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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. My ABIT NF7-S Rev 2.0

    Just noticed in another post that you are running PC2700 RAM. 200 FSB is obviously out of spec for that so it may be that your RAM can't handle the FSB & tight timings. You might want to relax the timings a bit or try a lower FSB but higher multiplier.
  2. My ABIT NF7-S Rev 2.0

    Up the vcore & that should stabilise it. 2.3Ghz is probably about right without serious cooling/mods/ experimentation Memory voltage might need upped too. Don't expect to get the same - for that 2.7-2.9 they wiil be running at least watercooled , they may have done some volt-mods etc. too. Some people put a lot of effort & equipment into overclocking. I recommend that you brows the ABIT USA & nForcersHQ boards.
  3. My ABIT NF7-S Rev 2.0

    If it is an XP2400 it is a Thoroughbred "B" & is unlocked. On an NF7-S (what you've got?) you shouldn't have any problems changing the multipliers to get it to run higher. 1 thing to watch out for is that NF7-S's tend to undervolt the vcore very slightly but it is enough to make a difference for a lot of folk. Both my XP2400/A7V266-E & XP1700/NF7-S V2.0 run just under 2.3Ghz quite happily with mediocre cooling.
  4. New addon planes released

    http://www.bobsyouruncle.net/mcflyhome.htm McFly's (& SimHQ) has been the centre of the Jane's USAF community for the last couple of years. Unfortunately for us, other interests of his mean that he isn't going to continue updating the site, I know that MadJeff was talking to him about this.
  5. New addon planes released

    motime, Get over to McFly's & there is a tutorial on adding aircraft. There is also a utility now.
  6. Pasko, I can probably get pics of a T.11 or T.22 cockpit if that is any use?
  7. Hi Coyote, Thanks for the reply & I've looked into it a bit further. I'll give you the win :) Found a page (decal sheet) that I think that you got that from. However, I also found (& I think more likely) that some of 767 squadron's F-4's were delivered in cammo not because they trained RAF pilots (the RAF had 228 OCU) but because those aircraft were already earmarked to go to the RAF (43 & 111 squadrons - my "local" ones) due to the Fleet Air Arms unexpectedly rapid draw down. Of course, historically the F-4K was incompatible with the SUU-16/A and SUU-23/A gun pods which could prove a problem in SF :shock: Now, if someone can just do an .ini to greatly reduce the amount of smoke & the changed engine performance of a Spey compared to a J79. While I'm at it I might as well wish for someone to remodel the intakes, exhaust & nose to make it a proper F-4K...... :!: Tailnote: that particular aircraft was scrapped at Leuchars in '91 or '92
  8. Don't mean to be churlish but Ive never seen an RN bird in cammo & 767 was a training squadron.
  9. Still controllable but with a tendency to roll...... :)
  10. "like how you give yourself the same floor as the ppl that made the game " Ranger332, Don't you know who DanW is? Read the credits for SF.
  11. But I think that Jaguar wins the limbo contest

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