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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. Fair Strike confirmed for UK

    It's been out for about a month in the UK already.
  2. as Wolf 257 said you will have to wait until Mad Jeff or someone else checks it & puts it on the ftp (I don't have authority for the ftp).
  3. Growler67 & darkpresence=JW= As Weasel_87FIS said http://www.wovgame.com/ It's based on the SF P1 engine which has come a long way (some far better community addon terrains than the original desert now too) so it will run on reasonably modest hardware. It's a standalone rather than an expansion pack.
  4. http://www.saitekforum.com/showthread.php?t=5914 I guess that Saitek are fed up waiting for all the WHQLed drivers to come back from MS :)
  5. Neither is yet implemented in the game engine although provision for them is there - same with ECM & brake chutes. (historically at that time very few a/c carried them - chaff was laid by dedicated aircraft or some pilots shoved handfuls behind their speedbrakes)
  6. I'm sure that a way will be found :)
  7. They have licenced SF P1's engine from Thirdwire.
  8. rar files

    Winrar will work too - .rar is just another compression format.
  9. My Computer

    I'm all for 2x optical drives I just can't see why you need to spend the extra cash to have 2x DVD-R/RW when 1x DVD-ROM & 1x DVD-R/RW will do - but hey, it's your cash :). Again I agree about AGP not having reached it's limits however the future is PCI-E & as you will be starting afresh (not carrying over a gfx card) I would be looking to PCI-E. Chances are that the best enthusiast boards will be PCI-E & as for the possibility of SLI
  10. Radeon X800 Pro.

    iirc the GT beats the Pro but the XT PE beats the Ultra.
  11. My Computer

    1. Why 2x DVD-R/RW? I can understand 1x DVD-ROM & 1x DVD-R/RW but.... By the time you get around to buying this you will more likely be getting NEC3500 16x drives for the same price. 2. By Xmas there will be other worthy socket 939 boards to consider (there are now) & it wouldn't surprise me if the PCI-E equipped boards start to show up by then. 3. I would reconsider about the 256Mb sticks - at some point you will want to try over 1Gb, you won't have any free slots & then you will be throwing stuff out.
  12. F-4J Phantom for FS2004

    You could always get SF P1 for like $10 & fly the F-4J :)
  13. got my self an X-45

    If it's on the system in youir sig it's obviously not the problem with hyper-threading so I would go with a USB problem of some kind. What have you got it plugged into (hub, case or I/O plate ports)?
  14. BUFF available

    Apparently :( http://forum.biohazcentral.com/index.php?s...view=getnewpost
  15. BUFF available

    I am? ;) bar mitzvahs, weddings, birthday parties...
  16. amd 64s

    From what you have said though you haven't run an AMD for several years though in the same way that I haven't run a current Intel for several years (still got a PII 400/V5 for older games :)). For the last few years (since the T'bred "B"s arrived) getting great overclocks from mid-range chips was easy especially as up to last summer they were multi unlocked ex-factory too - 1.47GHz chips would regularly do 2.2GHz with very little effort & more if you were lucky. Then along came the XP2500+ as the next value overclocker & then of course once AMD multi locked desktop chips the XP-Ms came into vogue which of course not only are unlocked but start off using less voltage too. I don't run RAID anymore - other than quicker loading of game levels I never saw any real world performance improvement in the apps. that I use & of course it is 2x the hardware cost & 2x the risk. I never had any problems myself - afaik if people have a problem with OS corruption it's usually a memory problem (even if it's the user trying to run too tight for his memory/fsb) although some people have run into problems with PCI Bus saturation (which the ICHR5 obviously avoids). As I've said myself I too reckon that January should see a lot of thing settling into place although I disagree that AGP is a bottleneck currently. The future is PCI-E though & by then both camps should have boards supporting it available as well as the 2 gfx camps having good availability of cards for it. Yes, I have personally got an XP-M to 2.8GHz stable air-cooled but I admit to not actually running it at that day -to-day as the sound of fans at that level is a bit much ;) (it's usually 2.5-2.6GHz) I know that several people have had over 3.1GHz on extreme cooling. If you really want the specs I can give them to you by all means but at this stage I wouldn't advise anybody to put money (or time) into socket A even though I still believe that in value terms you can't touch an overclocked nForce2/XP-M combo - it's at its peak & there is no future upgrade to it. For very little extra you can get a socket 754 3000+ which I am readily assured (can't speak from personal experience quite yet) should most likely do 2.4GHz & an AMD64 at 2.4 will beat an XP-M at 2.4 & that's even without any future benefits from 64 bit coming into it. Certainly other devices not being able to handle very high fsb (I've been in Windows at 265/530fsb which isn't bad for a chip that is default 133/266 but I certainly wouldn't have called it Prime stable) isn't unknown but of course with an unlocked chip you can always increase the multi & lower the fsb & you are certainly going to need to up Vcore for those speeds.
  17. amd 64s

