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Posts posted by Preacher

  1. You have to set the AB (afterburner) tick in Controls menu.

    Set the throttle to 80-85% (or as you wish) and set the AB line (push AB button).

    That was the solving in my case (I had all you pictured).


    Best regards!



    What he said ^^

  2. Thank you:) I'm not really interested in the wind speed and all that other info. I'm just trying to get to the right place at the right time. Does this basic info, pictured in my DED, contain all the bare essentials?



    Depends on what information you're looking for and under what circumstances. You should not rely on one system alone, instead use all the systems available to provide you with the most comprehensive and up-to-date information. There is a swtich on the right side of the cockpit to display the DED info on the HUD if it makes it easier for you.



  3. Thats called the DED. It contains alot of handy and useful info when you learn how to navigate it. Things you'll find there are fuel left/range/fuel consumption/altittude/LGB lazer frequency(although not modelled in AF)/steerpoint information/mission timings/wind information and much much more. The mode you've entered now shows you the basic Stpt details for a quick reference.


    TOS is the game world/clock time that you should be at the steerpoint by

    ETA is obvious

    Speed is obvious

    Altittude is obvious

    'Assemble' is your action at the steerpoint


    Have a look at the manual to see how to navigate the DED, you'll be surprised how useful it is.



  4. TWS is track while scan and RWS is range while scan. VSR is something about velocity, I never use it, nor LRS, so I don't recall.


    AIM-120 and AIM-9 both have a range scale on the right side of the HUD, with 2 nested brackets and a little tick that moves down the side. When inside the larger bracket you're in theoretical range to hit. Inside the smaller bracket you're in the ideal range aka "no escape zone."


    TEWS shows radars looking at you. Planes like A-10 and Su-25 have no radar, so they can't show there. Also, it's based on type of radar, not literal plane, so you will for example notice the Su-33SM shows as "30" and the Su-27 and MiG-29 I believe are both "29" since they share the same radar.



    What Jedi said is pretty much right. LRS is long range scan, best used for looking at large targets such as a tanker or something. You probably won't ever use anything other than RWS and TWS. The RWR as he said will only show the 'radar signature' so not all planes are listed.


    I suggest your read the manual, this is pretty basic stuff.



  5. There is a .txt file for download for FAF which requires you to delete a certain file that then allows you to fly any aircraft, with the f-16 cockpit, of course. My question is does anything change? Besides the look of your plane, does anything else? If I were to fly an f-15, would I go faster, maneuver differently, etc?



    As far as I know the plane you're flying as the characteristics of the actual plane, speed, turning circle etc.

  6. Thanks for the info.



    Press and holding is a surefire way to burn out your brakes before the plane is anywhere near a stop. Make sure you flare as much as possible before even considering the wheel breaks otherwise they're useless after burning out.



  7. I recently updated the drivers on the video card and yes they are the official drivers. I'm using a Geforce FX 5200. I have played with resolutions, no luck there either. What exactly are rendering options? I'm definitely not what anybody would call computer saavy..What I don't understand is the game used to work fine with this video card and the current resolution I'm using now....Thanks for your help



    Go into your falcon 4 options and look at the rendering method, change it from a list of 3 I think then load up a mission and try your cursor out.



  8. I've never heard of this one before but have you tried changing the rendering method in the falcon options, im pretty sure this is where you'll find the problem lies and/or playing with resoution settings as a last resort?






    EDIT: what graphics card are you using, whats your rendoring method? are you using official drivers or Omega drivers?

  9. Sorry I'm new in this world can u explain to me slowly :rolleyes: ok 1st I open the intro movie in media player , then .... !!!!!. what's the FFDSHOW codec ?!!

    Sorry I Didn't get it :(. Anyway thanks so much for ur help



    Look for the red and blue boxes appear next to your system clock and double click the video one, its the red one i think. I've just read again that you have Vista, so it might be different for you.

  10. Thats a known problem - happened on XP also that did - there is a solution - search old posts on here or at Frugals world because it was very common



    Open up the intro movies in media player, when the FFDSHOW codecs load up double click on the vid codecs, into the options and added add the video files to the ffdshow exception list, apply and close, close media player then launch the game.



  11. What Dagger said is correct however you will find it much easier to see the representation of the seeker head, this will let you learn when and when not to fire. When you call up your heaters (AIM 9's) press D on the keyboard to Enter the 'dogfight' preset.


    This will auto switch your MFD's and change your HUD to decluttered mode, ready for a knife fight. You can also load the virtual seeker head onto the pilots 'helmet' (uncage the missle) so if you're using padlock or trackIR you'll see the same virtual seekerhead wherever you look. I think thats CTRL+U, but double check your options.


    On a seperate note, if your joystick has enough buttons you should lock and breaklock so you can perform these actions while using your airbreaks/flaps incrementally and can focus 100% on the kill.


    Hope this helps,






    Press 'C' to cancel dogfight mode and return to the last setup you had. Its also 'M' for the slammer preset setup, and to return to NAV mode I believe (double check your controls) its RightCTRL+ 'Del' on the keypad.



  12. every time i try to connect to multiplayer servers of any kind,

    the connection loads and subsequently times out

    i have my connection speeds set at reasonable rates and have the latest patches

    i also followed the instructions regarding opening of ports and whatnot


    any ideas on how to ease this problem, because as of yet, i have not experienced the glory of multiplayer allied force



    On my router I could never to get this game to work with Port Forwarding, I had to put my PC in a DMZ to get it to work.

  13. Greets from The 'Stan'. Weather is bad here, so missions are at an all-time low; which gives me time to get up to date with Falcon 4. I've pretty much done well in the Korea campaign, but how do you get Medals and promotions? Is there some point system I can see or something to look at to see if there is a new rank coming? Is it cumulative or does it depend on individual missions?





