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Everything posted by p10ppy

  1. Bullets And BBs

    looking good geezer205 let me know if you need any references for the N, I or V theres not much info around but i "think" I've finally amassed most of them I have a nearly finished MoS V and a started MoS I but the new bits are untextured and knowing me are still some time away from release (they have been it that state for some time) The massive variations in the windscreens and gun mount types of the Russian and RFC machines i seem to remember was giving me grief... Your service numbers and dates look about right to me, I think the 48 figure for the MoS N is both FAM and RFC combined The RFC also used the V (12) during the Somme offensive and i think many of the most unfavorable reports on the aircraft relate to this model (much heavier) Really looking forward to seeing them Especially the BB :yes:
  2. Finally its sorta kinda of finished Thanks to all those who have helped with advice And Thanks especially to TK for such a wonderful game and open design Caveats Its a polygon / texture heavy model, my rather ancient PC copes ok, but I'd suggest disabling the shadow (the shadow model screws up the damage textures as well) The Cockpit is especially over modelled but you learn from your mistakes There's a lot of outer skin colour used in the cockpit (which does not swap with the skin, see the above about mistakes and learning) I've included a black version of the cockpit as well, just copy over the required files if you love flying the black aircraft and copy back the red when you want to chance back (optional) Cockpit is almost certainly over equipped with instruments for the era (I was having fun) The RFC Skin should go with an aircraft with a Lewis gun rather than the Hotchkiss (I'm slowly getting around to making the Lewis gun) so this is just a stand-in FM is not very accurate; I went down the whole Loftin / Eberhardt route of estimating performance based on published figures, and got a FM that probably was reasonably representational, However (big however) That FM was slaughtered by existing FM’s and the AI really couldn't do much with it at all. (All was not lost though; I did learn a whole lot about aerodynamics quickly) With the current flight model the aircraft is much easier to fly and the AI can "cope"with it (The AI still seems to hit less than other with other aircraft) In all probability I"ve made the FM to good trying to help the AI Note: I've only used the FM on hard flight settings Constructive criticism appreciated Morane-Saulnier N "Bullet" Specifications Prototype: June 1914 Service Start: April 1915 Service End: Late 1916 Numbers Built: ~49 Engine: Le Rhône 9C 80 HP Rotary Length: 5.83m Height: 2.5m Wingspan: 8.242m Wing area: 11m2 Empty Weight: 188 Kg Loaded Weight: 444 Kg Speed Sea-level: 144 to 152 Kph Flight Endurance: 1h 30min Ceiling: 4000m Armament: 1 x 8mm Hotchkiss Mle 1909 144 rounds total Cockpit Instruments RPM Gauge Pressure Altimetre Gimballed Magnetic Compass Waypoint needle Pulsometre Fuel Glass Clock Loadouts Flight leader streamers Units Escadrille 159 Escadrille 390 Escadrille 394 60 Squadron RFC Installation Unrar the MOS-N.rar to a temp folder Copy the moraneN folder and its contents to your ThirdwireWWIObjectsAircraft (your path may differ) Copy all the files under the Sounds folder to the ThirdwireWWISounds folder Open your SOUNDLIST.INI (ThirdwireWWIFlight folder) in a text editor and add at the bottom [hotchkiss] Priority=NORMAL Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=4 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=FALSE MaxDist=1000.000000 MinDist=50.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=0 [lerhone] Priority=LOW 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=TRUE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=4 FrequencyControl=TRUE MaxDist=1500.000000 MinDist=100.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=0 Copy all files under the Weapons folder to the ThirdwireWWIObjectsWeapons folder. IMPORTANT NOTE, I've included my weapondata.ini and my weapondata.dat for ease, It should contain all the available munitions to date + the streamer for the Morane, If you have added your own things to your weapons folder do not copy my weapondata files to your weapons folder, rather add the streamer_red.LOD info to your files in the established way. Thanks for your patience PS get it here (CombatAce
  3. "WindLoop" sound: Help please?

    confirmed 218mph deadstick in a spad13 [WindSoundOpen] [WindSoundClosed] don't seem to work (from my understanding) i presume that open/closed refer to the cockpit type? Note that the earlier titles (WOV at least) do not have these parametre groupings thanks for the persistence Tailspin
  4. "WindLoop" sound: Help please?

    No go here either (and i have fiddled with it ) Its probably a soundcard issue if others have a windloop sound Realtek AC97 (VIA) and a 5.1 setup here Its a pretty old setup, but seems to be fully functional apart from this...
  5. "WindLoop" sound: Help please?

