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Posts posted by vonOben

  1. UseAdvancedShaders=1 (set this to 1 to enable it, it is good for low-end and high-end cards...adds about 10fps)

    ForceDX9=FALSE (don't set this to true, I tested and noticed a fps drop of about 10 frames, sometimes more, when it's enabled, better to leave this at false and let DX10 do its wonders)


    Hi VonS


    Those settings depend on which OS you are using IMHO.

    Since I'm using Windows XP and DirectX 9 I found these settings work best:



    Best regards
    • Like 1

  2. Hi


    Guitarclassic55's Replacement Menu Screens were designed for original First Eagles and gave some problems when used in First Eagles 2.
    The Campaign screen gave CTD and some text was hard to read. The needed files has been edited and some new has been added to get a more uniform look over all.
    The ini files has been optimized for screen resolution 1920x1200, and may need some tweaks for other resolutions.


    Guitarclassic55's Replacement Menu Screens original thread:




    Guitarclassic55's Replacement Menu Screens NO MOVIE


    Guitarclassic55's Replacement Menu Screens WITH MOVIE

    Install instructions
    Install Guitarclassic55's Replacement Menu Screens and then extract the FE2 update on top of it and overwrite the original files.

    Please Note: My update is for the no movie version, but it should be easy to make the corresponding edits on the movie version also.

    Guitarclassic55 for the original files.
    Thirdwire for default First Eagles 2 files.

    The update is available for download at my First Eagles page on my site:




    Best regards



    • Like 5

  3. Thanks Geezer!

    Regarding SweetFX:
    I tested version 1.5.1 which is the last version compatible with Windows XP.
    I couldn't get it to work with ingame AntiAliasing enabled in FE2. SweetFX AntiAliasing doesn't look as good as in game AntiAliasing, the wires looks worse in far views. SweetFX give some nice effects, but the AA problem makes it not that good for me anyway.

    So I use the ENB Series now.

    Attached is my current ENB settings.


    • Like 1

  4. Hi VonS

    Thanks for the info!

    I found this interesting thread about the gunner:


    With Peter's FM, a suffix'_GUNNER' is added the rear gun for example:
    which is a modded weapon with less effective rounds and if you can remove the '_GUNNER' text to get back the stock weapon.


    Best regards



    • Like 1


    Here's a detailed road plan for those interested of where I'd like to go with future updates.



    Hi again VonS :bye:


    Nice ideas for further improvements, I'm looking forward to them!


    Have you considered making the two seater gunner more accurate when shooting?


    In most aircraft they are terrible at hitting and you can attack them without caution :crazy: , if I remember correctly the only reasonable good shooter is  in the Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter.


    Best regards



    • Like 1

  6. Feb. 5, 2017 Update: Farman types added, also MaxG limits for lift surfaces, and where relevant damage rating and structural factor tweaks, also ailerons/elevator/rudder tuning, across the Albatros line, the SPADs, Hanriots, early Parasol and mid-wing types (Morane, Fokker, and Pfalz), and the later Fokker types too.



    Hi VonS


    My observations after the update:

    The wings are easily damaged in the new version, a few shots and evasive maneuvers on the AI planes and the wings fall off too easily IMHO.


    Best regards



  7. Hi VonS :bye:

    Lesson learned: It's always a good idea to read the readme file! :blush:

    I did actually have a quick look in it but not thoroughly enough as it seems.

    I'm still a bit confused about the effects files though. Do you mean "Use only one" from the 1918 folder or can I use the 1915 effects file and one from the 1918 folder at the same time?

    Regarding the weather I have no idea but I found some info here:



    Good luck with your tweaks! :good:

    Best regards


    • Like 1

  8. Hi VonS


    My first campaign mission with v.8.7 was a destroy enemy balloon mission.

    I've added your BalloonFireEffect.ini but when I shot down the balloon I got a strange white square in the sky.

    When I checked BalloonFireEffect.ini there is a reference to Ejectionchute.tga which is not included in Tweaked FM and Realism Pack 8.7.
    Where can I download this file?


    It would be much easier to install your files if you have the aircraft data files in their aircraft folders.


    Have the AI settings in the aircraft data files been updated to harmonize with the changes in your AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI?


    For example:





    The Fokker DrI had excellent climbing abilities so I would think that it should have a higher ChanceUseVertical than the values in AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI and not lower.


    Best regards




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