whole range of 3x - 24x without single wire To this date function verified on following chipsets (please report other): VIA: KT133A, ... " Thought that you might like to see my new toy - just had it a few days (btw it's actually at 1.4V - CPU-Z seems to be wrong).
  4. Flight of the Old Dog

    I'm not so sure about that (afaik all you needed was a CPU with a 13x or more multi & even an XP-M 2400+ gives you that) but even then it's $60 versus a 1/2" piece of wire & a few minutes work ... Interesting read though, thank you.
  5. Flight of the Old Dog

    I would have gone with an XP-M 24/25/2600 for far less (I had my XP-M 2500 doing 2.8GHz) or an AMD64 for very little more. Of course AMD64 would have needed a new board, new RAM .... I could have told you about pin-modding, CPUMSR etc. too. Still it's a good read so far so eagerly awaiting next installment :) - I reckon the SDRAM is probably the biggest bottleneck?
  6. "Brothers"

    very nice
  7. You could always try Normal rather than Easy .... Just to confirm then that it isn't bobbing in normal flight but whilst pulling hard turns?
  8. Is this just at extremes of envelope (e.g. hard turns in either vertical or horizontal planes) or even in relatively level flight? There were quite a few fm changes in the last patch, 1 of which appears to be limiting what you can pull & you can get a sort of elevator fluttering effect. It's been reported. If it's in relatively level flight I'm guessing by the old hand statement that you are using the hard fm setting?
  9. These days you just need to drop the skin folder into the aircraft folder. I don't know about the black merc skin but if the SEA was Galanti's just extract (using WinRar) the SEA folder to your \Objects\Aircraft\F-100D folder alongside FrenchSilver1 & USAFSilver1. That's it. Now when you launch the game & select the F-100D you should be able to select that skin too.
  10. Think that I already posted the link to Andy ush's weapons delivery article at SimHQ in 1 of your earlier threads. In kreelin's mission editor you will also find a simple ballistics calculator for working out height/speed/weapon drop ranges to targets. dfang was also working on something different. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=8574
  11. You probably need to extract the .ini from a Cat using the SFP1E extraction tool (available in the dl section here).
  12. The gun editor runs in Win98 compatability mode (or of course on Win98). Tbh you probably don't need the gun/weapons editors as most common weapons are in the Weapons Packs & most aircraft are released with realistic .inis for weapons use (or if not someone in the community will do it & post it). Similarly building your own terrain is a lot of work. We already have DRV, Europe, Madagascar, Bering Sea, America NW etc. terrains to use & some more terrains coming shortly too. Where do you want the campaign set as maybe the terrain is already available? There's a Campaign Tutorial in the "SF editing" sticky if you haven't already found it http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=4078
  13. .rar is a form of compression like.zip but superior. You need to use something like WinRar to decompress them properly. I thought that in Gaelic/Celtic bear was art/artos/artus etc. or math/mathuin/ mathghamhain etc.?
  14. Pretty much everything is usable in SF P1 & WoV - not 100% but well into the 90%s. Usually if something is only usable in SF P1 or in WoV it is because it needs to use a file normally only found in that - e.g. an addon aircraft that uses the F-104G cockpit will normally only work in SF P1 because WoV doesn't have the F-104G & therefore the cockpit files that it calls (of course it is possible to copy them over ;)). SF P1/WoV are not designed to be as "hardcore" sims as Falcon 4.0 & of course the sytems of the aircraft in the period that the stock game represents were nowhere near as sophisticated as the F-16's anyway. In air to air search mode you should be able to move the cursor over a blip using the Home key (or whatever button on your joystick you may have mapped to Next Radar Target) & then to lock using Insert (or whatever button you have mapped to Acquire Target). Boresight sounds the same in Falcon as in Sf/WoV. You might find this useful http://www.simhq.com/_air/air_061a.html You can't currently lock anything in air to ground mode radar itself - nevertheless there are ways of using guided weapons. You might find this useful for dumb weapons http://www.simhq.com/_air/air_055a.html Note: both the SimHQ Wep Del. articles were written a couple of years & several patches ago so some things have changed. Also depending upon how you have your different preferences set has an effect upon what you see.
