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Everything posted by Preacher

  1. hi all, I've had a search and no luck so..................................... here goes Is there anyway to make the MP dogfights or co-op missions in WOE at night? (without downloading user made missions) I've had a look at some .ini's but could'nt see anything really but I am only brand new at WOE so excuse the ignorance! Preach
  2. I have..... IL2 (no expansion just original) WOE Falcon 4.0 CFS1 CFS3 I was aiming this topic more towards WOE as I've played multiplayer to death on the other games. If we all use hamachi, just setup a channel and all join so we can see each other and just hop into the host. I have'nt figured how to do multiple installs on WOE but I'm running, the NATO1,2 and environment + the "woe_airfield_1,2,_3_&_4_lighting_mod". I setup a HAMACHI Channel: Network name - Flightnight Password - flightnight Both the name and password is case sensitive, and using hamachi everything is much easier, we have to need to mess about with gamespy or hyperlobby or anything else, just join the channel, and click on LAN game and hey presto..... done and dusted. Can we get abit more interested or will there only be the 4 of us lol Throw some thoughts and feelings people, the more the merrier... after we get abit of interest, maybe work on which mods for all to get etc? Preach
  3. Can someone please tell me exactly how to make the starting place for the WOE campaigns on a carrier? Please do not direct me to the 2 areas in the Knowledge base as I have tried both of these and cannot seem to get it to work. In some files the content is different and/or the filenames are different. I have tried many combinations. If someone has done it already would you mind sending me the files you have edited so I can just drop them in. thanks Preach
  4. Is there any WOE players that have managed to do this? I fully understand all 2 sims are on the same engine and have similar files, but I have tore apart my installation and thoroughly checked and cross referenced with the knowledge base articles with bugger all luck I will give my wife to anyone who can come up with a solid, 110% working solution, with the exact files to edit Cheers, Preach
  5. Thanks but i did say.... I spent almost 2 hours looking for and editing alot of the files in WOE to try and add a carrier and it would'nt work as, I have already said, the content and the filenames are different. So I edited the next closest match, and various others in many combinations to no avail. If someone has already done it, can you please send me the files or list EXACTLY which files you edited with what. I am fully away of what the knowledge base says, so do not just 'pass' me on again. Preach
  6. Ok, will look into the mission editor.. but what is the 'legwork'. I don't understand what I have to do Can you tell im new at this?
  7. Hi all

    Hi all, just saying hello. Recently got WOE and lovin' it. Cheers, Preach
  8. It uses the same ports as Microsoft Direct Play I believe. I don't know them off-hand but, a quick search and you'll find. Preach
  9. Blah!! Perfect, I've only just got WOE, thanks a ton for this!! Preach
  10. Downloading files

    i think its a good thing, keeps the forums lively!
  11. Unusual Aviation Pictures

    looks sweet!

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