    I'll argue that - you can get a 1.8GHz Athlon xp-m to do 2.8 with a $15 heatsink =55% overclock. 2.6>3.3 = 27% which is the same as taking a 1.83Ghz XP2500+ to 2.3GHz which is doable on the stock HSF. XP 64 bit is out now in Beta form - the latest build just went up for dl the other day - & expected retail early 05. & of course there is no doubt that for gamers the AMD64 is the best platform to play 32 bit games on (possible exceptions being any game that can use hyper-threading but afaik they are very few & far between). I don't expect to see any benefit from 16x for Vga for some considerable time as 8x is nowhere near it's limit at the moment. PCI-E on AMD64 should be available in stores in a couple of months though. Don't expect to see AMD supporting DDR2 for a year or so - there is even a suggestion that they may skip it entirely & jump to DDR3 (which should show benefits on their platform). Whereas P4s love very high fsb & the extra bandwidth AMDs don't benefit in the same way. So why should AMD promote a product that offers them far fewer benefits compared to its rival when instead it can promote the fact that you can use your existing DDR thereby keeping upgrade costs down? It's never the right time to upgrade but now is a particularly bad time because there is so much flux in progress/due across so many aspects of hardware. Like Creepy, I have several systems & cascade parts down & then eventually out to the family . I've decided to keep off the bleeding edge but usually 1 step down/behind - it's a lot cheaper without necessarily being a lot slower (but then I'm prepared to overclock & I certainly don't expect to leave a system untouched & intact for 2 years).
  18. Radeon X800 Pro.

    Guess what I've got sitting downstairs? 6800GT :) Raptor - it's a disease. "Hi, I'm BUFF & I'm addicted to PC hardware" ;)
  19. amd 64s

    Slight difference in outlook here (bearing in mind I don't mind overclocking & I upgrade/cascade systems down regularly) - I've just bought a socket 754 board & a 3000+ 2.0GHz. Cost in the UK incl. taxes £165 & according to the forums 2.4GHz (3400+ level should be quite easily achievable & quite possibly 2.5GHz). A socket 939 3500+ & a 939 mobo would have cost £330 or exactly twice as much. 939 benefits from dual channel but it's exactly the same as on Athlon XP - dual channel gives you about 5% extra performance over single channel. So double the price for 5% extra - I don't think so ;) (now you can overclock the 3500+ too but you won't get as much extra clockspeed as it's nearer the edge of the envelope to start with)) I do agree though that if you were thinking of buying a 3400+ & running stock then the small extra for the 3500+ & 939 mobo makes sense. Socket 754 is here for at least the next 18 months altough supposedly the highest 64 bit capable chip will be the 3700+ but they are going to have socket 754 Semprons over 4000+. Don't get me wrong - once they start bringing out socket 939 boards with PCI-E & AMD drop prices/introduce lower chips (November?) for 939 I'll be getting a 939 board too. Probably be January before that all shakes out so mean time I get to play & learn on a cheap setup (board & cpu for 2/3 of the cost of a socket 939 CPU only). & the thing is that Fates' 939 mobo will be obsolete by January too. Fates, I'm sure that you know that socket 940 is really for servers with the extra pin being for error correction. Also, if you are buying that A8V tonight make sure to get a Rev. 2.0
  20. Hi - I did point your question out to somebody whom i think probably knows the answer to it but I guess that he's a no show :(
  21. Moving.... not something to look forward to.

    seeing as you are moving to Tennessee iirc are you going to have a still in the woods & make moonshine? ;) Time to rent Deliverance again :)
  22. In a word - no. Perhaps if you gave us some more information on your system & patch status/addons etc.?
  23. Happy B-Day Madjeff

    Happy Birthday, have 1 more for me :)
  24. MiG-23M Flogger-B Version 0.90b 22 AUG 2004 ------- Credits ------- Model: Rafael Cockpit: Armourdave, Sal Skins: Macello Flight Model: column5 Pilot: Pasko Testing, etc: USAFMTL, Crab_02, Sony Tuckson ----------- Limitations ----------- This model is very close to being complete, but some minor details remaining to be fixed. Rather than delay release further, it is being released as a beta with version 0.90. Post any feedback in the SimHQ Strike Fighters forum. About the cockpit: Armourdave was kind enough to allow us to use his Su-17 cockpit, which is like the MiG-23 cockpit in many respects. One aspect that is different concerns the radar. The MiG-23 has a unique radar display which projects onto the HUD. Until the Flogger team has time to model this properly, it is suggested that you enable the radar screen in the upper right corner of your display. This is on by default, but if you have turned it off you will need to edit HUDdata.ini and turn it back on, or you will have no radar display. ------------ Installation ------------ Simply copy the MiG-23M folder to your \OBJECTS\AIRCRAFT folder. Then copy the files in the Pilot folder to \OBJECTS\AIRCRAFT and you are ready to fly. If you have already installed Pasko's Sukhoi interceptors, you already have the pilot installed. You should also have the latest weapons pack installed for the AA-7 missiles. Now Availabe at the following sites. Please select a site based on your geographic location: North America: http://www.column5.us South America, Asia, Africa, Australia: http://www.wpnssgt.com Europe: http://www.checksix-fr.com (Coming Soon, please use http://www.wpnssgt.com) Hopefully Biohaz should be mirroring too.

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