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Posts posted by Tanyrhiew

  1. Returning to the front after a long absence, I've started using facetracknoIR as a replacement for my old TIR1 which is no longer supported under win7 64bit. After hunting for config info I came across a useful post over at the other WW1 sim's forum. Using that info I have the following settings that work well with my laptops webcam:














































    Y_point3=@Variant(\0\0\0\x1a@b \0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0)

    Y_point4=@Variant(\0\0\0\x1a@b \0\0\0\0\0@I\0\0\0\0\0\0)



































  2. Ahhh, almost makes me want to fire up my custom modded version of RB in dosbox. RB must have been one of the first games to actually have mods, some were pretty nifty like increasing the number of aircraft, altering the flight model or changing the skins, well, colours! Spent hours on that one and is the reason why I'm on this forum today.


    And it still had one thing that I've not seen in any simulation of historical air combat - personalised AI for the ace AI pilots e.g. Voss can do anything but MvR who had an aversion to aerobatics just turn fights.


    <sniff>Happy Days!

  3. How do I reduce the sound of artillery while keeping the new wind noise? Pre HiTR I was keping the effects at 10% as anything higher than that I could hear the explosions over the engine. If I do that now I cannot hear the wind noise at all. Also how to disable the hollywood death scream (I hated that in RB and I still hate it here!)?

  4. I've read (cannot remember where) that Goering's joining of the NAZI party helped entice more middle class voters due to his 'celebrity' from being the sucessor to von Richtofen, an important thing to note given the rock star treatment heaped on MvR during the war. Considering the NAZI's got something like 34% of the total vote in the 1933 election if I recall correctly, its easy to see how people attracted to the party due its famous war hero could tip the balance in the NAZI's favour.


    If Richtofen had survived the war would he have been attracted to the NAZI's ideas of a resurgent Fatherland? Quite possibly given his Junker background, how he would have felt about the persecution of the Jews in light of his friendship with Voss who I believe was Jewish is another matter. Who knows, maybe if he had survived, the NAZI's would never have gained power in the first place.

  5. Having a series of maps containing detail only for the sector that your flying in and which get swapped in from a repository as part of the mission creation process is a good idea. Ok we might lose 100mb of disk space (say 10 maps at 10Mb each) but considering OFF is already at 15Gb and is only going to get bigger, I don't believe 'a seperate media drive' is necessary!


    I think uncleal was thinking about Flying Corps - Rowans terrain data was 250Mb plus, which was a lot back in the dos/win95 days, nice of 'em to keep it on the CD even if that cd cache program they used was a bit of a bastard. Jolly acccurate for the 1917 period they covered though, just a pity about the lack of Entente reserve trenches. Still those lovely paper maps from FCG and RB1 still come in handy.


    Does anyone know how to turn off the plane icon ala Il-2 - I've gotten pretty good at finding my way back to my airfield by following my nose (WM's scenery is top notch) but the GPS can be too tempting at times. Also allows those moments for entering claims where you think you were at one location but were really at another.

  6. Currently deep in a 1918 camel pilot campaign and I'm noticing that the AI always seems to be down in the weeds which is making 'em pretty easy to knock off, particuarly the albatri. Having had a look at the last few mission files in missions\historical I notice that the AI is usually set to around 4-5000 - if the units are in feet then it seems a bit low for the huns in '18. Is it possible to increase the average height the AI fly at, ideally get 'em up over 10,000?


    Having a couple of other campaigns on the go to sample the other aircraft, I've noticed that the choice of missions is the same no matter what you fly. It would add extra atmosphere to have mission types/briefings tailored to the side you fly. I've been able to to this by editing the NationAircraftMissiontypes.txt files in OFF\campaigns\CampaignData, for example I've set up 2 txt files for RFC pilots, one for between pushes were I get mainly patrols of the lines and offensive patrols (cannot believe that the dreaded O-pips are not mentioned by default!) and one for during offensives that offers me the chance to shoot up the push and plenty of opportunity to collect a machine gun bullet and little else!


    It would be good if this sort of thing was handled automatically by the manager. Extra things could be brought in like adding airfield attacks in post march 1918 when the RFC started to mount major attacks on the airfields, or for those SE5 squadrons or the Jastas that did not do ground attack, by not tasking them with that mission type. If realism is the key then the germans should be limited to barrier patrols behind their lines, certainly with no airfield attacks or offensive patrols being tasked, though of course theres nothing stopping the player from crossing the lines if they choose.




  7. Shredward raises an interesting pint regarding mission selection. I'd like to see differentiation between the RFC fighter squadrons as they seemed to specialise in either air to air or air to ground. Seems wrong at present with 56 squadron getting ground attack missions. Same goes for the germans too.


    Its easy to remedy though simply by editing the CountryFighterMissionTypesYear.txt files in the OFF\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData folder.


    In my 1918 46 Squadron RFC campaign, I've edited so that its all patrols until the spring offensive starts after which I'll throw in the ground attack missions so we can 'shoot up the push'

  8. The very first Be2c I've shot down in OFF in a Bloody April campaign set me thinking. Set alight the Be2c at about 3000 ft, the plane flew on fire in a wide lazy spiral slowly descending towards the ground. Being pressed for time, when it was at a about 1000 ft I put a stop to this, at which point the observer jumped out and the plane dived into the ground. A little voice in my head said 'You callous bastard, he'd nearly made it!". Set me thinking about the plight of observers trying to land planes with a dead pilot. Didn't think a game would get me like that.


    As Yeates put it "there's no glory in death".

  9. Could do with a thank you thread in this forum.


    Spent the weekend geting into OFF and would just like to offer my congratulations to the developers of OFF. If I'd seen the plan from pre Phase 1 days that someone in an earlier thread posted, I'd have said that the devolopers were mad. Having spent the weekend playing OFF pretty much non-stop, I can safely say they are geniuses! What you've achieved using the CFS3 engine is nothing short of astounding.


    I cannot remember the last sim that made feel like I was flying a simulator for the first time (probably the orginal Red Baron).


    Well done all


    A very satisfied customer



  10. I beg to differ, after doing more testing today, the culprit is the object shadows. I suspect that when cfs was originally released, using the cpu for generating the shadows was ok for the relatively small number of objects back then. With OFF the number of objects requiring shadows has been greatly increased. This explains why my fps fluctuated so much - it depended on how many objects were in view at the time. Now that I've determined that it was the shadows causing the problem, I have been able to bump the particles back to 'effects-5' levels. In fact I can set the object density in OFF manager to high with minimal impact on frame rate.


    Regarding clouds I will happily trade blocky aircraft shadows and no object shadows for a sky full of clouds and an AI that cannot see me - this is a flight sim after all, the sky is where the action is!


    Anyway now that I have everything running nicely, I'm off to try the campaign - wish me luck!

  11. Been busy getting OFF to run just so but getting consistent frame rates proved to be difficult on my c2d e6600, 4gb RAM and 8800GTS 512. I followed the various guides/faqs but was unable to improve things until I found that the effects slider has a massive impact on fps on my PC. The impact is such that fps will drop to single figures. Reducing this to1 I can now run at settngs of 1600x1200, x16q AA and 16x aniso, sliders at 5-3-3-1-5. FPS is consistently now in the 20s+ with Vsynch on in a 1918 campaign mission with full air activity.


    So for anyone struggling with frame rate, drop that effects slider and watch your fps shoot up!


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