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Everything posted by p10ppy

  1. Yeah it took me along time to dive in too But it is fun (if confusing) and I'm strictly amateur Try this if you are interested, (and haven't seen it before ) it helped me a lot with understanding some FE FM bits I never got up to jets with it tho…. http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/...68/contents.htm this stuff here was very good for estimating CD0 CL0 etc from limited known dimensions/performance…(for the whole airframe) http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/SP-468/app-c.htm Plugged into FE and it was pretty good at getting you in the ballpark for performance
  2. hey Lexx dont know if this is any use or if you already have it (or better sources) Mig-9 OKB figures Length (ignoring guns) 9.83m Span 10 m (I-300 but apparently unchanged) Wing Area 18.2 m2 (I-300 but apparently unchanged) Weight Empty 3420 kg Fuel weight 1298 kg Oil weight 35 kg (I-300 but apparently unchanged) Petrol weight 7 kg (I-300 but apparently unchanged) Loaded Weight 5054 kg Max Speed 864 km/h at SL 911 km/h at 4500m Climb to 5000m 4.3 min Climb to 10000m 14.3 min (I-300 not sure if it changed or not) Service ceiling 13500 m Range 800 km Takeoff run 910 m (I-300 but apparently unchanged) Landing run 735 m (I-300 but apparently unchanged) Landing Speed 170 km/h (I-300 but apparently unchanged) source Mig aircraft since 1937 Bill Gunston and Yefim Gordon
  3. Voss Triplane

    more than you could ever wish to know about Dr.1's http://www.fokkerdr1.com/Mainpage.htm especially http://www.fokkerdr1.com/Profiles/Profile%20TC10.htm Shrikehawk check your PMs personally I'm waiting for TK's Dr.1 with anticipation :yes:
  4. it "looks" like the Damage nodes are displaying all the time on the Martinsyde and Avro atleast ive seen something like that before when tinkering with damage nodes
  5. pretty sure the the "destroyed" "disabled" and "heavy" parametres are for the AI only and they dont really affect the FM they are to let AI Attackers know the damage state of their target (i think, read it some where a while back... )
  6. Timmy kindly gave me the aircraft to play with/try skinning And I hope he does not mind me posting screenys in his thread It's a nice change from FE, this is my first try at a aluminum finish (I've wanted to try a natural finish for a while) beaut model timmy
  7. Anyone know this aircraft

    Well I wouldn’t call it rare but it certainly wasn’t the norm At least some of these (it seems to be mostly English but that could be my references) and dependant of powerplant A few of the more common seem to be totally 4 bladed (FE 2, BE 2) Breguet 14 S.E.5a BE 2a BE 2c BE 12 RE 7 FE 2 FE 8 Martinsyde G100 FE 8 F 2B DH 4 DH 6 DH 9a HP 0/100 HP 0/400 Fairey Campania Siemens-Schuckert D.IV Siemens-Schuckert D.III The interesting thing about the D.XVI is the Siemens-Halske Sh II rotary where the crank rotated in the opposite direction to the Prop beaten to the punch
  8. Stalls!

    Yeah However it looks like the OP at the aerodrome may have been muddled (and by default me too ) And the quoted pilot seems to been (another source) in fact Donald Hudson (Beauchamp didn't make it through that combat) Apparently a famous dogfight when the 27th aero lost 6 pilots on the 1st Aug 1918 :( Hudson was (or would become a ace) and was flying a SPAD XIII at the time of the quote (for the first time in combat, they ushally flew N28's) which makes more sense…. and dispite all the spinning claimed 3 in that combat
  9. File Name: Min/MaxExtentPosition exporter File Submitter: p10ppy File Submitted: 19 Aug 2007 File Category: Utilities/Editors This script outputs to a text file from MAX the min/maxExtentPosition for all of a models nodes The min / max extents are calculated on the bounding box of the node so YMMV if you have very irregular nodes (some hand tuning) Obviously this is only of use to people with the max file models… The output looks like this ------------------------------ Fuselage MinExtentPosition=-0.42,-1.127,-0.86 MaxExtentPosition=0.42,2.63,0.778 Cockpit MinExtentPosition=-0.42,0.38,-0.727 MaxExtentPosition=0.42,2.484,0.173 Radiator MinExtentPosition=-0.506,-0.535,-0.063 MaxExtentPosition=0.506,0.495,0.935 ---------etc etc Please feel free to offer improvements See readme for install /use Click here to download this file
  10. I've been getting tired of the very tedious task of finding and then entering large amounts of Min/Max Extents variables in the data.ini's I've been working on (hate repetition :yes: ) So I started playing around with /learning Maxscript to automate it somewhat This script outputs to a text file from MAX the min/maxExtentPosition for all of a models nodes The min / max extents are calculated on the bounding box of the node so YMMV if you have very irregular nodes (some hand tuning) Obviously this is only of use to people with the max file models… The output looks like this ------------------------------ Fuselage MinExtentPosition=-0.42,-1.127,-0.86 MaxExtentPosition=0.42,2.63,0.778 Cockpit MinExtentPosition=-0.42,0.38,-0.727 MaxExtentPosition=0.42,2.484,0.173 Radiator MinExtentPosition=-0.506,-0.535,-0.063 MaxExtentPosition=0.506,0.495,0.935 ---------etc etc get it in the downloads/utilities section when it gets approved Please feel free to offer improvements See readme for install /use
  11. Glad it was useful @ foxmonter CollisionPoint's? I couldnt think of a rational way of doing them I could supply the four corner points of a nodes bounding box but CollisionPoint's often are not really in those positions (i supose the same argument could be made for some min/max extents) but if that would be useful or you can think of a better parameter to use from the model let me know :)
  12. What do you think?