    I played with this a wee bit a while ago (long while) I never got it to work... either its broke or windloop is for some other game event (not the one obvious to the strut and wire peeps) maybe a orphan from something in the jet sims.... the whole sound thing is a bit arcane so i could easily be wrong (love to be wrong) we could do with a whole lot of new sound files (hisso, DIII, etc) imho
  6. Salmson Ailerons Offset

    try removing Pcpilot's SALMSON2A_DATA.INI from the Salmson folder.... (or renaming it) It looks very different from the latest (post-addon, post-patch) SALMSON2A_DATA.INI TK has obviously changed stuff Don't know if it will break anything else, Pcpilot doesn't say much about what he changed in the DATA.INI (nothing is really necessary for a pit iirc)
  7. sorry TE = Terrain editor
  8. Aye still working on it Its pretty near finished, just got to sort out the Fm and loadouts (and fiddle with the pit a little more) Ran out of energy for it tho, so am having a wee break from aircraft... bitten by the TE bug (more of a disease really ) thought it would be a nice way to relax after work... easily distracted....
  9. easiest thing to try is to alter the aircraftobject.ini near the top [GameObjectData] MinSystemHitChance=25 VolumeStructurePoint=1000////this is the "hitpoints" for a given structure multiplied by the area of that structure (min/maxextents) Elasticity=0.2 the jet sims seem to use 5000 as a number and ground objects (usually bigger) use 10 Ymmv
  10. First Eagles Patch is Out

    I haven't patched yet so I'm just guessing but if the Aircraftobject.ini isnt the problem check out the first few posts in this thread http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=27423
  11. thanks Crusader I will give the [FlightControl] ... GunBoresightAngle=1.0 <---------- here ( to tell the AI where the gun aims ) a go in FE, see how it goes No left/right tho? guess thats unusual (single off set gun,centred sight)
  12. Voisin3.jpg

    From the album FE Wips

  13. Just a word of caution regarding aimangles I think it was B Bandy RFC who “discovered” this Aimangles physically alters the firing angle of the gun I think (no longer parallel with the aircraft) Which is great for lining guns up with the player’s cockpit sight (or weapons that actually are angled in RL) But the AI doesn’t seem to use that sight (how the AI does sight is unknown to me ) and consequently can’t seem to hit the side of a barn from the inside Caveats Imperially tested and seems to be the case in FE on hard mode FE’s targets a smaller, our ROF is less, and guns are the only AtoA weapon so YMMV with other theatres Zeroing the aimangles fixed a lot of headaches I was having with blind AI
  14. Guessing a little And it has nothing to do with the FE addon, so if it worked pre-addon I have no idea Looks like both the external and internal cockpit frames are showing Try playing with either the OpenCockpit=TRUE in the cockpit.ini (never was sure what this actually does to be honest) Or tagging the exterior models cockpit frame mesh in the Data.ini with a ShowFromCockpit=FALSE, you may need to add a new Component to do that but it should work clip distance is a pretty coarse way of dealing with it but if all else fails you may be able to get ExternalClipDistMin=xx or InternalClipDistMin=xx in the cockpit.ini to work normally in FE these things would be parented to the external cockpit node in max and HideExternalNodeName=cockpit in the cockpit.ini would sort it I’d start with the ShowFromCockpit in the data ini if you haven't got the max model to check the hierarchy hope that helps As to FMs WW2 is alot closer to WW1 than jets imho
  15. Looking for info on insignia for the French Voisin units specifically the early Voisins (3, 4, 5) got a few photo's but not much variety (and no colour) any help would be appreciated :yes: thanks
  16. Voisin Decal help

    thanks guys that sites real nice Sinbad (good descriptions) I think (maybe ) I've exhausted the net...(famous last words) So i was just checking if anyone had any nice book references before i got to carried away with the skin/decaling I think it was christian59 who mentioned THE book on escadrille insignia a while ago I've been coveting it for a while but cant really justify the price for a book that i'm too dumb to read http://www.aerostories.org/~aerobiblio/article693.html Checksix may be a good idea, how are they with dense anglish ? thanks again
  17. wondering if you mind other iterations of TK's game? (FE) and how much of a screenshot does it have to be? Heavy manipulation ok? thanks
  18. Voisin Decal help

    all still a little way off I'm afraid (but getting steadily closer) Voisin4 (canon) is unstarted but "shouldn't" be tooo big a convert.... Thanks Gr.Viper got some of those but not all seems they were fairly unadorned, which is surprising given other French aircraft Maybe its because they were earlier, or just not as photogenic
  19. SPAD_XII_SS.jpg

