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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. Courtesy of fng2k as ever see http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...ic&f=9&t=002391
  2. http://www.saitekusa.com/usa/prod/e3.htm FF & wireless versions of EVO. New X52
  3. Fsaa And Radeon Fix

    What card, drivers & DX version?
  4. Saitek Announces New Sticks At E3

    Planned for October & list price $130.
  5. Need Advice Choosing Graphics Card

    Depending on board Rev. you may be able to fit upto a 2.6GHz but you also might be pretty close to your max. http://www.intel.com/design/motherbd/mv/mv_proc.htm P.S. I like your sig :) "Elwood: Our Lady of Blessed Acceleration, don't fail us now." "Use of unnecessary violence in the apprehension of the Blues Brothers HAS been approved"
  6. Need Advice Choosing Graphics Card

    Hey Fates, why would you want to run your XP2400 (a 2.0GHz CPU) at 1.6GHz whilst gaming? navychief, apart from DX9.0 capability a regular ATI 9600 is roughly on a par performance wise with your existing card. I reckon that you would have to go to at least a 9600XT to get an appreciable difference & if you're going to spend that you might as well spend the extra for a 9800 Pro which will be noticeably faster again. With any luck prices should drop a bit more as the new cards hit the market. re. upgrading your cpu do you know what motherboard your pc uses?
  7. Buc

    As they said "the only replacement for a Buccaneer is another Buccaneer". :) Loved by it's pilots for its supreme low level ride/handling it was possibly the greatest strike aircraft ever - if the airframes had had the hours left & with an avionics upgrades to modern standards they would still be at the top of the tree. Gone but not forgotten...
  8. If you extracted the package from the zip to the Objects folder in your SF P1 install that is it - easy, huh? :) You should then be able to access the appropriate weapons for an aircraft in the loadout screen for that aircraft. P.S. There is a readme in the zip package.
  9. Courtesy of ArmourDave & his team http://www.max-gs.com/files/A-7ECorsairII.zip
  10. Hey Beer...how goes the video?

    Sitrep please :)
  11. Link? I couldn't find that on Thirdwire or Strategy First sites.
  12. Natural Cooling

    Hiya Beer, :) you might want to think about getting 1 of these
  13. Win Xp

    I would go with the first except that I would be inclined to give more like 10Gb for XP & swapfile. It's amazing how it can grow with Docs & Settings & those programmes that don't give you the choice to install anywhere but the C drive.
  14. Reduced smoke J79-GE-10B engines were a retrofit so you could argue for having either a smoky or not J in the sim.
  15. Haha, Yes It Is, Yes It Is.

    l337 alias leet aka elite.... :)
  16. Simhq Down...

    Frugals forum is down too (someone posted a link to F4 SP4 & the server got hammered). Don't know if it is something similar for SimHQ.
  17. P2 Ram Question...

    probably PC100 or PC133 SDRAM. If you have the Compaq model no. you should be able to put that into Crucial's memory selector & have it tell you what is needed. I forget exactly the coding system for P2's but it should have markings & you should be able to Google them. Alternatively if you get it running the OS will tell you :)
  18. Ep-3 Aires Landing At Nas Agana, Guam

    Hash House Harriers
  19. http://www.majorleesaerodrome.net/download...en_template.zip
  20. The Blues Brothers

    Elwood: You don't like it? Jake: No, I don't like it Elwood: Ok. [Elwood floors the accelerator and they jump over the opening drawbridge] Jake: Of course, its got a lot of pick up. Elwood: Its got cop shocks, cop tyres, cop brakes, cop engine, and the engine was designed pre catalitic converters so it will run ok on regular gasl. So, what do you say ... is it the new Blues mobile. Jake: Fix the lighter. -------- Jake: The band Elwood, the band Rev. James: Do you see the light? Jake: The band,the band Rev. James: Do you see the light? Elwood: What Light? Rev. James: Do you see the light? Jake: Yes, Jesus, holy tap-dancing Christ, I see the light Rev. James: Praise the Lord Elwood: and God bless America ---------- Elwood: Its 106 miles to Chicago, we got a tankful of gas, its dark and we're wearing shades. Jake: Hit it! :D :D :D
  21. it's in development by Digital Overload.
  22. There is an English version & it is for LOMAC
  23. X45 Help

    Flanker 2.5 has a USB bug - you need to patch to 2.51 (which will break your training missions).

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