    I do think its been a real problem since the last? patch Control surfaces detach almost instantly Tk may be looking at it?? http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=4249 As for the AI I'd imagine the lack of effect has got to do with their more relaxed flight regime
  13. Version


    This script outputs to a text file from MAX the min/maxExtentPosition for all of a models nodes The min / max extents are calculated on the bounding box of the node so YMMV if you have very irregular nodes (some hand tuning) Obviously this is only of use to people with the max file models… The output looks like this ------------------------------ Fuselage MinExtentPosition=-0.42,-1.127,-0.86 MaxExtentPosition=0.42,2.63,0.778 Cockpit MinExtentPosition=-0.42,0.38,-0.727 MaxExtentPosition=0.42,2.484,0.173 Radiator MinExtentPosition=-0.506,-0.535,-0.063 MaxExtentPosition=0.506,0.495,0.935 ---------etc etc Please feel free to offer improvements See readme for install /use
  14. Pfalz DXII .WIP

    Aye (well sort of ) Morane AI not used very much at all (a bit to late) see http://memorial.flight.free.fr/indexuk.html
  15. Stalls!

    I've not much to add on stalls/spins The engine seems to model a variety of stalls nicely as has Peter said Spins are quite different and in my experience very difficult if not impossible to get out of, (I'm not sure how you guys are recovering the SPAD 13 from its nasty "flat" spin but its 95% fatal to me) Which is unfortunate because it would seem to be a very large part of early aviation (recoverable Spins) Hence all the "phantom" OOC claims There are a few misconceptions (IMHO) in this thread about the design of WW1 era airfoil sections Until the D.VII came along designers were labouring under the mistaken belief that very thin low camber wings were best (so there's probably some similarities between the 60's fast movers that Fastcargo is talking about) low CD0 and low CL0 and as Peter has alluded to a small range between normal flight and stalling/spining (not much fun if its unrecoverable) Side note: The AI flies in a stall regime at "normal" so won't suffer the same… A nice little quote courtesy of the aerodrome in turn courtesy of a Lt Beauchamp flying a N28 of all things (its kinda funny in a terrifying way) "We were attacked by eight Fokker biplanes east of Fere-en-Tardenois. I tried to bank to the left and fell into a spin. When I came out of the spin there were four enemy aircraft on my tail. I tried to turn again but fell into another spin. I was followed by the four enemy aircraft down to 3000 feet. As I was coming out of the spin a Boche machine was headed straight at me. I fired and he turned to the left. I turned a little to the left and turned back again. Being right on his tail I firred about twenty bullets into him. He fell slowly on his right wing and went into a spin. I turned on the other machines and went into a spin. When I came out they were climbing up.... "
  16. for the cones you could do what i did (by accident) tho you have to do it for every cockpit you flew in (so its a bit of a pain) add InternalClipDistMin=0.01 to the cockpit.ini under the [CockpitSeat001] --blah blah--- ExternalClipDistMin=0.03 InternalClipDistMin=0.01 <--here seems to break the arrows/cones (in FE anyway)
  17. Cockpit troubles...

    yeah it will always be (well maybe ) the first Component listed in the data.ini/[AircraftData] section and most of the other nodes will be parented to it in their repective sections (its ushally very obvious) [AircraftData] EmptyMass=968.0 EmptyInertia=2498.7,5660.7,8036.6 --Snip---- DefaultArmorThickness=25 Component[001]=Fuselage <<<-----Me! Me! Component[002]=TopWingLeft Component[003]=TopWingRight --snip----- Component[017]=VertTail Component[018]=Nose
  18. Cockpit troubles...

