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Everything posted by vonOben

  1. Hi VonS Thank you very much for the latest update! Your efforts are much appreciated! Here are a few more observations, please note that this is with Realism Pack v.8, since I didn't notice the update until now. Albatros DII: Soon after take off the AI's goes into a steep climb to about 500m. This behaviour seem to be a common FE2 behavior though, and other aircraft behaves similar. I recall I've seen a tweak for this on the forum, but I can't find that thread again.... If I had climbed like that I would have stalled. Does the AI have different FM than the player? Albatros DII: When in formation the AI is often flying slightly below my aircraft, so they are hard to keep in view. In a few occations I have shot off the vertical stabilizer and the rudder on Nieuport 17, but they continue flying and manouvering as nothing has happened. S! vonOben
  2. More Flamers, Please!

    Hi quack74 Thanks for sharing your effects folder! I've tested those effects and I like them! No negative frame rate impact as far as I have noticed so far. S! vonOben
  3. Some newbie questions

    And another one: To prevent your wingmen from landing on the edge of the aerodrome I tried this tweak by ataribaby: Change to this in WWI_AIRFIELD1.INI: [Runway001] TouchDown=0,-150 <------ here is change! But they still land on the edge of the aerodrome and when they pass the edge they disappear. Is there anything else to do? Tweak the values further perhaps? Cheers vonOben
  4. Some newbie questions

    Hi again Back with some more questions. In my ongoing Armchair Aces campaign I've in several occasions landed on enemy ground when my plane has been to damaged to continue flying, but I haven't been taken POW in any of those occasions. Doesn't FE2 check if you land on enemy ground? In one mission one of the squad mates was taken POW, but in the next mission 3 days later he was back again and not POW this time. A quick exchange with an allied pilot perhaps? Best regards vonOben
  5. Hi VonS Back with some more feedback and observations! I'm now flying the Albatros D.I in an Armchair Aces campaign. When taking of the tail is heavy and takes some time to lift which makes the acceleration slow and the speed rather low when getting up in the air, usually in the end of the airfield. The Albatros D.I is prone to start burning when hit, it's the plane I've flown so far that starts burning most easily. I find it tricky to get a realistic balance in FE2. I've been using VolumeStructurePoint=6000 now for a while, but both myself and the AIs still get those 1-2 bullet kills. The Nieuport 17 is a tough opponent and a lot sturdier than the older Nieuport versions and doesn't have fragile wings. If those 1-2 bullet kills happen sometime it would be acceptable, but since most parts of the planes are non critical more hits should be needed to get the plane down IMHO. I've read that MvR as an average used 200 rounds per victory, and he was an ace... So how many rounds/hits would be historically accurate, what do you think? And how can we achieve that in FE? Best regards vonOben
  6. .INI Tweaks and Changes

    Adding a gun sight: Edit the aircraft cockpit.ini as follows: [GunsightFront] HasGunsight=TRUE GunsightMilSize=30 GunsightName=Fokker_ironsight.tga FixedSight=FALSE [CockpitSeat001] Gunsight=GunsightFront There are other ironsight.tga files to chose from, use the one you prefer.
  7. FE2 terrain problem

    I'm glad it worked for you. You can edit the FOV values for different views in VIEWLIST.INI. There are some info about it here also: http://combatace.com/topic/88951-some-newbie-questions/
  8. FE2 terrain problem

    Hi don246 I had the same problem with my ATI card, see here: http://combatace.com/topic/88951-some-newbie-questions/ Check post #6 by mue, that worked for me. Quote: I had the same problem. It happens with large FOV. I use a FOV of 90 degrees. Setting the Horizon Distance to Very Far fixed it for me. Good luck! Best regards vonOben
  9. Hi VonS Nice too see that you are back tweeking FM's . Any chance for a AlbatrosD2_Early FM in next update? S! vonOben
  10. Any news regarding the release of the upgrade?
  11. Hi jack72 Not long ago I went through the same process as you are now and I couldn't find Hanriot HD1 and Aviatik C.I in Peter01 FM's. ojcar posted the files and you can find them in reply #44 here http://combatace.com/topic/85292-armchair-aces-updated/page-3 When you are up and running I can recommend adding "Tweaked Flight Models and Realism Pack for FE2" with JSGME. These are the latest FE FM's by VonS updated with "FE2 Aircraft Hit Box Revisions" by Nicholas Bell and many other changes, check this thread for more info: http://combatace.com/topic/87403-tweaked-flight-models-and-realism-pack-for-fe2/ and http://combatace.com/topic/88710-fe2-aircraft-hit-box-revisions/ Good luck! vonOben
  12. Hi VonS My feedback is for the latest version 8.0. Have you considered editing the "waltzing" behaviour as Nick suggested here: http://combatace.com/topic/88783-heres-how-to-stop-your-wingmen-from-waltzing-in-formation/ And the "Bouncy elevators" as you called it here: http://combatace.com/topic/88951-some-newbie-questions/ I usually edit your FM files as suggested in those threads with good result. Best regards vonOben
  13. Hi again The Fokker D.II wasn't that bad when I got used to it and if I was careful not getting into a stall. But the Halberstadt D.V is terrible to fly IMHO. It accelerates very slowly and it's hard to get enough speed to take off safely. I also had one weird stall experience with it. I couldn't recover from the stall so I switched to Auto pilot. After the auto pilot had recovered I could never go back to flying without it because if I did I would go into a spin directly. The Auto pilot couldn't land either and crashed the plane when trying. After that I removed your Halberstadt D.V FM.... Best regards vonOben
  14. Some newbie questions

