Greetings All,
Has anyone ever actually finished any single Wings Over series campaign? After seven plus years of hard core flight simming I am proud to say I finally finished one form Sept18 to Oct 18 1977 flying an F-15A form the 525th "Bulldogs" TFS.
The campaign was a very detailed and historically correct (as close as possible) self modified version of WOE 1979 which I called BITBURG EAGLES 1977. I rewound the clock back to the year 1977 when the first F-15s reached europe replacing F-4Es from the 36th TFW in Bitburg West Germany. The normal 1979 F-15 squadrons in 1977 were equipped with F-4s with the only F-15 squadrons being 22,53,525 TFS flying the F-15. I also added a few SU-15, SU-24 and MIG-25 squadrons.
I had everyhting set on hard and actually took off flew all the way and back and landed. I managed to stay alive despite being shot down three times and kept a running log (attached) of all 27 mission events.
I would be interested in hearing anyone else's flight sim war stories.
525 TFS log.doc