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Everything posted by Preacher

  1. Falcon 4.0 allied force

    Zoom in on the ground radar. Use dbs1 or dbs2 to make it easier, make sure high enough and slow enough so you can look at, understand and analyse the ground radar before flying past the suspected targets. Even if you fly past them, dont touch the radar so the azimuth is still trying to track the target area, make some distance and come back around to get it on your nose, double check and adjust your scanning range, zoom in (remember each resolution can only support certain distances of scanning), then start analysing your target group. The better the resolution, the much more easily you can see individual targets, but its also easier to fly past the target. Mavs are good enough for CAS, for interdiction missions, generally speaking the targets are well away from your ground forces so you can deploy CBU's (remember attack along the line and not perpendicular to the lines - maximum damage from CBU's)and not worry so much about friendly fire. Interdiction missions are close enough to search and destroy, you'll be looking for a large column of ground units moving (normally towards the front line- but double check the briefing). You will have to zoom the ground radar to see the column correctly, otherwise it'll look nothing more than a blob on the default scan settings. Preach
  2. Hotas cougar

    I don't have one myself, but everyone I know who has one absolutely loves it and would'nt fly without them. From what I understand, you need to take your time setting it up and configuring it correctly, but once done, its superb. Hope this helps Preach
  3. Falcon 4.0 allied force

    For ground targets the most effective way for me, if there is a large battle and the front lines are mixed up, I used padlock - its more dangerous but with a bit of practise manpads won't be a problem. If its a clear cut mission when the target is well behind the front lines, bomb from altittude using cbu's. For fighters it takes more practise, you need to learn to distinguish where friendly flights are and keeping a good situational awareness. Before you go to take off, look at where the friendly flights are on mission briefing, what type of flights they are, what they are doing, if they are on ingress or egress. If you softlock a target and you noticed is comming on hot on you, then hardlock it, wait a few seconds and listen for any buddy spike calls, if no response is received then generally you are free to fire. If a flight is medium aspect or low aspect to you, hardlock it and see what happens, if its an enemy flight it will normally manouver and start evasion procedures. (again listen for buddy spike calls) As previously mentioned, use AWACS if you have them to declare targets, or vector to target. Get used to asking for the nearest threat aswell. Use softlock when calling awacs targets incase you upset an enemy flight and force them to engage you, which could be a problem if they are no threat, not your target and you have more important things to worry about. Softlocking them won't send their cockpit alarms going nuts. Preach
  4. Multiple F4AF installs

    Install Falcon AF........, then copy and paste the entire clean install folder to another directory. So you have Default install + a duplicate called a different name EG: Falcon 1. Red viper uses the registry keys from the default installation so RV will install over the 'proper' install. Take "Falcon 1" install, edit the global.cfg file and fix the directories it points to. Its only like 4 lines. Falcon 1 is what you will use to play default allied force. The Default install is what RV will use. Easy! Preach
  5. Nav mode

    no worries, i must have reassigned it when I started. Simpler option on keyboard for AA is just Enter, and AG is Backspace. Or assign it on the joystick, much easier lol
  6. Nav mode

    Hold right 'shift+.'(del) on the keypad to cycle. Keypad - right on the keyboard, 2nd button in, bottom right. make sure you cancel any override mode as previously stated by press C
  7. new guy with real life question

    You guys would learn it 20 times faster if you get a more experienced vpilot to take you up for a flight while talking you through it + it'll save you on printer ink.. the manual is abit big ^^. Ask nicely, and you may receive.
  8. Why don't you try 100% realism? It may seem complicated at first but its by far more enjoyable. As for the sweep, you must decide which targets to engage and which not to. Most likely as you said you will almost always run out of ammo, at that point as Awacs for RTB, and see what they say. They may tell you to RTB or tell you to continue on the sweep - at which point you will tell the AI to take the lead, as he will probably have some slammers left. Try to discipline yourself not to fire at everything within the radar range, only engage targets that you deem a threat or which are flying through your space. TOS = time on schedule - ideally you want your own ETA to match the TOS as closely as possible.
  9. Yes, undestroyed aircraft stay at the base until the base is destroyed or taken over by ground forces. So if the mig is lucky enough to survive, he will continue to fly until the aircraft from his home plate is depleted. Each airfield is assigned a certain amount of aircraft. Go shooter (AFAIK) = your wingman will engage first the targets you/the mission/the circumstances assign. The idea is the two planes are supposed to be supportive of each other so its unlikely in a real situation you will have No1 and No2 in a flight engaging at the same time.. unless breifed otherwise or it is completely nessessary if both planes are under threat. Preach
  10. Port Forwarding

