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Everything posted by vonOben

  1. 1916(1) Mod

    Well done Bletchley! Thank you very much! Cheers vonOben
  2. 1915 Mod

    Congratulations to your first mod. Bletchley! Cheers vonOben
  3. 1915 Mod

    Great idea Bletchley! Thanks for this mod and I'm looking forward to your 1916 mod! Cheers vonOben
  4. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Thanks V4Friend! So OFF is now fully playable with FaceTrackNoIR? How much does the framerate drop when you use FaceTrackNoIR and OFF? Any one else tried it yet? Cheers vonOben
  5. Hi guys I have no problem with blurriness if I save as dds without mipmaps. Olham, you are using the same settings as I've used. Thanks! itifonhom, I've tried to find a compatible Nvidia DDS plug-in for PSP7, but the one that were supposed to work didn't work for me. Cheers vonOben
  6. This poll was a good idea Olham! S! vonOben
  7. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Thank you very much for the update V4Friend! I’m very interested in FaceTrackNoIR, especially now when I can’t get TIR Attack and my TrackIR 2 to work in OFF or CFS3 any longer. But I don’t have a webcam so I can’t test it, so it would be interesting to know how the latest version performs in OFF. Anyone tried it yet? Cheers vonOben
  8. Hi If I can’t get TIR Attack to work I’ll try to use the old Freetrack version with TrackIR support, which can use the TrackIR 2 camera and doesn’t need TIR Attack. The benefit is to have 6 DOF instead of 2 DOF. If the latest FaceTrackNoIR version works better in OFF that could also be a good alternative since Track IR is a bit to expensive for me. Cheers vonOben
  9. Finnish Air War (FAW) Improvements in the 1.28e update version: * Target files updated for Online flying, so the rearm feature can be used on all airfields. * Problem with wrong skin/3dz for I-153 (slot 1) in the Winter War corrected. * Problem with Finnish skin/3dz showing up for moving ground objects on Soviet side corrected. * Aircraft mini pics updated to better quality. * I-153 winter hangar added. * Improved 3dz/skin for TB-3. * Improved and corrected the tile map (EAW.tm). * A specific Tarnames.str added for online play. Now available for download on the FAW page on my site. http://vonoben.free.fr/ Cheers vonOben
  10. I'm also interested in this. How did you do? Cheers vonOben
  11. Well said Olham! This is a great community and I would like to which a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you and your families! Cheers vonOben
  12. Hi Lou Thanks a lot for sharing all those great books! It's an excellent collection! Cheers vonOben
  13. HPWDMv2.5 update

    What a nice Christmas Present Herr Prop-Wasche! Thank you very much for this very important update! Cheers vonOben
  14. Thanks a lot to all who have contributed to the "Flying and Air Fighting Pilot Primers". Excellent stuff! Cheers vonOben
  15. My Pilot never dies

    Well done Herr Prop-Wasche! This is great news! I've been missing your DM very much. Flying OFF without it hasn’t been as challenging as before. S! vonOben
  16. I'm gonna be a Grand-Dad