    J18Dread if i'm understanding what you want correctly you could just add HideExternalNodeName=fuselage to the cockpit ini (if not fuselage, then what ever the Parent node for the whole aircraft is) it will take itsself and its all its children and vanish then rem out the //ModelName=morane_cp.LOD in the cockpit.ini and you get a full "glass" pit hope that helps :)
  19. Cockpit troubles...

    in the *_Data.ini [fuselage] ModelNodeName=fuselage ShowFromCockpit=TRUE <---------------FALSE DestroyedNodeName DetachWhenDestroyed=FALSE DamageRating=Destroyed HasAeroCoefficients=TRUE Yadda yadda hope that helps :)
  20. Haven't Gotha Clue

    I think I have a (bit hacky ) way around this I'm using an intermediate node with the gunner parented to it (then the intermediate node parented to the main mesh) The node/mesh is tiny but I expect it could be part of the gunner model himself (I just didn't think of that till later ) Set the node to the same extents as the gunner and to detach when destroyed (looks a bit gruesome) Seems to work (not fully tested) [Gnode02] ParentComponentName=GB03 ModelNodeName=Gnode02 DestroyedNodeName= ShowFromCockpit=TRUE DetachWhenDestroyed=True MassFraction=0.001 HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE LiftSurface=FALSE MinExtentPosition= -1.603, 74.807, 9.788 MaxExtentPosition= -1.047, 75.344, 11.408 StructuralFactor=0.01
  21. Any1 seen this n17 crash

    Interesting pics, glad there were no deaths Don’t know that a scarf is possible Because the pilot is a separate lod and there’s no ani inputs I can think of to drive the motion (head motion is the only one I know) The MoS-N streamers are actually built into the model as weapon pylons, invisible when there’s no “weapon” attached (the loadout is a dummy) The pylons are animated by parenting them to a dummy engine input, So no throttle no motion but it was the nearest thing to fulltime motion I could find Don’t think you could do that with a separate lod If there is a pilot ini it maybe possible but I don’t know where/if there is? Would look cool tho :yes:
  22. Yeah, what capun said I've noticed max reverting to the wrong ani controllers sometimes too So it's always something to test You should be able to link the internal canopy animationID to your cockpit throttle or rudder inputs (or somethingy) temporarily to make sure the animation is at least working More depressingly, it could just be that the older 3rd wire engines don't support the EXTERNAL_ANIMATION_LINK type (I can't confirm that, I have no jet models to play with) I have used the same range of frames across two differing lods to do this, so I don't think its that And from memory I did try to use the Animation keys in the cockpit ini and it didn't work (I'm a bit hazy tho) The link was the only way I got it to work good luck
  23. Hmmm works for me (just tried it) FE but that “shouldn’t” matter Is the canopy animating externally? Just to be clear (sorry if you know this stuff) Set one of your components in your Data.ini to have a system (called canopy for example) ----------------------------- SystemName[001]=canopy --------------------------- Set the system up something like this ------------------------------- [Canopy] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_1//the key to be pressed DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=1.0//any thing you like AnimationID=8///from the external max file ------------------------------------ Animate the external node in max (set to 8 in this example) Tag the external canopy mesh node to be removed when viewed from the pit (parent it to some thing if you need to) Animate the internal canopy in max (cockpit lod) Set the cockpit.ini like this: An instrument name (just like a gauge) ------------------------------------------ Instrument[003]= intcanopy ------------------------------------------ [intcanopy] Type=EXTERNAL_ANIMATION_LINK MovementType=ANIMATION AnimationID=6 //cockpit lod AnimationID ItemNumber=8//same as the AnimationID for the external canopy ------------------------------------------- Make sure you have a key assigned to the InputName=ANIMATION_1 slot Hope that works for you PS you will probably need to do it twice with two different keys and two IDs(open and close) if you are doing it manually PPS thing that always caught me out with complex models is having the same AnimationID assigned twice in the same lod (breaks it)
  24. Hello I'm not sure is this is helpful But if you are animating something it the *_Data.ini it is possible to create a link to it in the *_cockpit.ini (not the reverse though I think) so the one input controls both animations I used it a lot in the MoS-N to do cockpit gunfire animations (linked to the external MG animation) and things like the oil pulsator "gauge" (linked to the engine animation) It's a little bit counter-intuitive (the name convention is a little odd) but easy and powerful It's the only way I found for doing "constant" animations in the cockpit, by linking things to the engine AnimationID It's also really useful for swapping low-poly external animations for high-poly animations visible from the cockpit (MG-fire in FE for example) ///snipped from *_cockpit.ini [OilPulse] Type=EXTERNAL_ANIMATION_LINK MovementType=ANIMATION ItemNumber=5/////////////////// is the AnimationID in the *_Data.ini you want to link to AnimationID=9///////////////// is the AnimationID in the *_cockpit.ini to be linked So if you set your canopy to use a speed deployment input (seems to be a common way) you should be able to link your cockpit canopy node to it, as long as both are using an AnimationID of some kind (things like GunFireAnimationID= are ok) Hope that's helpful

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