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Everything posted by p10ppy

  1. slightly OT The hud debug mode is improved in the addon (well its sort of a ini tweak) much more info about the forces at work... still wish it had a clock tho... :-)
  2. Debug

    From the album FE Wips

  3. Agrees with Heck Add to all of this that the Germans certainly did fly at above 1400 Rpm (especially in combat) and it gets hard to model indeed (no "overpower" parametres that I'm aware of) A brief speed test of the stock addon D.VII (speed was never its strong point tho) Seems to indicate that it could use more power imho Climb seemed weak too but I never tested it in any rational way… so I may be mistaken:blink: The D.VII's big advantage was its cantilever wing with the thick high lift airfoil section…and its relatively viceless handling I haven't flown the Addon anywhere near enough to make balance judgments But the D.VII (both) should have the best sustained climb performance of all the stock Aircraft and be good at low speed maneuvers IMHO note: ive seen many differing performance figures for the D.VII Alt------KIAS----KTAS----KPH-IAS--KPH-TAS-----D.VII-"RL"----D.VIIf-"RL"- sl-------99.2----99.5----183.7----184.274--------185----------205---------- 500------98.2----101-----181.8----187.052---------------------------------- 1000-----95.5----100.5---176.8----186.126---------------------------------- 2000-----87.5----97.2----162.05---180.0144-------183----------200---------- 3000-----80.2----93.5----148.53---173.162---------------------------------- sorry about the horrible table
  4. internet "research" YMMV http://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/2000/838...ion-engine.html http://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/2001/123...erformance.html http://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/replica-...s-d-iiia-5.html and lots more there with a search...
  5. I would have to respectfully (and gently) disagree with you Charles The engine was certainly (confusingly) called the Mercedes 160 hp (that according to a datafile is the Mercedes class name) But was continually improved through out its life (life starting from midish 1916 with the Albatross D.I) I don’t think the D.VII ever saw front line service with the old DIII engine (nor the D.V or D.Va or the D.III that stuck around for long) maybe in prototype form… I only have references (not that many ) referring to the latter types of engines in D.VII’s As an aside The Albatross D.III Oef was built till the end of the war by the Austro-Hungarians Powered by Austro-Daimler engines (heavier than the Mercedes) I don’t know if the Austro-Hungarians rated their engines at 1400rpm like the Germans (and the Mercedes engines are all capable of more then 1400rpm) Depending on the D.III Oef series number… Austro-Daimler 185 hp = 137954.5 watts 200 hp = 149140 watts 225 hp = 167782.5 watts @ Tex Yes of course, and I haven’t done any tests on the D.VII But there are many more subtle ways IMHO (and areas that are greyer in terms of published info) of adjusting those performance parametres (CD0, PropEfficiency etc) than depriving it of at least 12% of its power And considering engine power is used when estimating aerodynamic coefficients when published material is scarce, the whole plane could be out of whack… Whether it’s worth it if the D.VII is performing in balance with the other craft is another matter
  6. weird numbers on TKs originals... from the pre-addon D.Va SLPowerDry=119312.0 D.VII SLPowerDry=119312.0 D.VIIf SLPowerDry=137954.5 maybe its a balance thing... but those aircraft never had a 160hp engine (even the alb D.III didn't i think) and why they would be lower now after the addon....? from a few sources... all rated at 1400Rpm (german rating system) most were capable of another 200ish rpm/40-50ish Hp for shortish periods/or at certain (high) altitudes Mercedes DIII = 160hp = 119312 watt Mercedes DIIIa = 170hp = 126769 watt....Albatros D.III and D.V (the engine was upgraded to DIIIaü spec when possible) Mercedes DIIIaü = 180hp = 134226 watt ....Most Fokker D.VII and most Albatros D.Va Mercedes DIIIaüv = 200hp = 149140 watt ....Very late production Fokker D.VII BMW IIIa = 185hp = 137954.5 watt ...Fokker D.VIIf BMW was lighter, had better high Alt performance, and better +1400rpm power (1600 rpm = 254hp)
  7. FMs and the Expansion Pack

    good idea HecK :yes: keep us informed of your results the sooner we understand the new parametres the sooner the mods can be upgraded/new ones made if you get time (and are interested) theres all the new stall tables to play with too
  8. FMs and the Expansion Pack

