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Everything posted by highlyflammable

  1. is it at all possible that this is happening cause im playing vietnam and not europe, because i also tried the jaguar and the tomcat which both have those green modern looking huds and with both of them there was a big green square in front of them i WOE even worth getting since i already have WOV?
  2. when i go to x8 time i get about 1-2 fps, which doesnt bother me cause all im doing then is flying with the wing leveler im not sure if this is normal but sometimes when im flying the game sort of plays in pulsing ways like a wave sort of thing which is kind of wierd it'll just go fast for a sec, then be slightly sluggish and build its way up to go fast again in a period of about two seconds, (if you know anything about music its like playing one long note that starts at pianissimo(really soft), cresendos(gradually increasing volume) up to fortissimo(really loud), and as soon as you get to the the top you go back to the start and repeat) except instead of volume we're talking about speed this computer is four years old anyways and somewhat slow and outdated so i think ill go get a new one eventually
  3. also, the graphics are fine on my computer, it works fine with shadows, mirrors, cockpit reflection and all that other stuff, really the only problem i have had is those cockpits
  4. isnt vista available in like two days? also, whats the cheapest graphics card that i could get to fix this whole thing?
  5. another fishbed cockpit that had i think the same problem http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/619/img00012gp9.png im gonna go to bed now, talk to you tomorrow
  6. the graphics card is called SiS 650 im pretty sure i have directX 10 im not sure where i would find the name of the display driver
  7. broken attitude gaugehttp://img299.imageshack.us/img299/3001/img00007an7.png broken gunsight:http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/6843/img00006gc1.png
  8. for the most part yes, but where that piece of glass is that the gunsight is projected onto there's gust a green blob, ill go take a screenshot
  9. not to be disrespectful of your work or anything im just curious as to how the MiG-27 is different and/or better than the MiG-23?
  10. nope, redownloading didn't work, any other possibilities?

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