  15. Welcome Maddog, the more the merrier :) I hate to say it but pretty much anything you want can be found if you here & at SimHQ. SF P1 & WoV both use the same Third Wire game engine but differ in default terrain & plane set. Yes, you can add carriers to SF P1 (I know that there are details for this on the forum as I posted them while talking a few others through). Yes, you can have campaigns with other planes but you neeed to download & install the other aircraft (assuming that they exist) & do some minor .ini editing to make the campaign use them. Of course if you are lucky someone like Mk2 may have got there before you & released a pack with what you want all neatly packaged. If you can be more explicit in your radar problems maybe we can talk you through it (again I know it's all been done before if you search).
  16. Hi, You need to be more specific about your problems. We need to know your patch status, which particular carriers you have installed , are these in single missions or missions that you are making etc. I must admit that I've never tried to install/use the nukes so I'll leave that for someone like fubar_512 btw a good Gaelic name there but I'm trying to work out what it means - bear is throwing me (Angus the big/great ?) ?
  17. All you have to do to make any AI aircraft flyable is to add the relevant entries into the data.ini Taken from the stickied above "SF editing notes": "Flying New (previously non-flyable) Aircraft Previously non-flyable aircraft can be flown as follows. Say you want to fly the Mig-21Mf, which is in \Strike Fighters\Objects\Aircraft\MiG-21MF Open the *.INI file in that folder. It will look like this: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=MiG-21MF Fishbed-J AircraftDataFile=MiG-21MF_data.ini LoadoutFile=MiG-21MF_loadout.ini Change it to look like this: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=MiG-21MF Fishbed-J AircraftDataFile=MiG-21MF_data.ini CockpitDataFile=F-104G_cockpit.ini HangarScreen=MiG-21MF_hangar.bmp LoadoutImage=MiG-21MF_loadout.bmp LoadoutFile=MiG-21MF_loadout.ini The MiG-21MF will use the F-104G cockpit. Now use the hangar.bmp and loadout.bmp files from MajorLee’s flyable Su-7, and rename them MiG-21MF_hangar.bmp and MiG-21MF_loadout.bmp, in the MiG21MF subdirectory. That's all. The MiG-21MF will now be selectable." The cockpit from Armourdave's Su-17 should be pretty similar I would have thought so if you get that addon you could then use it's cockpit entries for your Su-7.
  18. You mean http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?download=1289 that I've just approved? ;)
  19. The Banana is being made by RussoUK2002 - hopefully it should only be a couple of weeks. Another person is making a model of Ark Royal so we should have the proper carrier to fly from ;)
  20. *Please try & keep this civil & informative* if you don't I'll just delete the thread. OK, there are no major known ones but with the best will in the world beta testing will never find every single glitch the same way as 1000's of people playing will. There's a lot of good in the patches but if you come across a bug please post it here (easier if it's all in 1 thread) with some information on how it ocurred & the info will get back to Third Wire. Hopefully this will be a very short thread.
  21. It's back http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?download=1270
  22. 1) your SF is fully patched? 2) some details of your system & DX that you are running might help. 3) are your gfx card drivers up to date - I had to update recently to latest nVidia 71.89 due to some issues. 4) can't really see a problem in the attachment?
  23. Version


    Heinkel He 219A-7/R1 Uhu the best night fighter of WW2 for Strike Fighters Project 1 & Wings over Vietnam ver 1.0 2005-05-18 by Kesselbut-cockpit, Starfighter-FM Gramps Skins, Howling1 Radar and Pasko-the rest ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Installation: Extract everything to ..\Strike Fighters\Objects\Aircraft folder (New folder He 219A-7 will be created,plane files and LWPilot and LWNavigator files extracted). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Disclaimer, Contact & Copyright: I can not take any responsibility whatsoever regarding using of this add-on. This is freeware addon package, free to distribute non-commercially. It is not supported by me or anyone, but your feedback with suggestions and improvements is appreciated: pasko_patak@yahoo.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Have fun :)! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Known Issues & Additional information: Schraege Music is controlled by Fire Secondary Gun Button, (not mapped on keyboard by default) Gunsight for Schraege Music (two guns firing 45 degrees upwards) is missing.
  24. Not really, should be pretty simple for most unless they use a file (e.g. cockpit) from something like the F-104 that is in SF P1 but not in WoV.
  25. Close Combat: First to Fight Review

    Gave me a good idea of what I could reasonably expect - as a single player I think that I shall pass.

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