  11. Basic Maneuvering Problems

    Don't be afraid to nose down 5-10degrees to 'help' you maintain your energy. For now, pass it by and continue your training, as you become more and more familar with the plane and systems you'll start to find it alot easier and you'll understand under what conditions you can turn, and you'll start to adjust and tweak your stick/controls/plane. Don't get too hung up on it, you need a few hours flying/dogfighting/sam evasion to really learn how the plane handles. Or, get someone to teach you lol Preach
  12. audio problems

    hmm how strange, here's a random idea... get someone you know in you squadron or friend with a fully updated and working falcon to copy their speech files and the sound files you are missing and paste them directly onto your machine.. of course thats an idea which has little chance of working but it's worth a shot. also, run a diagnostic on your sound card, maybe its now limiting the number of sounds played (update/driver failure/system settings), also a very long shot atleast you can then narrow the problem down. tbh, I'm abit stumped Preach
  13. audio problems

    strange, provided you are turning up the volume if you start on ramp starts...(I've forgot a few times) I'd simply suggest the fastest way to fix this would be a fresh install with a fresh full patch. Praech
  14. Few quick questions...

    Hi all, Like most of the combat flight sim community in the world I've been following this game for a while. So I've scratched my head and come up with a few questions which were'nt completely answer in previous posts if mentioned. How customisable will the player/character/pilot be? -- It was mentioned about leaving the canopy TGA open for people to adjust the 'tint' of the canopy. Will it be the same for the pilots helmet and/or gear (hi res/low res) or even possibly easily repainted planes etc etc Is there a final decision on the multiplayer game modes? -- I read somewhere there was possibly a campaign much like Falcon4:AF but it was'nt confirmed(I think). Will we get the usual Dogfight, Team dogfight, CO-OP single/campaign? Will it be easy for the community to make mods? thanks Preach
  15. Where does everyone arrange MP games for WOE? I've saw this hyperlobby thing but noone is ever on. Preach
  16. Few quick questions...

    hey sorry again but my edit button does'nt seem to be working properly... Will we be able to hear 'our' / the pilot breathing? I hear it sometimes in WOE, and I must say its a nice touch. Preach
  17. Few quick questions...

    Forgot to ask also, will there be radio chatter? I mean will it be like "Missile Launch" "Bandit on your 6" Just basic chatter or abit more like listening to AWACS getting reports of planes, AWACS talking to your flight without having to be prompted, maybe some ship to flight contact, some less formal chatter like "Woohoo I got him, he's going down in flames" as opposed to "bandit down"
  18. Few quick questions...

    Hi, thanks for the fast reply, but I've got a few more questions to twist your brain Will it include a carrier take-off and landing in MP games(not just the co-op campaign)? There was talk about a free fligt mode but to my knowledge still not confirmed, can you let us know? Will the engine allow support for more up to date planes as far as flight models/speed and up to date missiles made by modders or an up to date expansion made by the dev team (Gulf war? or some fictional event?). I'm looking forward to the falklands but and easily or highly moddable game = much interest and playablilty and a good long life :fans: I, as im sure many others, hate when a good game comes out but the community does'nt seem to stay with if after the honeymoon period because it's very restrictive. Will the training missions be voiced over or text prompts? Or will it be like Falcon4:AF (step by step in the manual but the actual training mission nothing but silence, not even text prompts)? thanks again Preach
  19. Lo all, Just a quickie here. So I've made a WOE dogfight video of various bits of me.. (If not found give it a little while until its finished processing) So anyways, I was looking for some advice, I want to add sound track to it or maybe effects (yes i am a nublet for not recording the sound ingame) and just jazz it up a little. my question is... what sound track do you think suits this best? Or is the video too crap for a soundtrack? any suggestions cheers Preach
  20. Just wondering if anyone here has a 'flight night' where everyone can just join and dogfight or arrange co-ops seeing as there's no squadrons around? Anything like this happen? If not should we try and arrange something? anyone?
  21. Tonight I'll be online from 2230 onwards if anyones online for a flight. hamachi details are above. see you there
  22. ok ok...... NATO 1, 2 + NATO ENVIRONMENT I think we can all agree on these... Oh... figured multiple installs.... just copy your whole WOE folder and paste it somewhere and rename it. Works the same. Now I have WOE stock, WOE NATO and WOE <looking for mod>. I'm in the timezone GMT anyone else......? Have you all got XFIRE - add me - ryan856 HAMACHI go forth and download (www.hamachi.cc) this Godsend..... then join Network name - Flightnight Password - flightnight How are you lads (and ladies?) fixed for sometime this Saturday..... seeing as im off work and the woman is going away I have the whole day nag free :fans: BTW if anyone reads this tonight 24/01/07 - I'll be on hamachi for the next 3 hours or so, give me a shout if you fancy a flight. Cheers, Preach
  23. ^BUMP^ Any more interested people, there must be more than 4 people who's up for a blast on WOE? Preach
  24. wings over europe squadrons?

    Yeah I tried that before I posted.... not alot of life out there im afraid :(
  25. littlesmoke you fancy a game of WOE now? I tried to send you a PM but messed it up so... let me know any of you got XFIRE? my id is Ryan856 If anyone wants a game of WOE tonight let me know on xfire. Preach /ok back on topic

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