    In a nutshell, successfully complete missions and/or kill as many bandits as possible. To find out about your next rank, click here > http://www.vlie.com/falconlog/default.aspx?id=35



  14. Spoofing a missile you do with your jammer, its fairly effective against incomming active and semi-active missiles before the last 4second no escape bracket.


    The hardest missiles to escape from is the IR missiles where you dont ever see the bandit, R-77's, SA10's and SA17 launchers. If you ever get these spiking on your RWR, turn tail and run (some exceptions on the R-77 threats)


    Why? SA10 & 17's fire more than one missile that turns at well over your planes max hard turn(9G) or even optimial turning circles and these missiles maintain good speed near the 90%max range distance, if you are lucky to avoid the first you'll have lost too much speed to even consider the second, third or even fourth in some occasions.


    You'll have to judge your actions at the time of the spike, from what you're doing, what you're supposed to be doing (mission), where you are (altittude and/or terrain), friendly flghts (and where they are in relation to you and the threat circle) and hostile flights (what they're doing, what direction they're comming etc etc)


    If you're in the EU, have a look at http://185th.co.uk/ <-- these are the guys that taught me to fly, unfortunately i dont fly properly anymore but excellent squad to get yourself started.

  15. Um, what you're asking requires a full lecture to explain but I don't have time right now so here's the bullet points.


    1. How do i know if a missile has been fired towards me?

    Look at your threats on the RWR and R-scope, are you getting any cockpit alarms, can you see any trails of smoke in the distance, is the air or ground.


    2. How do i know from which direction?

    Look out the cockpit? check the RWR for the threat bearing and what was teh highest threat before missile lock, what did you see when you were lookin at the mission intel, what approx direction is the fighters CAP'ing, which airbases are they stationed at, what do you see on your B-scope?


    3. How do i know the distance.

    What distance is the nearest threat on your B-scope or from AWACS? what does your RWR tell you? what did you read in mission briefing? what threats are you up against and what missiles do they use?


    4. How do i know chaff or flare?

    IR missles don't give a cockpit alarm, so if you hear a wingman shout fox2 inbound you best flare your ass and break out of the missile. but you should'nt ever let them get that close, use your missile standoff and engage the rest of your flight. if you get alarms its best to use chaff and flare, i think program 1 drops chaff chaff flare chaff chaff <- I can't quite remember



    Being a Falcon Pilot requires you to keep 100% Situational Awareness at all times and knowing what your flying against, what other friendlys are in the air and what they're doing,this is probably the only flight sim where you just can't click Fly and hope for the best.




  16. Hello,


    Does anybody know if someone, somewhere has created a newbies guide to creating skins for F4:AF? I've been playing flight sims and F4:AF for quite some time, and was starting to think about customizing it a bit. Anybody knows where to star



    The good lord helps those to helps themselves - the search button is your new wingman, use him to his full potential.

  17. Try opening your air brakes in increments instead of fully open/closed. This will help you with your forward speed while still creating alot of braking power/drag and help ease your landing.


    But the best advice as already said - practise



  18. Can't say I've heard of this one before but...... the first place I'd look would be the system logs, particularly the application log and the sytem log.


    Check to see what is causing the error... sounds potentially like a DCOM error, but at this stage it could be anything.



  19. Found some pics from a while back with and without AA and AS


    With AA+AS



    Without AA+AS



    Ignore my paint scheme, I was feeling creative when I joined a squadron...

    I've also got the hi-res ordinance installed.



  20. Sounds are just copy and paste into the right directory - backup the originals.


    For ordinance and aircraft skins, use the skinpack installer (as mentioned above) - this is time consuming when you're doing the ordinance because it backs it up before over-writing and you must do 1 weapon at a time.. and don't forget to tick all the boxes to the right of the actual skin to ensure its installed across all aircraft, from all views/angles.


    There is'nt alot else out there, apart from hi-tiles, pits and new theatres.


    For maxmium enjoyment, join a squadron and fly with out people on missions etc ^^




    EDIT: Smoke trails and some explosion and fire textures are also copy and paste, just find the right directory.

    EDIT: With all of the above done.. life sucks when a new patch some out, you'll have to do most of it again.

  21. Go into your graphics card software (Nvidia control panel) and force or alteast turn on AA (Anti aliasing) on to x4 or above. Do the same for AS (Antistropic filtering) atleast x4. Then you will have sexy smooth curves.



  22. I've been playing F4AF since last September, and have still not figured out how to perform intediction, and CAS missions without labels on. There is just way too much clutter on the radar scope, and even if I lock something up, I have no idea what it is. One of the things I'm thinking of trying is to carry a maverick or LGB on every CAS and interdiction mission, so I can use the image to hopefully identify the target...



    Zoom in on the ground radar. Use dbs1 or dbs2 to make it easier, make sure high enough and slow enough so you can look at, understand and analyse the ground radar before flying past the suspected targets. Even if you fly past them, dont touch the radar so the azimuth is still trying to track the target area, make some distance and come back around to get it on your nose, double check and adjust your scanning range, zoom in (remember each resolution can only support certain distances of scanning), then start analysing your target group. The better the resolution, the much more easily you can see individual targets, but its also easier to fly past the target.


    Mavs are good enough for CAS, for interdiction missions, generally speaking the targets are well away from your ground forces so you can deploy CBU's (remember attack along the line and not perpendicular to the lines - maximum damage from CBU's)and not worry so much about friendly fire. Interdiction missions are close enough to search and destroy, you'll be looking for a large column of ground units moving (normally towards the front line- but double check the briefing). You will have to zoom the ground radar to see the column correctly, otherwise it'll look nothing more than a blob on the default scan settings.





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