    Re the Clerget Camel try adding this to the Data.ini under [FlightControl] AutoTrimLimit=0.0 all the other Camels have it and it seems to calm it down a bit May be some control hack to make the rotarys useable.... and the fuelpump on the spar doesn't spin on any of them :( I had a quick go at hacking it with a engine data entry but it doesn't seem to be rigged that way... maybe with a patch
  9. Alkan synchronizer I believe was the reason (so I have read) The early Alkan (Nie16) wasn’t reliable in testing by the RFC and there were a number of crashes from synchronizer failure So they gave up on it and stuck with the Forster French seem to have persisted and the later Alkans (Nie17+) were more reliable
  10. agreed :yes: i note this from the "mars" link also "Nieuport 27 parts catalog. Not all drawings may be appropriate to the 27." (great catalog ) see this pic and info http://www.worldwar1.com/dbc/npt27.htm i think some of this is terminolgy too they are squarer then the Nie17 (that has a dramatic slope/slant) but more rounded at the back especially anyway any Nie27 will be welcome :yes:
  11. hmmm may not be that simple 'Nieuport Aces of WW1" (osprey) shows it with rounded (same as the 24) tho it appears from this discussion (rather long but with a few pics) to be a different airfoil atleast to the 24... http://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/aircraft...7-airfoils.html a photo of a 27 showing the tips would be nice... :yes: good to see some old names back :)
  12. n27

    From the album FE Wips

  13. not quite perfect but it is much better shame aladar never finished it (its such a great pit) after TK modded the game for it (which was pretty amazing of him) http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=3493 what would be really nice would be away of adding another layer of lods to the models for these small changes... its kinda possible with the weapons editor but kinda clunky and VERY hard in the pit mesh.. thanks AD
  14. Lewis Gun

    if you can point me at a pic showing the mount i can probably wip one up (shouldnt take long) i've only ever seen mg's mounted that way at assumed the carbines were shoulder fired?
  15. gun sound?

    my bad if you have done the rest of the readme stuff heres the bit i forgot at the beginning of the soundlist.ini file is a list of the sounds under the following title [soundList]. Put the following entries at the end of the list and continue the sequence of numbers. SoundFileXXX=hotchkiss SoundFileXXX=lerhone hope you enjoy it ps heres the thread with other minor fixs and tweaks http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...=19508&st=0
  16. Thank you all for all your kind encouragement :) As I said please don't get to excited… I don't get as much time to do this as I would like and they are a ways off @ Charles, yeah that's one of the many problems to solve, I had a quick look at the formation.ini a while ago and though I didn't quite grokk it, I thought it looked doable… Have you tried making single ship formations? I also have problems around lift (would prefer buoyancy ) that are similar to the helo FMs I would imagine… Was hoping to do it with continuous upwards thrust for each gas cell, but there seems no way to set up a thrust source not linked to the throttle I tried negative mass but the FM didn't like that (surprise surprise ) I was having all sorts of crazy ideas about jettisonable water ballast and reversible props but I've settled for trying to get the AI to fly it acceptably I've attenuated bank to almost nothing and the AI copes "ok"… still seems to get to a heading alright (and only occasionally gets stuck inverted ) AA is another problem … it kills it real fast and doesn't really miss(realistic probably) But it seem reasonably hard for a aircraft to bring it down So I'm not sure it would ever be suitable for normal campaigns The loadout is giving me problems as well 8 x PuW300, 40 x PuW100 and 120 x Bomb11kg I've got them in the 8 bays sort of… but I'm having endless problems with the door animations… Automatic isn't really working… and there seems to be no key for manual doors in FE… I wonder if the AI cares? Damage model also looks weird because of these huge hoops of polys (original node) plummeting to earth when a damage node appears, but there seems to be no way of just making a node vanish instead of falling… And the list goes on… I will have to make some compromises eventually And its thanks to this wonderfully moddable game engine that its even half possible Fun and games :yes:
  17. DR1 shadow question

    pretty sure its not possible the SHD file is a simplifed version of the main meshes so even if you could get it to appear it would look different (especialy for a tri) and would have a different pivot point, different size etc.... The original modder has to supply one really and as Gambit said they ushally are more trouble than they are worth (shadows i mean, not modders )
  18. Voi03.jpg

    From the album FE Wips

  19. Voi02.jpg

    From the album FE Wips

  20. l30_08.jpg

    From the album FE Wips

  21. l30_07.jpg

    From the album FE Wips

  22. l30_05.jpg

    From the album FE Wips

  23. l30_06.jpg

    From the album FE Wips

  24. l30_04.jpg

    From the album FE Wips

  25. l30_01.jpg

    From the album FE Wips


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