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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. https://support.ati.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=894
  2. Sea Vixen



    For info on the history of the De Havilland Sea Vixen http://www.thunder-and-lightnings.co.uk/se...en/history.html
  3. Are you & kahuna one & the same? Believe it or not there is more than 1 website with SF missions ... which?
  4. Hi & welcome Which game SF or WoV? Stock missions, your own or other 3rd party (in which case whose & which mission - link useful).
  5. Do you mean that the F-14 blows up at deck height or fails to fly>crash? If the latter I suspect that the cat strength in the Albion .ini isn't up to the F-14s weight.
  6. Have you scrolled down the list? iirc it is under G for Grumman A6
  7. Hi & welcome to Biohaz :) If you look in the SF editing sticky at the top of this forum you will see that you can make any AI plane flyable by adding the relevant lines for a cockpit into the .ini. So, pick which cockpit best fits (probably one from an community addon prop job) & copy the lines. I'm not certain about WoV but iirc in SF P1 there was a problem with collision detection on the FAC bird so you couldn't land without blowing up.
  8. You should still be able to apply Sp3 then as iirc the UK release was at Sp2 level (what date is in the bottom right corner of the Main Screen?).
  9. 1. Should do unless there is some really weird piece that only a couple of folk used/wanted. 2. Should be Latest version http://bunyap2w1.com/Weapons%20Pack.htm
  10. Just out of interest did you get SF P1 or SF P1 Gold? Anyway, as for your query I have a TIR2 rather than 3 but SF was 1 of the first sims to support Enhanced mode so SF definately works with TIR - don't know about the new Vector Expansion & 6 degrees of freedom though.
  11. New Computer!

    Looks like a great spec.! You will have a blast when you see the improvements
  12. You should be able to select resolution in Options so obviously something isn't right apart from your ctd (you did patch?). Have you tried uninstalling & then re-installing? Btw Third Wire now have a forum
  13. Hi, unfortunately the whole future of Biohazcentral is uncertain at the moment. So, the answer is we just don't know.
  14. http://www.ati.com/support/driver.html
  15. C5 is back up now on his new host except for the forum.
  16. I can't even find the latest A-1H file at the moment so I don't know if they were pulled by capun or if it's a database glitch (I doubt that MJ is doing maintenance).
  17. Pretty much, probably over 90%. If you get fully patched you may find some odd behaviour with older aircraft mods on the ground if they haven't been updated for Sp3 as there were significant changes to the damper rates etc. in Sp3.
  18. Hi & welcome to Biohaz - although if you read the front page you may have read that it could well be closing. Having said that I just downloaded something as a test so the downloads section still seems to be running - what file in particular did you try? You have to be logged into the forums to download.
  19. a-6

    Apparently when it worked it was the best thing going but it took several years to work out the unreliability & then in 1970 the A-6E came along which was a major upgrade.
  20. TK says that a euro distribution deal should be soon
  21. a-6

    It's the A-6A so if the electronic targeting systems were modelled they would have to be extremely unreliable ... So that would be a no, DIANE isn't modelled as you can't fly the right hand seat anyway which you would need to use it. If your dive-bombing is "I feel lucky" you aren't doing it right btw there is a 3rd party A-6 model for SF P1 that you could download & install.
  22. iirc you have to remove a couple of lines in the .ini re. oil pressure. You know that there is an updated Mustang? http://forum.biohazcentral.com/index.php?showtopic=7060
  23. WoV was a US only release (although they were looking for a Euro distribution partner). Even there it sold out & they were doing another run. You can import from the US e.g. http://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?product%5Fid=646024

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