    Found the answer myself: In Viewlist.ini: ViewName=GunsightView ViewClassName=NarrowCockpitViewClass Editing: [ViewClass014] ViewClassName=NarrowCockpitViewClass LimitYaw=FALSE // was TRUE Changing LimitYaw to FALSE increases the check six view which was what I wanted.
  15. Hi guys VonS; When in a stall where the speed drop close to 0, the problem was that it had very little effect whatever I did with my stick. I've encountered tricky stalls also with Peter01 FM in the Eindeckers, but not in your FM. I'll test your advice the next time. Nick; The Eindeckers have a gun sight at least, which the Fokker D.II doesn't have. So I find it much easier to aim with the Eindeckers and have more problem aiming when there is no gun sight. Cheers vonOben
  16. Hi Back with some more feedback. I'm now using StructuralFactor=2.5 on the Nieuport 11 but the wings are still very fragile. I've started flying the Fokker D.II and my first impression is that it stalls more easily than the Eindeckers. The flight behavior during a stall is somewhat strange IMHO with an displayed speed around 1-2 km/h. What is the measures to get out of a stall in FE2? I had to switch to Autopilot to get out of a severe stall. S! vonOben
  17. Armchair Aces updated!

    This doesn't seem to have any effect. I'm still getting missions were I have to fly very long distances. My current settings for the Fokker D.II: NormalMissionRadius=10 //was 50 MaxMissionRadius=15 //was 100
  18. Armchair Aces updated!

    Ok, thanks Nick!
  19. So I guess you just has to get the various add-on and put then in the right file directory, -Correct! No major fiddling with .ini files? -No, nothing that I can recall right now. There are a lot to download and install, so it will take some time. Follow the instructions for each download, but older downloads have instructions for old FE then you have to use the FE2 way of installing instead. I'm new to FE/FE2 as I wrote, but I had no problems following the instructions and everything worked as it should directly.
  20. Hi jack72! I'm rather new to FE2 and Armchair Aces, and here are my experiences. 1) Quote from the Armchair Aces Readme file: "This mod is intended for FE2, because in 1917 and 1918 you'll need the different Albatros, Strutters, SPADS et al with different engines that FE2 has. FE1 pilots will need to edit the campaigns to fly them, for example changing the name of the planes like AlbatrosD5_180 to AlbatrosD5....Please, don't ask me for a FE1 version. I'm doing 117 campaigns for the entire series and it's a lot of work!!!! Nevertheless, if someone want to make an FE1 version it has my agreement (if it's free for the people, of course)." 2) A-Skunkworks site is here: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ I'm running Armchair Aces with the A-Skunkworks downloads in my FE2 install and haven't noticed any problems so far. The downloads were working ok, when I downloaded but that is some time ago. 3) I don't have a separate install for Armchair Aces, it's only a campaign and doesn't affect other stuff and the downloads required are downloads you would want anyway IMHO. Good luck! S! vonOben
  21. Hi guys Thanks for the information! So I only have to add the new TargetTypes to the [terran]_types.ini (for example Flanders_TYPES.INI) and they will show up randomly? Is that correctly understood? Cheers vonOben
  22. Hi Nick In Nieuport11_DATA.ini I added StructuralFactor=1.5 under these sections: [TopWingLeft] & [TopWingRight] & [TopWingMidLeft] & [TopWingMidRight] & [TopWingTipLeft] & [TopWingTipRight] Is that correct? I didn't notice any major difference. The wings are still very weak and fall off after a few hits. I'll test to increase the value in steps of 0.5. Thanks! Best regards vonOben
  23. Armchair Aces updated!

    Hi Nick In FokkerEIII_DATA.INI I edited MaxMissionRadius=100 (was 150) Is that what you mean?

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