    From the album FE Wips

  20. SPAD7_180_SS.jpg

    From the album FE Wips

  21. MoN_SS.jpg

    From the album FE Wips

  22. umm that might have been a misleading post on my part I only have the Spad installed out of those aircraft (thirdwire) I'd be interested to know if other people have older 3rd party FMs going in the addon as well I'm still finding it hard to rationalise the changes between the flight engines...
  23. look good :yes: top of my head.... Pup for sure Nports (especially the N16, apparently it was a pretty awful scout so the used it for Balloon chasing) don't know about the N28 Be12 (homeland defense) probably or the homeland defense craft (be2 etc) brits were pretty keen on them for anti zepp (no successes tho....) Spad XIII Farman HF 20/21 seen pictures/drawing of the above craft (of course that doesn't mean they were used often) think you could probably assume almost anything may have tried them (Farman ) It was a pretty crude field mod and probably didn't need long to fit or remove Italy and Belgium used them too (don't know about the Hanriot) Incendiary rounds generally replaced them late war....(what ever late means)
  24. 37mm guns are up.

    its good thank for this sky is hectic
  25. New Le Prieur Rockets for the FE-Addon Spad VII 180 I did them in a bit of a weird way to… Stop the AI jettisoning them Give them an upward trajectory on launch Caveats You can’t launch them in groups or all at once (they seemed to be historically bulk fired) Never seen the AI use them (did the AI use them pre Addon?) They are REALLY inaccurate, on purpose; use a lot of them from about 150 metres… Included are a: New Spad_180_data.ini (with the weapon stations added) New Spad_180.ini (with the loadout file added) New Spad_180_Loadout.ini Le_Prieur_map.bmp Le_Prieur_Rocket.LOD Le_Prieur_Tube.LOD REMEMBER TO BACKUP YOUR FILES BEFORE USING THESE ONES You will have to extract the WEAPONDATA.INI and the WEAPONDATA.DAT from the ObjectData.CAT if you haven’t already and place them in a folder called “Weapons” in the “objects” folder (you may have to make the “Weapons” folder) Place the Le_Prieur_map.bmp, Le_Prieur_Rocket.LOD, and Le_Prieur_Tube.LOD in the “Weapons” folder has well The Spad_180XXX.ini files go in the “Aircraft/SPAD7_180” folder Open the WEAPONDATA.INI in a text editor and add to the bottom ///////////////////////////////////////////////// [WeaponData025] TypeName=LePrieurRocket FullName=Le Prieur Rocket ModelName=Le_Prieur_Rocket Mass=5.000000 Diameter=0.050000 Length=0.356000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.320000 SupersonicDragCoeff=2.769000 AttachmentType=NATO,USAF,UK,FRANCE SpecificStationCode= NationName=FRANCE StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=24 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=2 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=FALSE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE FinStabilized=FALSE SpinStabilized=FALSE HasGrowl=FALSE EffectClassName=SmallRocketEffects ReleaseDelay=0.000000 WarheadType=0 Explosives=1.040000 FusingDistance=5.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=0 Accuracy=90 MaxTurnRate=0.000000 MaxLaunchG=2.500000 LockonChance=0 LaunchReliability=50 ArmingTime=0.500000 SeekerFOV=0.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=0.000000 SeekerTrackRate=0.000000 SeekerRange=0.000000 MinLaunchRange=0.000000 MaxLaunchRange=0.000000 Duration=60.000000 CounterCountermeasure=20.000000 NoiseRejection=10.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x00000000 LoftAngle=0.000000 DescentAngle=0.000000 MaxLoftAltitude=0.000000 CLmax=0.800000 MinFreq=0.000000 MaxFreq=0.000000 BoosterStart=0.000000 BoosterDuration=2.000000 BoosterAccel=26.000000 BoosterEffectName=RocketFireEffect BoosterSoundName=Rocket BoosterNodeName= BoosterPosition=0.000000,0.012000,-0.029000 SustainerDuration=0.000000 SustainerAccel=0.000000 SustainerEffectName= SustainerSoundName= SustainerPosition=0.000000,0.012000,-0.029000 InFlightEffectName=RocketInFlightEffect InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=-1 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000 [WeaponData026] TypeName=LePrieurTube FullName=Le Prieur Tube ModelName=Le_Prieur_Tube Mass=4.000000 Diameter=0.020000 Length=1.570000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.100000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType=NATO,FRANCE SpecificStationCode= NationName=FRANCE StartYear=1915 EndYear=1919 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=200 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1914 ExportEndYear=1919 ExportAvailability=2 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=0.001000 Asymmetrical=FALSE ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Note [WeaponData0XX] should be sequential with any thing you already have there After you have saved that, Open the extracted WEAPONDATA.INI in the NEW weapons editor and hit save That should be all Enjoy and feel free to mod it for other aircraft :yes: the readme has info for attaching them to other craft Note they are in the CombatACE Forum > Downloads > Thirdwire Series (SF/WOV/WOE/WWI) > Weapons Mods/Skins > area so you wont see it announced in the FE section (when it gets approved)

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