    Congratulations Cameljockey! S! vonOben
  17. Hi guys Good idea! But I can't find any pdf's there yet. Cheers vonOben
  18. Hi I had a strange campaign mission today flying for Jasta 19 on the March 31, 1918. We were going to fly to our new airfield at Balatre and according to the ingame map was that airfield on enemy ground. Perhaps they haven’t updated the maps then, so I flew away following first flight and the route on the map. But when we flew over the frontline it seemed as the ingame map was right and the airfield was on enemy ground, so I headed for the nearest friendly airfield and landed there instead. Is this normal and what am I supposed to do land on the enemy airfield? Cheers vonOben
  19. Hi OK, no big deal. In the next mission the frontline had moved and I was stationed at Balatre. Cheers vonOben
  20. Finnish Air War (FAW) Main feautres: - FAW Manager Program (FAWMan.exe) which automatically changes the frontlines and other files according to the date. - 41 different aircraft types and variants with individual engine sounds are included. - Realistic flight- and damage models for EAW1.28e. - 3 different campaigns: Winter War 1939-1940 Continuation War 1941-1944 The Summer 1944 Soviet offensive: May 14, 1944 - September 4, 1944. - 44 careers are available: 25 Finnish, 3 German and 39 for The Soviet Union. - Careers with 56 historical missions. - 32 different frontlines cover the three campaigns. - A new world with airbases and targets accurately placed. - 4 terrain sets are included: summer, autumn, winter and hard winter. - Ground forces with trenches, artillery and bunkers that follow the frontline movements. - War damage will show after the heavy battles at the Karelian Isthmus. - Simple and easy set-up procedure. Improvements in the 1.28e version: - FAW updated to fully work with 1.28e. - FM/DM updated to 1.28e standard by Knegel. - Some minor skin and 3dz improvements for some of the planes. - New action codes implemented for planes with moving flaps: Gladiator, Curtis 75 and P40. - Some skins were accidentally left out of earlier FAW versions and they are now included: Fokker CX winter version with ski for 1941, Blenheim IV skin for 1944, Bf 109 G2 skin for 1944. - Some screens updated to better image quality. - 47 single missions based on historical events included. - Terrain fix: Purple spots in some of the winter coast terrain tiles on ATI video cards. Fixed with additional bmp's. - Some minor bugs corrected. MS 406 from LLv 28 attacking DB-3's near Helsinki. Fokker DXXI from LLv 24 shot down by a I-16 fighter. LLv26 Gladiator shooting down a SB-2. The railwaystation at Viipuri getting bombed. I-153 attacking a Finnish camp. A Big thanks goes to the guys in the EAW Code group that made the 1.28e FAW update possible, especially to: Knegel and MrJelly. And the update had never been possible without the handy editors by MrJelly! I made the FAW update myself - except for the FM/DM update which Knegel did - but some other peoples work was included, please check the readme file for details. Thanks to all that have contributed! FAW is now available for download on the FAW page on my site. Cheers vonOben http://vonoben.free.fr/
  21. My Pilot never dies

    No problem Herr Prop-Wasche, take your time! I’m running the default HitR FM and that’s fine for the time being, since a All HPWDM versions I have tried has had the pilot never dies problem. Have you found what is causing the problem? Cheers vonOben
  22. Hi I have similar opinion as Javito1986: My first choice would be that what actually happens in a campaign mission has affect on the continuation of the campaign. So if your wingman is killed he is killed and doesn’t continue flying, which I find very unrealistic as it is now. This would improve the immersion in the OFF campaign! To make this work the AI behavior needs to be tweaked to get realistic losses and the AI must also be able to land without flying into trees or into the ground! As it is now my entire flight usually get killed when they land which is not realistic at all. :suicide2: Cheers vonOben
  23. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Hi Have you got FaceTrackNoIR to work in OFF yet? Cheers vonOben
  24. My Pilot never dies

    Hi Problem solved thanks to Kaische who kindly sent me the default HitR bdp-files! I’ve tested HiTR without the HPWDM mods and with the default bdp-files and my pilot dies now! But I haven’t been able to kill my pilot in HPWDM 1.0 and 2.0. I haven’t tried the other versions though. I’ve also discussed the matter with Herr Prop-Wasche and he explained how it works. If you load new xpd files (damage files) with a later date than the bdp-files the bdp-files get updated when you start OFF. If you unload the HPWDM mod the updated bdp-files are not changed because they have a later date than the default xpd-files. If any one needs the default HitR bdp-files, send me a PM an I’ll attach a zip-file with the bdp-files organised in folders so you can easily load it with JSGME. S! vonOben
  25. Hi In my last mission I got separated from my flight during a fight against enemy Spad VII’s. After the fight had ended I followed the flight path hoping to catch up with my flight members. Instead an enemy flight of Spad XIII showed up. It was rather cloudy so I tried to fly away hiding in the clouds and diving to gain speed. But the Spad’s had apparently spotted me anyway and was quickly on my tail. I tried jinking but after a few well aimed burst my Albatros DV got sluggish. This is what usually happens when I’ve got an enemy on my tail ….. This time it got even worse since all controls ceased to work after a few more well aimed bursts.It was only to hope for the best and in the end I luckily survived the crash. Next time I might not be that lucky! So what is your favorite way to evade when you are outnumbered by enemies in a faster plane? Cheers vonOben

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