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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. hey, don't go away - now you've got me wanting to know!
  2. Sorry but I'm going to have to ask you for some more info Is it just the start time of the first mission or all missions or...? Must admit I haven't played much in campaign (mostly single missions) so I don't know if it varies these or if they are always the same.
  3. Just to confirm do you mean start time as in AM/PM etc. or as in date? You can certainly do both in single missions so I would imagine that you can in campaigns. Lmk & I'll find out :)
  4. Superior Female Beings.

    Speaking of video Beer, how about an update on the latest? :)
  5. Whilst an X-36 won't actually fully load an X45 .dat it will add in all the commands, they just need to be assigned. Use the profile editor & try to open the X-45 .dat Although it will appear empty if you right click in the editor on a button or in a cell you will see a list of all the commands. As Precog kindly provided a template for where all the button/states the commands are meant to go it's a relatively easy thing to just reassign the commands to their intended buttons/states. Save the new X-36.dat which you can then of course load :)
  6. You may find this useful - the X-45 is essentially the X-36USB in drag ;) http://ubbxforums.ubi.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=...0606&m=70710157 You need a different .dat though as they aren't interchangeable - I converted Precog's original X45 one & it's @ http://www.saitekforum.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=18047 for the nonTrackIR version
  7. Hi there & welcome to Biohaz :) I notice that you have a similar post in the LOMAC forum - does the programming software work in any game or if you test it using notepad? As SF P1 is relatively simple you can setup pretty much all the common functions on an X-36 using just the ingame mapping but we'll try & get it working as it is useful for LOMAC etc.. Could you please post some system details (OS, motherboard etc.). Which version of SST are you using & have you read the manual (just checking basics)?
  8. Have to upgrade VidCard,some questions

    Afaik there is no way to upgrade a DX.8.0 card to DX9. I would go for 128Mb.
  9. Gunship! Barbie ;) I would say that's a yes :) You will just need to find the pilot textures & do some image editing.
  10. Painting Guide

    Hi & welcome to Biohaz Colin, I hope that you'll visit some of the other forums here too. As WHB said the main Gs! forum is the helicopter one at SimHQ & the centre of the Gs! modding universe is fng2k's http://www.simwarrior.com/gunship This is probably the nearest thing to what you want http://www.simwarrior.com/gunship/modsadds.html#unitskins
  11. http://www.x-plane.org/users/pasko/planes.html Hopefully Biohaz will mirror too.
  12. Windows XP Service Pack 2

    I'm with Fates.... :D
  13. A question

    Wouldn't you be more offended if your government (in the shape of Colin Powell who as Sec of State I guess is responsible for elections) asked & they were not sent? Europe is the birthplace of democracy & as GhostDog says I seem to recall some problems with the Florida elections...
  14. Windows XP Service Pack 2

    http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/6...935-SP2-ENU.exe This is the network install version
  15. Hi folks, Eric2020 & I have been duly appointed to the SF P1 forum for our sins ;). It would be good to get an idea of who is visiting the forum - please post in the thread. Also, what (if anything) you would like to see specifically in this forum to improve it for you - all constructive suggestions considered.
  16. Long anticipated the Mirage IIIC model is finally released. :) Hopefully Biohaz will be mirroring but for now http://www.checksix-fr.com/
  17. 1. Wasn't aware there was a problem but I don't run that res & I guess that I've been using different drivers. Will check later. 2. Pass- I'm not an .ini wizard & leave it to those who are. There is a list by Wild_Elmo of aero coefficients in the sticky http://forum.biohazcentral.com/index.php?showtopic=4078 There is also a roll damper setting in the [Flightcontrol] section of the aircraft_data 3. There might be something coming that may help - no promises. 4. Yes, here 5. again, it's in the sticky http://forum.biohazcentral.com/index.php?showtopic=4078 "How do you turn the extra radar in the corner of the screen off? Simply erase the numbers in the Width /Height fields in your C : \ Program Files\Strategy First\Strike Fighters\Flight\HUDData.ini [Display004] DisplayType=RADAR PosX=0.865 PosY=0.01 Width= Height= Alpha=0.60 InitTime=2.0" 6. again, I'm not an .ini guy but I would have thought that this was easy - just add an emitter . Just had a quick look & you should be able to add a line in _data/engines e.g. this is from the F-4J_data/engines section "ExhaustEmitterName=DirtyExhaustEmitter ExhaustPosition=0.65,-3.63,-0.58"
  18. Well, so far we have 27 views but no-one has cared to say that they visit the SF P1 forum :( .
  19. Latest Vidcard Driver Sources

    modded ATI & nVidia graphics drivers http://www.omegadrivers.net/
  20. Welcome new staffers!

    Oh well, tail end charlie as ever! :( Just here to lend a hand folks as thankfully there doesn't seem to be a need for much actual moderating at Biohaz. I'm sure that Eric2020 will have us all organised before too long ;)
  21. You will find it works fine with 4.6 & 4.7
  22. Far Cry Patch 1.2 Out!

    http://www.farcry-thegame.com/uk/home.php 65Mb
  23. ATI 4.7 Catalysts are out.

    Omega's now out http://www.omegadrivers.net/
  24. Maybe someone here can help...

    Hi, As I said elsewhere if you are getting the same sluggish response without the controller plugged in & using the keyboard/other controllers then clearly it isn't a Saitek problem it is system related.

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